Chi-Hung Lo(羅際鋐)*, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中), Hwee Ling SIEK, Perline, and Clara Metha Yoandara (2022.04). Design of Injection Molding of Side Mirror Cover. Sensors and Materials, 34(6), 2243-2252.
9筆資料 more...
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Ying Chen (2021.12). The Influence of Message Direction on Attribute Benefit and Purchase Intention is Applied to the Logical Design of AI Chatbot. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 35(15), 2159054.
(陳錚中)* (2019.09). A cross-country study of leisure constraints and option framing effect in Chinese and Taiwanese package tour market. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(3), 223-231.
Shuwei Jing, Rui Li, Junai Yan, Fudong Yang, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)* (2019.07). Research on optimization of product development value stream. Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 22(4), 10053-10061.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Xiaoxi Fu, Che-Yuan Chang (2017.03). A terms mining and clustering technique for surveying network and content analysis of academic groups exploration. Cluster Computing -The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 20(1), 43-52.
陳錚中*、黃昱銘(2016.06)。天氣因子對台灣餐旅產業營運績效與股票報酬影響之研究。Tunghai Journal,56,97-116。
Shu-Tai Wang(汪淑台)*, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中) (2015.08). Path Analysis on the Factors Influencing Learning Outcome for
Hospitality Interns–From the Flow Theory Perspective. Journal of Education and Learning, 4(3), 25-44.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Shu-Tai Wang(汪淑台)(2013.10)。餐旅實習學生情緒智商、服務態度與組織服務氣候對其情緒勞動意象及服務品質影響之研究。Tunghai Journal,54,113-131。
Shu-Tai Wang, Cheng-Chung Chen, Li-Yu Chen (2011.10). What Makes an Enjoyable Golfer~ From the Aspect of Flow Experience. Tunghai Journal, 52, 87-98.
27筆資料 more...
陳姿妤*、陳錚中(2018.06)。The Career Development Barrier of Female in Taiwanese Hospitality Industry。論文發表於2018 International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism LOHAS and Creative Designand,新北市新莊區:輔仁大學餐旅管理學系。
Chen-Ling Hung, Ting-Yu Yeh, Yi-Chian Lin, Chia-Yu Hsu, Wan-Ling Lai, Yu-Ching Hsu and Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)* (2017.05). A Study of Female Glass Ceiling Effect in Taiwan’s Hospitality Industry. Paper presented at 15TH APACCHRIE CONFERENCE "FUTURE OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM: OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES", Bali: THE INTERNATIONAL BALI TOURISM INSTITUTE.
Chia I Li, Ying Chen, Ting Jung Kuo, Pin Ching Liao, Hsuan Jung Chen,Tzu-Chiang Chiang(姜自強) and Cheng Chung Chen(陳錚中)* (2017.05). The Way From Service Quality To Service Brand Building For Taiwanese Hospitality Service Brands. Paper presented at 15TH APACCHRIE CONFERENCE "FUTURE OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM: OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES", Bali: THE INTERNATIONAL BALI TOURISM INSTITUTE.
Chia-Yu Liu, Tzu-Hsuan Liu, Pei-Lu Lin, You-Zhen Wang, Tzu-Ching Su and
Cheng-Chung Chen*. (2016.05). The Influence of Leisure Constrain and Information richness to Online Package Tour Marketing with Option Framing. Paper presented at 14th APacCHRIE Conference, Bangkok, Thailand: Dusit Thani College.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Ming-Shih Chen(陳明石), Wen-Chi Chiu, Chia-Wei Liu, Wei-Chen Hong, Wan-Ting Wen, Chin-Chun Fang, Min-Che Hong (2015.06). The Perceived Value of Green Restaurant and Non-Green Restaurant: The Application of Socioemotional Selectivity Theory. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Ming-Shih Chen(陳明石), Hsueh-Chih Lu (2015.06). The Impact of Insider Managerial Ownership on Corporate Performance of Taiwanese Catering Industry. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Ming-Shih Chen(陳明石), Yu-Ling Chang (2015.06). The Impact of Green Enterprise Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Chee-wha Yann (2015.06). The impact of service recovery on restaurant brand image – considering the moderating effects of corporate social responsibility. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Cho-Ying Yu, Yu-Hsin Chen, Tsai-Ho Yang, Wan-Ting Shen, Ting-Jyun, Lin, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Tzu-Chiang Chiang(姜自強) (2015.06). Optimize E-Commerce Marketing Strategy of Package Tours. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Wei-Hsuan Tan, Ming-Shih Chen(陳明石) (2015.06). An Exploratory Study of Green Hospitality Enterprise Leadership Style. Paper presented at The 13th APac-CHRIE Conference, Auckland: Auckland University of Technology.
Cheng-Chung Chen, Fang-Tsen Wu, Tzu-Hua Lin, Hsiu-Chen Tai, Wan-Zhi Sung, Tzu-ling Kuan, Ming-Yi Lin (2014.05). The Effect of Lover’s Knowledge of Healthy Diet on Healthy Eating Behavior in Taiwanese College: Attachment Style in Romantic Relationship as a Moderator. Paper presented at The 12th APac-CHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur: Taylor's University.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Hsin-Yu Lai, Pei-Ling Wu(吳佩玲) (2014.05). The Relations among Online Information Perceived Value, Media Stickiness and Peer Influence of the Internet Generation Travelers. Paper presented at The 12th APac-CHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur: Taylor's University.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Che-Yuan Chang, Pei-Ling Wu(吳佩玲) (2014.05). A Meta-Analysis of Tourism and Hospitality Research in Taiwan. Paper presented at The 12th APac-CHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur: Taylor's University.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Wan-Ting Hsu, Hsiao-Yu Hsu, Pei-Mei Kang, Yung-Hsuan Wang, Pei-Ling Wu(吳佩玲) (2014.05). Optimize Marketing Strategy of Package Tours: The Application of Option Framing Theory and Trip Distance. Paper presented at The 12th APac-CHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur: Taylor's University.
Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Kay Hei-Lin Chu(朱惠玲), Yu-Ming Huang, Pei-Ling Wu(吳佩玲) (2013.05). The Relationship among Weather, Operation Performance, and Stock Price of Taiwanese Hospitality Industry. Paper presented at The 11th APac-CHRIE Conference, Macau SAR: University of Macau.
Pei-Ling Wu(吳佩玲)*, Ming-Shih Chen(陳明石), Kay Hei-Lin Chu(朱惠玲), and Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中), Yu-Heng Wu (2013.05). Exploring the Spirit of Place and Element of Qualia of Historic Districts in Taiwan- A Case Study on Litoudian Historic District. Paper presented at The 11th APac-CHRIE Conference, Macau SAR: University of Macau.
Tzu-Ling Huang, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)*, Kay Hei-Lin Chu(朱惠玲), Yu-Chen Huang, Wei-Ting Weng, Yu-Ting Hung, Han-Yun Chang (2013.05). The Application of Cognitive Style in Hospitality Education. Paper presented at The 11th APac-CHRIE Conference, Macau SAR: University of Macau.
Jing-Fang Su, Hsien-Yi Hsieh, Liang-Yan Guo, Shih-Hua Yeh, Ya-Wen Hsieh, Yi
Hsu, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)* (2012.06). The Influence of Taste Stimulation on Attendants' Spoken Art. Paper presented at 10th Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, Manila: University of Santo Tomas.
Wen-Ling Tseng, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中)* (2012.06). The Debate between Flexibility and Risk on New Trends of Menu Design. Paper presented at 10th Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, Manila: University of Santo Tomas.
Yi-Ju Lai, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中), Shu-Tai Wang(汪淑台) (2012.06). The debate between sensory pleasure and health concern on beverage sweetness. Paper presented at 10th Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, Manila: University of Santo Tomas.
Cai-Xin Hong, Shih-Sheng Hsu, Yun-Hsuan Lin, Chia-Jung Liu,
Mio-Iong U, Kuang-Yu Tseng, Shu-Tai Wang(汪淑台), Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中) (2011.06). The Influence of Flow Experience on the Learning Effect for Hospitality Interns. Paper presented at 9th APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Cheng-Chung Chen, Wei-Ying Lee, Hsiao-Chien Chu, Ssu-Yu Yang (2011.06). The Influence of Intern Experience on Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Labor Acting. Paper presented at 9th APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Shu-Tai Wang(汪淑台)*, Cheng-Chung Chen(陳錚中) (2010.08). What makes an enjoyable golfer- The flow experience in niche tourism. Paper presented at 8th Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, Phuket: Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Prince of Songkla University.
陳錚中*(2015.10)。樂齡族運動休閒之特性與需求。載於陳明石(主編),永續生活New Vision:創意生活環境之體驗設計(154-159頁)。台中市西屯區台灣大道四段1727號:東海大學。(ISBN:9789574329236)