Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠)* (2023.03). Blended cross-tier language teacher development: Designing online video-based pragmatic assessment. English Teaching & Learning (英語教學期刊), 47, 21-46.
15筆資料 more...
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠) and Robert Kleinsasser* (2023.03). Multiple Perspectives with Online EFL Practicum Technology Learning: Case Study on a Cloud. TechTrends, 67(2), 342-353.
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠) and Jung-Hsuan Chang (2018.03). When Eastern and Western CFL Learners Make Requests and Refusals: The Issue of Cultural Backgrounds. Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literature, 18(1), 1-34.
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠)*, Yu-wen Liao & Valdis Gauss (2017.09). EFL learners’ use of modifications in making requests:Pragmalinguistic and sociopragmantic perspectives. NCUE Journal of Humanities (國立彰化師範大學文學院學報), 16, 101-130.
Mei-hui Liu (劉美惠)* (2016.07). Blending a class video blog to optimize student learning outcomes in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 30, 44-53.
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠)*, Robert C. Kleinsasser (2015.02). Exploring EFL teachers’ CALL knowledge and competencies: In-service program perspectives. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 119-138.
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠)*, Robert C. Kleinsasser (2014.08). Fostering Online Professional Development Between EFL Preservice and Inservice Teachers: Affordances and Challenges. 英語教學 (English Teaching & Learning), 38(2), 29-64.
Robert C. Kleinsasser*,Mei Hui Liu (劉美惠) (2013.08). Context Perspectives in a Taiwan Junior High School. Teaching and Teacher Education, 34, 143-153.
Mei-hui Liu (2012.08). Discussing teaching videocases online: Perspectives of preservice and inservice EFL teachers in Taiwan. Computers & Education, 59(1), 120-133.
Mei-Hui Liu (2009.11). Exploring the impact of EFL teacher professional development on student learning experience in context. The International Journal of Learning, 16(10), 521-535.
Mei-hui Liu (2009.11). Exploring the impact of EFL teacher professional development on studetn learning experience in context. The International Journal of Learning, 16(10), 521-535.
劉美惠 (2009.08). Rethinking grammar instruction: Processing Instruction (PI) as a potential alternative approach. Studies in English and Literature, 1(24), 107-130.
Mei-Hui, Liu (2008.12). Intergrating an online learning community into non-major freshman English instruction.. College English: Issues and Trends, , 127-153.
Farn Shing Chen, Ying Ming Lin, Mei Hui Liu (2007.04). The development of an inventory to assess the problem-solving attitude of industrial high school students. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 6(1), 173-176.
Robert C. Kleinsasser, Kerry Elliott, Mei Hui Liu (2003.05). Aussie!Aussie!Aussie! L2!L3!L4!-- Inspiring language learning and maintaining our common wealth. Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations Inc., 37(3), 30-34.
9筆資料 more...
(劉美惠)* (2021.08). Preservice CFL Teachers’ Professional Development in Online Pragmatic Instruction:
Application of Task-based Language Teaching Approach. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2021 Conference, Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France: 歐洲電腦輔助語言教學協會.
(劉美惠)* (2021.07). CFL Students’ Online Speech Act Learning Experience. Paper presented at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language Teaching, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (因應COVID-19 疫情而緊急更改為線上研討會): 世界華語文教育協會.
(劉美惠)* (2019.08). Online Peer Assessment on Enhancing College Language Learners’ Intercultural Pragmatic Competence. Paper presented at The 18th Biennial EARLI Conference, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen University.
(劉美惠)* (2019.05). Student Learning Experience in Online Video-based Pragmatic Assessment. Paper presented at The 36th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning., Tunghai University, Taichung: 東海大學外文系.
(劉美惠)* (2018.08). Cross-tier Collaboration between Preservice and Inservice EFL Teachers in Designing Online Video-based Pragmatic Assessment. Paper presented at The 26th EUROCALL Conference 2018, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä.
(劉美惠)* (2017.07). Preservice EFL Teachers in a Blended Professional Development Program: Learning to Teach Speech Acts. Paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Educational Technology and Computer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: The World Academy.
Mei-hui Liu (劉美惠) (2011.12). Perspective EFL teachers’ field experience in an online support community. Paper presented at The 12th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research.
Mei-Hui, Liu (2008.08). Intergrating collaborative action research into student teacher supervision. Paper presented at 2008 Australian Teacher Education Association(ATEA) Conference, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia: Australian Teacher Education Association.
Mei-hui Liu (2007.10). Why portfolio assessment matters? An example from university students in a language testing and assessment course. Paper presented at 國立臺中技術學院應用英語系2007年國際學術研討會, 國立臺中技術學院: 國立臺中技術學院應用英語系.
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Mei-hui Liu (劉美惠)* and Robert C. Kleinsasser (2023.05). Pre-Service Chinese Foreign Language Teachers in Blended CALL Preparation Program: Case Study in Taiwan. In Dara Tafazoli & Michelle Picard (Ed.), Handbook of CALL Teacher Education and Professional Development:
Voices from Under-Represented Contexts (pp. 31-48). Singapore: Springer.(ISBN:978-981-99-0513-3)
Mei-Hui Liu (劉美惠)* (2016.07). Mentoring Preservice EFL Teachers for Technology Integration: A Cloud-Based Internship Project. In Chin-Hsi Lin, Dongbo Zhang, & Binbin Zheng (Ed.), Preparing Foreign Language Teachers for Next-Generation Education (pp. 175-197). Hershey PA, USA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).(ISBN:9781522504832)
(2011.12). Perspective EFL teachers’ field experience in an online support community. In Lee, S. L. & Tuzlukova, V. (Ed.), Language, learning and teaching (pp. 207-218). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research.(ISBN:978-960-9549-67-7)
(2010.11). Learning English from online advertisements: An electronic portfolio project. In Chan, W. M., Chin, K. N., Nagami, M. & Suthiwan, T. (Ed.), Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 313-354). Singapore: National University of Singapore.(ISBN:978-981-08-7106-2)