Chiang, Tzu-Chiang(姜自強); Chen, Chia-Hsiang (2018.12). Intelligent Three-High Diseases Home Warning System Based on Fuzzy Theory. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 38(6), 889-904.
28筆資料 more...
Tzu-Chiang Chiang,Pei-Yun Cheng, Fang-Yie Leu(呂芳懌)*(2017.09)。Prediction of technical efficiency and financial crisis of Taiwan’s information and communication technology industry with decision tree and DEA。Soft Computing,21(18),5341-5353。
Hsu, J.-M., Yu, Y.-C., Hou, T.-W., Teng, W.-G., Chiang, T.-C., Yang, M.-C. (2016.05). A Multi-Constraint Scheme with Authorized Mechanism for the Patient Safety. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(5), 123-01-123-10.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang(姜自強),Wen-Hua Liang (2015.09). A Context-Aware Interactive Health Care System Based
on Ontology and Fuzzy Inference. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, 36(9), 1-25.
Jen-Ming Hsu,Tzu-Chiang Chiang(姜自強),Yao-Chang Yu,
Wei-Guang Teng, and Ting-Wei Hou1, (2015.01). A New Energy Efficient and Reliable MedRadio Scheme Based on
Cooperative Communication for Implanted Medical Devices. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 1-11.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Chan-Yu Hsu , and Jia-Lin Chang (2013.03). Immediate Family ACK Tree for Reliable Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International journal of computer and communication engineering, 2(2), 148-152.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Jia-Lin Chang, and Shih-Wei Lin (2013.03). A Location-based Distributed Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. International journal of computer and communication engineering, 2(2), 138-142.
Yao-Chang Yu,Jen-Ming Hsu,Ting-Wei Hou,Wei-Guang Teng and Tzu-
Chiang Chiang(2013.01)。Developing an Authorization Scheme with Multiple
Constraints for Patient Safety。Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences,6(1),53-65。
Yao-Chang Yu, Ting-Wei Hou and Tzu-Chiang Chiang (2012.10). Dual Function Seal: Visualized Digital Signature for Electronic Medical Record Systems. Journal of Medical Systems, issue 5(36), 3115-3121.
Yao-Chang Yu, Ting-Wei Hou and Tzu-Chiang Chiang (2012.04). Low Cost RFID Real Lightweight Binding Proof Protocol for Medication Errors and Patient Safety. Journal of Medical Systems, issue 2(36), 823-828.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Jia-Lin Chang, and Shih-Wei Lin (2011.11). A Distributed Multicast Protocol with Location-aware for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2(129), 691-697.
Lin HY, Chiang TC (2011.03). Efficient Key Agreements in Dynamic Multicast Height Balanced Tree for Secure Multicast Communications in Ad Hoc Networks. EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, , -.
Tai CF, Chiang TC, Hou TW (2011.03). A virtual subnet scheme on clustering algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks
networks. Expert Systems With Applications, 38(3), 2099-2019.
Chiang Tzu-Chiang,Lin Hua-Yi, Jia-Lin Chang (2010.07). A rendezvous-location based multicast secure communication
in ad hoc networks. Advanced Materials Research, 121-122, 657-662.
Lin Hua-Yi, Chiang Tzu-Chiang (2010.07). Intrusion detection mechanisms based on queuing theory in
remote distribution sensor networks. Advanced Materials Research, 121-12, 58-63.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang,Cheng-Feng Tai,Ting-Wei Hou (2009.05). A Knowledge-based Inference Multicast Protocol using Adaptive Fuzzy Petri Nets. Expert Systems With Applications, 36(4), 8115-8123.
Cheng-Liang Lin, Ting-Wei Hou, Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Cheng-Feng Tai (2009.05). Adaptive and intelligent path discovery on-demand for wireless networks using service composition. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(4), 8667-8675.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Cheng-Feng Tai, Ting-Wei Hou (2009.01). Adaptive two-way uniform partition for multicast routing problem with separate paths in ad hoc networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(1), 8639-8649.
Liu CH, Chiang TC, Huang YM (2007.11). Assessment of effectiveness of web-based training on demand. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 15(3), 217-235.
Huang YM, Tsai MH, Chiang TC (2007.10). Reliable cross-layer multicast with local backtracking for improving transmission control protocol performance in ad hoc networks. IET COMMUNICATIONS, 1(5), 887-892.
Hsieh MY, Huang YM, Chiang TC (2007.08). Transmission of layered video streaming via multi-path on ad hoc networks. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 34(2), 155-177.
Huang YM, Chiang TC, Hou TW (2006.08). A partition network model for ad hoc networks in overlay environments. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 6(5), 711-725.
Jiunn Leu Y, Tsai MH, Chiang TC, Huang YM(2006.08)。Adaptive power-aware clustering and multicasting protocol for mobile ad hoc networks。LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE,4159,331-340。
Tsai MH, Chiang TC, Huang YM (2006.06). Reliable transporting and optimal routing on rate-based for ad hoc networks. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 4097, 112-121.
Tzu-Chinag Chiang,Po-Yin Chang and Y.M. Huang (2006.04). Scheduling Multi-Processor Tasks with Resource and Timing Constraints Using Particle Swarm Optimization. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 6(4), 71-77.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang,Ching-Hung Yeh and Y.M. Huang (2006.01). A virtual subnet protocol for mobile ad hoc networks using forwarding cache scheme. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 6(1), 108-115.
Y.M. Huang, Tzu-Chiang Chiang and T.W. Hou (2005.08). An Efficient Encoding Tree for Location-Aware Multicast Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Internet Technology, 6(1), -.
Tsai MH, Chiang TC, Huang YM(2005.08)。On scalability and mobility management of hierarchical large-scale ad hoc networks。LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE,3823,714-723。
5筆資料 more...
Fenglien Lee ,Daisy F. Sang, Tzu-Chiang Chiang (2014.11). An Efficient Algorithm for Route Discovery and Mobility Management on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Paper presented at The 17th IEEE International Conference on
Computational Science and Engineering(CSE2014), 成都: IEEE.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang a, Han-Lin Pai a , James Jiunn-Yin Leu b and Shan-Yang Wang c (2014.10). Web Site Optimization of Performance and Security Issues by Using the PHP CodeIgniter and Model-View-Controller Patterns. Paper presented at 2014 ACEAT-Osaka Conference, Osaka: ACEAT-Osaka Conference.
Chiang Tzu-Chiang, Jia-Lin Chang and Sha-Pai Li (2013.06). Greedy Geographical Void Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. Paper presented at ICIE 2013 : International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Paris, France June 27-28, 2013, 法國巴黎: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Limited.
Tzu-Chiang Chiang, Chan-Yu Hsu and Jia-Lin Chang (2012.10). Immediate Family ACK tree for Reliable Multicast in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on Communication and
Network Security ����ICCNS 2012, Wuhan, China: 武漢大學.