Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2022.12). Celebrification and viewer interaction in microcelebrities’ product promotion videos. East Asian Pragmatics, 7(3), 307-331.
9筆資料 more...
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺) (2022.06). Authenticating discourses of “being oneself” on monetary-motivated livestreams. Discourse, Context & Media, 47, 100592.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2019.07). Linguistic Strategies Prompting Interactions in Recipes from Mandarin Chinese Food Blogs. Text&Talk, 39(4), 489-510.
蕭季樺*(2017.06)。「盜版者就是盜火者」: 字幕組網路社群之禮物文化。《考古人類學刊》,86,111-138。
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2017.02). “This Is a Common View Presented in US TV Programs about People from the Third World”: Ethnicity Discourses in Chinese Online Discussions. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 15(1), 29-56.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2016.11). Moral Stance in Undergraduates’ Reflective Narratives on English Learning. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 42(2), 99-133.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2016.06). Annotating as Narrative Performance in Subtitle Groups in China. Pragmatics and Society, 7(2), 239-264.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2015.12). The verbal art of tucao and face-threatening acts in danmu screening. Chinese Language and Discourse, 6(2), 109-132.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2014.06). The Moralities of Intellectual Property: Subtitle Groups as Cultural Brokers in China. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 15(3), 218-241.
15筆資料 more...
Hsiao, Chi-hua (蕭季樺)* (2022.07). (Co-)construction of Multimodal Discourses of “Being Oneself” in Livestreams. Paper presented at (e-)Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 / 第24屆社會語言學國際討論會, 會議採線上兼實地雙軌進行,舉辦地點是比利時Ghent: Ghent University.
Hsiao, Chi-hua (蕭季樺)* (2022.06). Authenticity in multimodal discourses of “being oneself.”. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA 9)
(INPRA 2022/ 2022年跨文化語用及溝通國際研討會), 線上和實地(澳洲昆士蘭)兩種方式: 澳洲昆士蘭大學.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2021.08). The Use of Metalanguage on Livestreaming Interaction. Paper presented at World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2021), 線上會議: University of Groningen.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2021.06). Metapragmatic Comments During Livestreaming Performance. Paper presented at Sociolinguistics Symposium 23 (e-SS23), 線上平台: The University of Hong Kong.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2019.10). (Im)politeness Strategies during Live Streaming. Paper presented at APLX 2019 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 台北: 國立臺北科技大學.
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)*(2019.10)。Interactional Power and (Im)politeness in Livestreams。論文發表於台灣語言學學會第20週年慶第十一屆第一次會員大會,台北:台灣語言學學會。
Chi-hua Hsiao (蕭季樺)* (2019.06). Interactional Power and Reciprocity of (Im)politeness in Taiwan’s Live-streaming Programs. Paper presented at The 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), 香港: International Pragmatics Association, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
蕭季樺*(2017.10)。淺談社會語言學教學難題 - 經驗分享與建議尋求。論文發表於Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology Annual Meeting,台灣大學:Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology。
(蕭季樺)* (2016.12). Moral Stances in Taiwanese Students’ Reflective Narratives on English Learning. Paper presented at The 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level, 香港理工大學: 香港理工大學.
(蕭季樺)* (2016.03). The Socio-psychological Factors Affecting Users’ Participation in the Community of Danmu Screening. Paper presented at 2016 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Conference, 美國西雅圖: Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association.
(蕭季樺)* (2015.11). The Verbal Art of Tucao and Face-Threatening Acts in Danmu Screening. Paper presented at APLX 2015 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 台北科技大學: 台北科技大學.
(蕭季樺)* (2015.06). Translation Styles of Subtitling Humor within Subtitle Groups in China: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Paper presented at The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centring and (De)standardization, 香港中文大學: School of English, University of Hong Kong.
(蕭季樺)* (2015.05). Subtitling as Narrative Performance. Paper presented at The International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 嘉義大學: 嘉義大學.
(蕭季樺)* (2014.10). Objectivity and Authenticity: Annotations in Chinese-subtitled US Media Programs. Paper presented at Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology Annual Meeting, 政治大學: Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology.