江丕賢,黃郁欣 (2024.11). On the acquisition of tense and agreement in L2 English by adult speakers of L1 Chinese. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 62(4), 2173-2197.
32筆資料 more...
(江丕賢)* (2023.06). The acquisition of L3 French present simple and present progressive by adult L1 Chinese speakers of L2 English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 61(2), 655-689.
(江丕賢)* (2022.10). An asymmetry in the acquisition of English definite and indefinite articles by Chinese speakers of L2 English. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 20(2), 51-89.
(江丕賢)* (2021.07). Single and multiple wh-questions asymmetry in adult Chinese speakers’ L2 English. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 19(2), 33-84.
(江丕賢)* (2021.01). Adult Chinese speakers’ acquisition of locational and directional prepositional constructions in second language English. Lingua, 249(102993), 1-19.
(江丕賢)* (2020.07). Passives in Chinese speakers' L2 English. Lingua, 240(102836), 1-13.
(江丕賢)* (2019.09). Accounting for the asymmetrical interpretation of thematic and non-thematic verbs in L2 English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 57(3), 327-353.
(江丕賢)* (2018.01). Unaccusative and unergative verbs in L2 English. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 46(1), 199-225.
Stano Kong (2017.03). The thematic and non-thematic verbs asymmetry in L2 Chinese: an abstract features non-droppability account. Lingua, 188, 1-18.
(江丕賢)* (2016.09). The role of formal features in the acquisition of early L3 French DPs by adult Chinese speakers of L2 English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 54(3), 171-199.
(江丕賢)* (2016.06). The thematic verb movement in initial L3 French acquisition. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 14(2), 77-103.
Stano Kong (2015.06). L3 initial state: typological primacy driven, L2 factor determined, or L1 feature oriented?. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 13(2), 79-117.
Stano Kong (2014.06). Long and short passives in English speakers’ L2 Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 42(2), 400-430.
Jack Wang and Stano Kong (2012.06). The acquisition of English articles by adult Chinese speakers. Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, 8, 55-74.
Stano Kong(2012.06)。Adult English speakers’ acquisition of Chinese count-mass classifiers。Journal of Chinese Linguistics,40.2,442-477。
Stano Kong(2011.12)。The Non-Droppability of uninterpretable features in Second Language Acquisition: on the interpretation of resumptive pronouns in L2 Chinese。Taiwan Journal of Linguistics,9(2),159-194。
Stano Kong(2011.06)。Monomorphemic and polymorphemic anaphors in L2 Chinese。Journal of Chinese Linguistics,39(2),451-477。
Stano Kong (2011.03). Apparent target-like performance VS underlying grammatical representations of native speakers: on the interpretation of count-mass L2 Chinese classifiers. Soochow Journal of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 32, 1-24.
Stano Kong (2010.01). Count-mass distinction in Chinese and English. Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, Chunghua, 6, 99-118.
Stano Kong (2010.01). Count-mass distinction in Chinese and English. Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, 6, 99-118.
Stano Kong (2009.09). The interpretation of Chinese monomorphemic and polymorphemic anaphors by adult English speakers. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 45-62.
Stano Kong (2009.09). The interpretation of Chinese monomorphemic and polymorphemic anaphors by adult English speakers. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 45-62.
Stano Kong (2009.03). Japanese CSL learners’ interpretation of the Chinese monomorphemic and polymorphemic reflexives. Soochow Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 28, 1-29.
Stano Kong (2009.03). Topichood and the acquisition of matrix-embedded null subjects in L2 Chinese. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11(2), 15-34.
Stano Kong (2008.08). Transfer with no parameter resetting: on the interpretation of Chinese subjects. Tunghai Journal of Humanities, 49, 333-352.
Stano Kong (2008.07). Second language acquisition of the monomorphemic ziji by adult English speakers. Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, 3, 45-58.
Stano Kong (2008.02). The symmetrical embedded subjects and objects in L2 English. Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures, 9(1), 1-17.
Stano Kong (2007.07). English speakers and the asymmetrical matrix-embedded null subjects in L2 Chinese.. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 33(2), 23-52.
Stano Kong (2007.02). The matrix-embedded subject asymmetry in L2 English: a pilot study.. Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures, 8(1), 1-28.
Stano Kong (2005.07). The partial access of Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition: an investigation of the acquisition of English subjects by L1 Chinese speakers.. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 14, 227-265.
Stano Kong (2001.03). L1 Chinese speakers and asymmetry of null matrix and embedded subjects in their L2 English.. Essex Graduate Student Papers in Language and Linguistics, 3, 59-70.
Stano Kong (2007.09). The asymmetrical matrix-embedded null subjects in L2 Chinese.. Paper presented at The 5th conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Germany: Max Planck
Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig.
Stano Kong (2007.06). adult learners’ acquisition of matrix-embedded null subjects in L2 Chinese.. Paper presented at The International Conference on TESOL and Translation, Changhua County: Da Yeh University.
Stano Kong; Liling Chuang (2003.09). Unlearning overt arguments: the acquisition of null arguments in Chinese by speakers of Japanese and English.. Paper presented at The 3rd Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Belgium: Ghent University.