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賴英娟、巫博瀚*(2019.12)。國小學童所知覺到的教師自主支持 vs 心理控制、自我決定動機及學業情緒對學習投入之影響。教育與心理研究 TSSCI,42(4),33-63。
賴英娟、巫博瀚*(2019.10)。課室目標結構、自我決定動機及學業情緒之關係。課程與教學季刊 TSSCI,22(4),151-173。
楊諮燕、巫博瀚、陳學志*(2013.01)。台灣心理與測驗領域六十年之回顧與展望: 《測驗年刊》與《測驗學刊》內容分析。測驗學刊TSSCI,60,11-42。
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Wu. P. H., &Lai, Y. C.* (2016.04). The effects of Maths self-concept, task-value, external attribution, student-teacher relations and teacher support on the achievement emotions: Analyzing clustered data by using multilevel modeling analysis.. Paper presented at The Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會), Washington, DC: American Education Research Association (AERA).
Lai, Y. C., & Wu. P. H.* (2016.04). The effects of academic emotion and learning engagement on the academic achievement of junior high school students. Paper presented at The Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會), Washington, DC: American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會).
Wu. P. H., & Luh, W. M. (2014, July) (2014.07). The effects of self-concept, proactive coping, and depressive mood on ,the self-identity of college students in Taiwan: using structural equation modeling.. Paper presented at the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2014 Conference, Hong Kong: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA).
Lin, T. P., & Wu. P. H., & Shih, C. L. (2014.07). The effects of students’ perceived teacher autonomy support, self-efficacy, task value, and achievement emotions on the students’ engagement of college students in Taiwan: using structural equation modeling.. Paper presented at the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2014 Conference, Hong Kong.: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA).
Lai, Y. C., Wu. P. H.*, & Cherng, B. L. (2014.04). A linear mixed model analysis of adolescents’ Math interest.. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA) (美國教育研究學會), Washington, DC: American Education Research Association (AERA) (美國教育研究學會).
Lai, Y. C., Cherng, B. L., & Wu. P. H.* (2014.04). The relationship between classroom goal structures and academic emotions: The analysis of mediated effect of self-determined motivation.. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA. (美國教育研究學會), Philadelphia, PA.: Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會).
Wu. P. H.*, & Lai, Y. C. (2012.04). A multilevel modeling analysis of Taiwanese teenagers’ academic emotions.. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (美國教育研究學會), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.: Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會).
Lai, Y. C. *, & Wu, P. H. (2011.07). The sense of Hope inventory in Chinese version for Taiwan junior high students.. Paper presented at the Second World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.: 國際正向心理學學會.
Wu, P. H.*, Luh, W. M., & Lai, Y. C. (2011.07). A longitudinal study of teenagers' development of happiness in Taiwan: An analysis of hierarchical linear growth model.. Paper presented at the Second World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.: 國際正向心理學學會.
Wu. P. H.*, Luh, W. M., & Lai, Y. C. (2010.04). The effects of perceived learning environment on the achievement emotions: Analyzing clustered data by using linear mixed models.. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO. (美國教育研究學會), Denver, CO.: American Education Research Association (AERA)(美國教育研究學會).
Lin, C. Y., & Wu, P. H.* (2009.09). Being bullied or popular in seventh-grade Taiwanese obese children.. Paper presented at the 2009 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Athens, Greece.: the World Federation for Mental Health(世界心理衛生組織).
劉開鈴、陸偉明、巫博瀚(2010.10)。全國大學院校人文教育體檢計畫問卷調查。載於劉開鈴(主編),教育部全國大學院校人文教育體檢計畫年度報告系列叢書第四輯 行政資源與整體環境:六大議題之關注(5-52頁)。台北市:五南。(ISBN:1284622209)