Sheng-Cheng Lin and Xuan-Ru Zheng (2023.01). Understanding the Migration Intention of Psychological Home in Cyberspace. Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 71.
17筆資料 more...
Sheng-Cheng Lin and Er-Ting Jian (2022.11). Effects of Personality Traits Concerning Media Use Decisions on Fear of Missing Out and Social Media Use Behavior. Behavioral Sciences, 12(11), 460.
Tseng, Chun-Yao*, Sheng-Cheng Lin, Da-Chang Pai & Chi-Wei Tung (2016.11). The relationship between innovation network and innovation capability: a social network perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(9), 1029-1040.
Shiu-Li Huang, Sheng-Cheng Lin*, and Ren-Jie Hsieh (2016.11). Locating experts using social media, based on social capital and expertise similarity. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 26(3), 224-243.
Shiu-Li Huang, Sheng-Cheng Lin, and Ren-Jie Hsieh (2015.06). Instant expert location service based on social capital and expertise similarity.. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 26(3), 224-243.
Chun-Yao Tseng(曾俊堯)*, Sheng-cheng Lin(林盛程), and Chi-Wei Tung(董紀瑋) (2014.11). Innovation Network of Global Semiconductor Technology under Dynamic Environment. SS International Journal of Business and Management Research, 4(6), 13-27.
Ying-wei Shih, Sheng-cheng Lin, and Yu-lin Ke (2013.08). Influence of Transaction Trust in B2B e-Marketplaces: An Investigation of Tan and Thoen's Views. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 4(4), 397-405.
Shiu-Li Huang, Sheng-cheng Lin, Yung-Chun Chan (2012.07). Investigating effectiveness and user acceptance of semantic social tagging for knowledge sharing. Information Processing & Management, 48(4), 599-617.
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin, Ching-ming Tsai (2009.12). Investigating the Processes and Factors of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge Integration in Academic Entrepreneurship. The Business Review, Cambridge, 14(1), 157-165.
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin, Tzu-ping Huang (2008.12). Knowledge sharing and Creation in a Teachers’ Professional Virtual Community. Computers & Education, 50(3), 742-756.
Sheng-cheng Lin, Fu-ren Lin (2006.10). An Ecosystem View on Online Communities of Practice. International Journal of Communication Law and Policy, 11, 1-31.
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-hsiu Huang, Sheng-cheng Lin (2002.08). The Effects of Information Sharing on Supply Chain Performance in Electronic Commerce. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(3), 258-268.
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin (2001.01). A Conceptual Model for Virtual Organizational Learning. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 11(3), 155-178.
51筆資料 more...
程上智、林盛程(2023.12)。以期望不確認理論與綠色消費感知模型探究消費者於惜食平台之再購意圖。論文發表於2023全國資訊管理前瞻技術研討會暨專題競賽 (AMITAC 2023),桃園市:龍華科技大學。
曾昭元、林盛程(2023.11)。影響直播平台觀眾持續使用意願之因素-以Twitch為例。論文發表於IETAC 2023第十六屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會,台中市:僑光科技大學。
邱俊捷、吳金山、林盛程、陳泓任、黃鈺琳、許哲維(2022.11)。以科技接受模型探討因應新冠疫情被迫採取遠距教學之學習滿意度。論文發表於IETAC 2022第十五屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會,中臺科技大學:中臺科技大學、僑光科技大學、修平科技大學。
賴芃宇、林盛程(2021.12)。探究自助服務技術發生失誤時,擬人化設計對顧客轉換意圖的影響 (Exploring the impact of anthropomorphic design of self-service failures on switching intentions)。論文發表於The 26th International Conference on Information Management & Practice,國立雲林科技大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
余梓豪、鄭瑄儒、黎晉瑋、吳金山、林盛程(2019.05)。大學生對於電腦購買行為與購買動機之探討 (Investigating the computers purchasing motivations of college students)。論文發表於The 30th International Conference on Information Management 2019,台北:中華民國資訊管理學會。
(林盛程)* (2018.07). Will Too Much Gamification Lead to Reduce IS Continuance Intention? An Environmental Psychological Perspective.. Paper presented at The International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2018S), Chiang Mai, Thailand.: Society for Innovation in Management (SIiM).
Sheng-Cheng Lin and Er-Ting Jian (2018.04). Investigate the Influences of Tendencies of Maximization, Social Comparison, and Regret on Fear of Missing Out and Usage Behaviors over Social Media.. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Osaka, Japan: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand & Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan.
曾婉婷,蔡佩珊,劉家伍,朱家廣,林盛程,吳金山(2018.03)。探討體驗行銷、網路口碑在顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響研究─以某餐飲連鎖事業為例。論文發表於第十一屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會(IETAC 2018),台中:修平科技大學。
(林盛程)* (2016.07). Investigate the Influence and Moderators of the Embarrassment on the Continual Usage and Knowledge Sharing Intention in Virtual Communities: A Dramaturgic Approach. Paper presented at The 2016 International Conference on Internet Studies, Osaka, Japan: Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research(ATISR).
王于宣、林書瑜、余心淳、林盛程(2015.06)。透過腦波分析探討剪紙對於學生專注力之影響。論文發表於the ITIA 2015 International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Applications,台北:台北城市科技大學。
(林盛程)* (2015.05). Investigate Factors and Moderators of the Quasi-collective Behavior in Virtual Communities.. Paper presented at The Twenty-Third European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster, Germany: AIS.
Sheng-cheng Lin (林盛程)* (2015.05). Investigate Factors and Moderators of the Quasi-collective Behavior in Virtual Communities. Paper presented at Twenty-Third European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
吳金山、簡爾廷、楊博名、林盛程(2014.06)。即時通訊軟體中付費貼圖服務購買意願之研究-以LINE APP之貼圖服務為例。論文發表於第九屆國際健康資訊管理研討會,東海大學管理學院M231:台灣健康資訊管理學會、東海大學。
林盛程、吳金山、蔡仕恒、柯厚任、林佩璇(2014.06)。Investigate the Relationships between Quantity Limitation Strategy, Storytelling strategy, and Multimedia Setting with Purchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction of Internet Marketing。論文發表於The 9th International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management(UHIMA2014),台灣:國建健康資訊管理學會。
吳金山、簡爾廷、楊博名、林盛程(2014.06)。Investigate the Purchase Intention of Stickers on Instant Message Applications。論文發表於The 9th International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management(UHIMA2014),台灣:國際健康資訊管理學會。
林盛程、呂婉菱、賴英秀、吳金山(2014.06)。Explore the relationships between the extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism and Internet addiction。論文發表於The 9th International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management(UHIMA2014),台灣:國際健康資訊管理學會。
Sheng-Cheng Lin(林盛程)* and Hou-Ren Ke(柯厚任) (2013.07). Examining the Applicability of the Size Localized Competition and Resource Partitioning Models on Virtual Communities. Paper presented at The 2013 International Conference on Innovation and Management, Phnom Penh: Electronic Business Management Society (EBMS).
Chun-Yao Tseng, Sheng-Cheng Lin, Chi-Wei Tung (2012.10). Innovation Network in Semiconductor Industry under Dynamic Environment. Paper presented at The Third Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, Seoul, South Korea: The Asia Pacific Innovation Network.
Sheng-cheng Lin and Yin-lin Yang (2012.07). Investigating Dropout Intention of Virtual Community Members by Viewpoint of Serious Leisure. Paper presented at The 2011 International Conference on Innovation and Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Electronic Business Management Society (EBMS).
Sheng-cheng Lin and Yu-Qin Huang (2012.07). Investigating the Growth Pattern of Virtual Communities Based on the Perspective of Latent Growth Model. Paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Management, Republic of Palau: Society for Innovation in Management (SIiM).
Chun-Yao Tseng, Sheng-Cheng Lin, Da-Chang Pa, and Chi-Wei Tung (2012.07). Innovation Network and Innovation Capability in Global Semiconductor Industry. Paper presented at The 5th International Colloquium on Business & Management, Bangkok, Thailand: Research Center for Asia Pacific Development Studies, Thailand.
Shiu-li Huang, Ren-jie Hsieh and Sheng-cheng Lin (2011.07). Designing an Expert Location System Combing Semantic Similarly and Social Capital. Paper presented at The 2011 International Conference on Innovation and Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Electronic Business Management Society (EBMS).
Chun-yao Tseng, Sheng-cheng Lin and Tz-lin Jiang (2011.06). Innovation Network in Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Based upon Social Network Perspective. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference of the Asian Academy of Applied Business, Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Asian Academy of Applied Business.
Shiu-li Huang, Sheng-cheng Lin, and Yung-chun Chan(2010.07)。Applying Semantic Social Tagging to Improve the Quality of Content Search。論文發表於The 2010 International Conference on Innovation and Management,Penang, Malaysia:Electronic Business Management Society (EBMS)。
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin, and Ching-ming Tsai (2009.12). Investigating the Processes and Factors of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge Integration in Academic Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at The Economics & International Business Research Conference, Miami: The Economics and International Business Research Conference.
林盛程、吳家銓、李致豪(2008.12)。以點對點網路與Creative Commons建構Web2.0知識分享合作平台。論文發表於第十四屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,台北:東吳大學資訊管理學系、中華民國資訊管理學會。
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin, Yin-fen Wang (2008.01). Can Peer-to-peer Networks Facilitate Information Sharing in Collaborative Learning?. Paper presented at The 41th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society;
Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Sheng-cheng Lin, Yu-Min Wang, and Daniel Y. Shee (2008.01). A Conceptual Framework of Transactive Networks Systems. Paper presented at The 41th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society;
Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Sheng-cheng Lin, Yu-Min Wang, and Daniel Y. Shee (2008.01). A Conceptual Framework of Transactive Networks System. Paper presented at The 41th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society;
Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Sheng-cheng Lin, Fu-ren Lin(2006.01)。Towards an Ecological Perspective on the Evolution of Online Communities of Practice。論文發表於The 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,Hawaii:IEEE Computer Society;
Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa。
Sheng-cheng Lin, Fu-ren Lin, Tzu-ping Huang, Ming-cheng Yeh (2003.01). The Reality of Team-based Knowledge Sharing and Creation in Professional Cyber Community. Paper presented at The 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society;
Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Fu-ren Lin, Tzu-ping Huang and Sheng-cheng Lin (2002.09). Team-based Knowledge sharing and Creation in Professional Cyber Communities: A Study from a Teachers’ Professional Cyber Community. Paper presented at The Sixth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan: Association of Information Systems (AIS).
Sheng-cheng Lin, Shiu-li Huang, Lin, Hsin-hui, Fu-ren Lin (2001.12). Investigating the Knowledge-sharing Behavior in a Professional Virtual Community. Paper presented at The First International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong: Antai College of Economics and Management
Shanghai Jiaotong Univeristy.
Fu-ren Lin, Tzu-ping Huang, Sheng-cheng Lin, Rong-fuh Day (2001.06). Built it but they didn’t come: investigating knowledge sharing and creation in a teacher professional cyber community. Paper presented at The Fifth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, Korea: Association of Information Systems (AIS).
Fu-ren Lin, Chih-ming Hsueh, Sheng-cheng Lin, Ming-Cheng Yeh (2001.06). The sociotechnical perspective of building teachers’ professional community: SCTNet. Paper presented at The Fifth Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei: Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education.
Fu-ren Lin and Sheng-cheng Lin (2000.06). A Conceptual Model for Virtual Organizational Learning. Paper presented at The Fourth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Hong Kong: Association of Information Systems (AIS).
Fu-ren Lin, Chih-hung Chiu, and Sheng-cheng Lin (2000.05). Using Bayesian Networks for Discovering Temporal-State Transition in Hemodialysis. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Conference on Information Management, Kaohsiung: 中華民國資訊管理學會.