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江丕賢(2019.12)。出席國際學術會議,“Asymmetry in the acquisition of locational and directional prepositional constructions in second language English by adult L1 Chinese speakers.” A paper presented at the International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education (IConMAME)。The Education University of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2019.12)。出席國際學術會議,“Incompleteness in adult subsequent language acquisition.” A keynote speech delivered at the 2019 Annual Luncheon of the Chartered Institute of Linguistics Hong Kong Society (CIOLHKS)。The Salisbury YMCA of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2019.06)。出席國際學術會議,“The acquisition of locational and directional prepositional constructions in English by adult Chinese speakers.” A paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies。Caritas Institute of Higher Education,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2018.12)。出席國際學術會議,“The acquisition of locational and directional prepositional constructions in English by adult Chinese speakers.” A paper presented at the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum。City University of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2018.07)。出席國際學術會議,“The definite and indefinite articles asymmetry in adult Chinese speakers’ L2 English.” A paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar。Sorbonne Paris Cité University,FRA, 法國。
江丕賢(2018.06)。出席國際學術會議,“The definite and indefinite articles asymmetry in adult Chinese speakers’ L2 English.” A paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies。The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2017.06)。出席國際學術會議,“Single and multiple wh-questions asymmetry in adult Chinese speakers’ L2 English.” A paper presented at the Third International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies。Open University of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2016.09)。出席國際學術會議,“Asymmetrical interpretation of single and multiple wh-questions by adult Chinese speakers of advanced L2 English.” A paper presented at the Pacific Second Languages Research Forum。Chuo University,JPN, 日本。
江丕賢(2016.06)。出席國際學術會議,“Accounting for the asymmetrical interpretation of thematic and non-thematic verbs in L2 English.” A paper presented at the Second International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies。Hong Kong Shue Yan University,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2015.12)。出席國際學術會議,“Unaccusative and unergative verbs in L2 English.” A paper presented at the CAES International Conference: Faces of English: Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy。The University of Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2015.07)。出席國際學術會議,“Unaccusative and unergative verbs in L2 English.” A paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Bilingual studies.。CKS College, Manila, The Philippines,PHL, 菲律賓。
江丕賢(2015.02)。出席國際學術會議,“The acquisition of thematic and non-thematic verbs in L2 English by adult Chinese speakers.” A paper presented at 2015 Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Meeting.。The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2013.12)。出席國內學術會議,(2013) “The Non-Droppability of uninterpretable features in Second Language Acquisition: on the interpretation of resumptive pronouns in L2 Chinese.” A paper presented at 2013 Linguistic Society of Taiwan Annual Meeting.。National Taiwan Normal University,TWN, 台灣。
江丕賢(2013.12)。出席國際學術會議,“Typological primacy and the acquisition of early L3 French DPs.” A paper presented at 2013 Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Meeting.。Hong Kong Polytechnic University,HKG, 香港。
江丕賢(2012.12)。出席國內學術會議,“The interpretation of L3 French and L3 Spanish pronouns by advanced L2 English learners of L1 Chinese.” A paper presented at the 2012 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.。National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,TWN, 台灣。
江丕賢(2012.07)。出席國際學術會議,“Long and short passives in English speakers’ L2 Chinese.” A paper presented at 5th Annual International Conference on Literature, Languages and Linguistics.。Athens, Greece,GRC, 希臘。
江丕賢(2010.12)。出席國內學術會議,Wang, J. and S. Kong. “The acquisition of English articles by adult Chinese speakers.” A paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation.。National Changhua University,TWN, 台灣。
江丕賢(2009.12)。出席國內學術會議,“Count-Mass distinctions in Chinese and English.” A paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation.。National Changhua University, Taiwan,TWN, 台灣。
江丕賢(2008.12)。出席國內學術會議,“The interpretation of Chinese monomorphemic and polymorphemic anaphors by adult English speakers.” A paper presented at the 3rd Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation.。National Changhua University, Taiwan,TWN, 台灣。
江丕賢(2007.09)。出席國際學術會議,“The asymmetrical matrix-embedded null subjects in L2 Chinese.” A paper presented at the 5th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics。Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany),DEU, 德國。
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