Ta-Chen Lin (林大溱) and Ya-Hsun Lee (2017.10). Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of Semi-Batch Acetone–Butanol–Ethanol Fermentation with In-situ Pervaporation Membrane Separations. Smart Science, 5(4), 179-193.
Antonis C. Kokossis, Aidong Yang, Marinella Tsakalova, and Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱)*(2013.02)。生質精煉化學品最適化製造途徑之整合供應鏈系統決策資訊平臺。台灣化學工程會刊,60(1),45-54。
17筆資料 more...
1,* 林大溱、2梁昭隆、2王貽莆、2石志雄(2023.12)。生態工業園區整合能源網路原始系統於無高峰電需求之傳統粒子群演算法結合線性規劃最佳化。論文發表於2023再生能源與國家安全學術研討會
暨第三十二屆台灣太陽能及新能源學會年會及論壇,北科大集思會議中心 2F感恩廳:台 灣 太 陽 能 及 新 能 源 學 會 SOLAR AND NEW ENERGY SOCIETY OF TAIWAN。
Chaolong Liang(梁召隆), Yipu Wang(王貽莆), Chihhsiong Shih (石志雄) and Ta-Chen Lin (林大溱)* (2023.12). Eco-Industrial Networks in Original Reference System without Cooling Input and Peak Demand Optimization by Traditional Particle Swarm Optimization with Linear Programming. Paper presented at 2023 TwIChE台灣化學工程學會, 國立台灣大學 綜合教學館/ 普通教學館: 國立臺灣大學化學工程學系.
Yipu Wang(王貽莆), Chaolong Liang(梁召隆), Chihhsiong Shih (石志雄), Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱) (2023.11). Eco-Industrial Networks in Centralized Heat and Power System without Peak Demand and Cooling Input Optimization by Simulated Annealing with Linear Programming. Paper presented at International Conference on Smart Devices and Sustainable Energy (SDSE 2023), Innovation Building, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei city.: Ming Chi University of Technology.
Yipu Wang(王貽莆), Chaolong Liang(梁召隆), Chihhsiong Shih(石志雄) and Ta-Chen Lin (林大溱)* (2023.10). Eco-Industrial Networks in Original Reference System with Cooling Input and Peak Demand Optimization by Simulated Annealing with Linear Programming. Paper presented at 2023 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Tainan, Taiwan.: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Tainan, Taiwan..
1,* Ta-Chen Lin (林大溱), 2 Chihhsiong Shih (石志雄), 2 Chaolong Liang (梁召隆) and 2 Yipu Wang (王貽莆) (2023.08). Eco-Industrial Networks in Original Reference System without Peak Demand and Cooling Input Optimization by Simulated Annealing with Linear Programming. Paper presented at The 36th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 國立金門大學 理工大樓: 國立金門大學 - National Quemoy University
中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會 ( IPPR ).
Yen-Jen Shih, Bing-Yen Tsai, Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱), Shueh-Hen Cheng(程學恒)* (2019.11). Predicting Properties of Green Refrigerants by Cubic Equations of State Comparative Investigation and Enhanced Performance via Multi-Objective Optimization. Paper presented at 2019台灣化學工程學會66周年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 東海⼤學: 台灣化學⼯程學會
Shueh-Hen Cheng(程學恒), Chi-Hao Lo, Wan-Ru Fang, Chi-Chang Tsai, Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱)* (2018.11). Optimal Design of a Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexane Process in the Presence of Uncertainties. Paper presented at The 6th International Workshop on Process Intensification (IWPI 2018), Taipei, Taiwan: Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University.
Shueh-Hen Cheng(程學恒), Jun-Rui Liu, and Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱)* (2018.10). Multi-Period Optimization in the Retrofit of Combined Heat and Power(CHP) Systems. Paper presented at 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2018 ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST).
Shueh-Hen Cheng(程學恒), Chi-Hao Lo, Wan-Ru Fang, Chi-Chang Tsai, Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱)* (2018.05). Modelling and Optimal Design of Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexane Process. Paper presented at 2018 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, Tainan: 臺灣大學化學工程學系.臺灣大學石油化學工業研究中心.
Ya-Hsun Lee, Chih-Hsuan Peng and Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱)* (2017.11). Dynamic Optimization of Semi-Batch Bio-Reactors with in-situ Membrane Separations. Paper presented at 2017台灣化學工程學會64週年年會, 國立臺北科技大學: 台灣化學工程學會.
Ta-Chen Lin*(林大溱), Ya-Hsun Lee (2017.05). Dynamic Optimization of Semi-Batch Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Fermentation with in-situ Pervaporation Membrane Separations. Paper presented at The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP 2017), Taipei,Taiwan: Petrochemical Research Center
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Taiwan University.
Shueh-Hen Cheng(程學恒), Chi-Hao Lo, Ta-Chen Lin*(林大溱) (2017.05). Use of Confidence Region in the Optimal Design of a Separation Process in the Presence of Uncertainties. Paper presented at The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan: Petrochemical Research Center
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Taiwan University.
彭志軒 、林大溱 *(2014.12)。半批次甘油產琥珀酸生物反應器結合液態膜分離之動態最佳化。論文發表於2014 台灣化學工程學會61 週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會(摘要、海報),元智大學五館彥公廳:台灣化學工程學會。
YA-HSUN LEE, TA-CHEN LIN(林大溱)* (2014.06). DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF SEMI-BATCH ACETONE-BUTANOL-METHANOL FERMANTATION PROCESS. Paper presented at 2014 Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering of BEST (Abstract、Poster), 東海大學 人文大樓: 社團法人中華生化工程學會.
CHIH-HSUAN PENG and TA-CHEN LIN(林大溱)* (2014.06). DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF SEMI-BATCH GLYCEROL TO SUCCINIC ACID BIO-REACTORS. Paper presented at 2014 Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering of BEST, 東海大學(人文大樓): 社團法人中華生化工程學會.
Antonis C. Kokossis, Aidong Yang, Marinella Tsakalova, and Ta-Chen Lin(林大溱) (2012.12). 章名:Biorefinery Product and Process Design
篇名: Systematic Screening of Multiple Processing Paths in Biorefineries: The ABC (Accessing Biomass to Chemicals) Project and Its Potential to Build Process Synthesis Capabilities. In Paul R. Stuart, Mahmoud El-Halwagi (Ed.), Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization. (pp. 37-58). : CRC Press.(ISBN:9781439803462 - CAT# K10194)