Pei-Chen Hsia, Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Bin Chiou1 (2025.04). Exposure to nature can promote pro-environmental behavior:Mediating role of temporal discounting. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 25(1), 1-17.
31筆資料 more...
Hui-Ju Wu, Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang and Wen-Bin Chiou (2025.01). Landscape exposure and exercising for health: exposure to natural versus urban landscape promotes walking for health. Australian Journal of Psychology, 77(1), 1-10.
張亦騏*、 俞儀雯2、郭心甯(2024.12)。感知利益、感知風險、信任對雲端廚房消費意願之研究。觀光與休閒管理期刊,12(2),146-157。
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Bin Chiou* (2024.08). How exposure to natural scenes can promote weight control behaviors: A replication experiment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 98(2024), 1-5.
Yevvon Yi‑Chi Chang, Wen Cheng,·Wen‑Bin Chiou* (2024.07). How exposure to natural landscapes can decrease the tendency toward delinquent behavior: the role of delay discounting. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 20(3), 1-16.
張亦騏、林怡君、周碩雄(2022.10)。消費者對 Foodpanda 餐廳不同網路口碑在猶豫不決決策之差異研究。休閒產業管理學刊,15(2),73-96。
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang(張亦騏)*, Jo-Hui Lin, Chiu-Han Hsiao (2022.09). Examining effective means to reduce food waste behaviour in buffet restaurants. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 29, 100554.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang (2022.03). All You Can Eat or All You Can Waste? Effects of Alternate Serving Styles and Inducements on Food Waste in Buffet Restaurants. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(5), 727-744.
Bo-Chiuan Su,*, Li-Wei Wu (吳立偉), Yevvon-Yi-Chi Chang and Ruo-Hao Hong (2021.09). Influencers on Social Media as References: Understanding the
Importance of Parasocial Relationships. Sustainability, 13(2021), 1-19.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Pai-Lu Wu, Wen-Bin Chiou* (2021.09). Thoughts of social distancing experiences affect food intake and hypothetical binge eating: Implications for people in home quarantine during COVID-19. Social Science & Medicine, 284(2021), 1-5.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang (2021.03). Lonely or Alone? Solitary Dining in Japan and Taiwan. International Journal of Cultural, Tourism and Hospitality, 15(1), 10-25.
Huei-Lin Juang,Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang,Bei-Lu Tseng,Chia-Chun Chang,Yung-Jong Shiah (2021.02). Role of psychological acceptance between personality and happiness. Current Psychology, 40(3), 1048-1055.
Hsin-Yi Yen, Ping- Ho Chen, Ying-Chin Ko, Shih-Kuang Chiang, Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang & Yung-Jong Shiah (2018.02). Betel Quid Chewing, Personality and Mood: Betel Quid Chewing Associated with Low Extraversion and Negative Mood. Substance use and misuse, 2018, 1-6.
Shiang-Shiang Li、Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang、Wen-Bing Chiou (2017.04). Things online social networking can take away: Reminders of social networking sites undermine the desirability of offline socialising and pleasure. Scandinavian J0urnal of Psychology, 58(2), 179-184.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang(張亦騏), Wen-Bin Chiou* (2016.12). Prior Self-Efficacy Interacts with Experiential Valence to Influence Self-Efficacy among Engineering Students: An Experimental Study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12(2), 1-10.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Bin Chiou (2015.02). Means Yield to Ends in Weight Loss: Focusing on 'How' Versus 'Why' Aspects of Losing Weight Can Lead to Poorer Regulation of Dietary Practices. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(9), 1387-1391.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang • Wen-Bin Chiou (2014.12). Diversity beliefs and postformal thinking in late adolescence:
a cognitive basis of multicultural literacy. Asia Pacific Education Review, 15(4), 585-592.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Bin Chiou (2014.10). Taking weight-loss supplements may elicit liberation from dietary
control. A laboratory experiment. Appetite, 72(214), 7-12.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Bin Chiou* (2014.02). The liberating effect of weight-loss supplements on dietary control: A field experiment. Nutrition, 30(9), 1007-1010.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang; Wen-Bin Chiou* (2013.10). Taking weight-loss supplements may elicit liberation from dietary control: a laboratory experiment. Appetite, 72, 8-12.
Bih-Yaw Shih, Tsung-Hao Chen, Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wen-Yaw Chung and Chen-Yuan Chen (2013.05). The exploration of teachers' intention of using lego nxt in primary school. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 12(2), 219-233.
Cheng-Wu Chen,Min-Li Chang,Chun-Pin Tseng,Bo-Chen Chen,Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang (2012.05). Critical Human Factor Evaluation of Knowledge Sharing
Intention in Taiwanese Enterprises. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, , 1-12.
張亦騏, 李正崑(2011.10)。空間美學與旅館價值之形塑:雲朗觀光集團的實踐初探。東海學報,52(100),133-154。
Y. Chang and P. Jones(2007.04)。Flight Catering: An Investigation of the Adoption of Mass Customisation。Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,14(1),47-56。
34筆資料 more...
Chang, Yevvon Yi* (張亦騏)-Chi, You, Eyvonne Ee Wen, Kuo, Hsin-Ning (郭心甯), Chen, Tzu-Ting, Lo, Wun-Ting (2024.11). Effects of Perceived Benefit, Perceived Risk and Trust on Cloud Kitchen Customers’ Behaviour Intention. Paper presented at EuroCHRIE 2024, Al Rayyan International University College: EuroCHRIE.
The Effect of Celebrities on Campers’ Travel Intention
Chang, Yevvon Yi-Chi, Kuo, Hsin-Ning, Fan, Yeh-Hua (2024.05). The Effects of Celebrities on Campers' Travel Intention. Paper presented at ApacCHRIE 2024, Yonsei University: ApacCHRIE 2024.
• Su, J., Chen, L., Nunn, C., Togombaeva, S., and Chang, Y.Y (張亦騏)* (2023.06). Reduce Recycle Redesign: Consumption Behavior in Fast Fashion. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference of International College, Taiwan, Taiwan: INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY.
Linus Chen, Edwin Yen, Jeanne Tsou, Dr. Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang(張亦騏) (2023.06). The Impact of Nutrition on Workout Performance, Musle Growth, and Fat Accumulation Introduction. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference of International College, Taiwan, Taiwan: INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY.
Shih, D., Kuo, I., Su A., Shyen, N. and Chang, Y.Y. (張亦騏)* (2023.06). A Credit for Sustainable Future: Carbon Credits. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference of International College, Taiwan: INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY.
(張亦騏)* (2020.10). Celebrating “International Islands” A Study of Penghu and Okinawa. Paper presented at 2020 Blue Economy and Sustainable Ocean Forum, 澎湖科技大學: 澎湖科技大學.
方禎彰、張亦騏*、周碩雄、范振德(2020.10)。諦思厭勝火祥。論文發表於2020 觀光與休閒學術論壇暨研討會,台中教育大學:台中教育大學。
Chang, Y. Y.*, Chen, C, Chao, C., Lee, Y.,Hsu, H., Tzu, Y., Yu, C., and Huang, Yin., H. (2019.08). Influence of the Spotlight Effect on Solitary Dining Intention: The Post-Colonial Experience in Taiwan. Paper presented at The 6th International Conference on Economics, Society and Management, Madrid, Spain: ICESM.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Wang Chu-yen, Chiuzu Chilumbu, Hsieh Wan-ying, and SaHou-wang (2019.06). Does Culture Matter? Motivations and Barriers to Minimizing Household Food Waste. Paper presented at International Health-Oriented Tourism Conference, 吉隆坡: Sunway University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Jason Winston Wibawa, Zhanhao Zhou, Zhekai Jiang, WangChu-yen, and Hsieh Wan-ying (2019.06). Impact of Self-Perception and Emotions on Solo Dining Intention: A Cross-Cultural Study. Paper presented at International Health-Oriented Tourism Conference, 吉隆坡: Sunway University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Tzu Ting Chen and Michael Hsin-Kun Su (2019.06). An Exploration of Malaysian Traveler Lodging Behavioral Intention in Taiwan: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at International Health-Oriented Tourism Conference, 吉隆坡: Sunway University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang, Ching-Kai Chao, Hsi-Ping Chen, Deng-Tien Lin and Gang-Fu Zhong (2019.05). Social denial or self expression: Effects of social identity, social impression, and restaurant environment on solitary dining intention. Paper presented at 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, Hotel ICON: 香港理工大學.
YevvonYi-Chi Chang, Pei-Chi Chiang, I-Ting Yu, Shu-Hsuan Lee and Wen-Hung Lin (2019.05). Vicarious marketing: Effects of self-disclosure and credibility on reuse intention of internet celebrities’gourmet dining blogs. Paper presented at 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, Hotel ICON: 香港理工大學.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang * and Yu-Tse Cheng (2019.04). The Effects of Ambient Lighting in the Cultural and Creative Hotel Industry on Customer emotions and Behavioral Intentions. Paper presented at Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality, Jihe campus of Ming Chuan University in Taipei:
Yevvon Yi-chi Chang, Tzu Ting Chen,Shou-shiung Chou (2018.05). An Exploration of Malaysian Traveler Lodging Behavioral Intention in Taiwan. Paper presented at 16th ApacCHRIE Conference Innovation and Sustainability, Guangzhou,China: Business School,Sun Yat-Sen University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang(張亦騏)*, Ching-Ya Tseng(曾靖雅) , Jun-Rong Huang(黃俊榮)(2017.06)。Leave me alone or give me space- The Effect of Consumer Negative Emotions on Table Type and Solitary Dining Behavior。論文發表於The 15th ApacCHRIE,Bali, Indonesia:STPBI-The International Bali Tourism Institute.。
Yevvon Yi-Ci Chang(張亦騏)*, Yun-Hsuan Shen, Hsiu-Wen Yang, Ching-Fang Chang, Tzu-Cien Tang, Jung-Tsai Lee(2017.06)。From Garbage to the Table Influence of Perceived Value and Environmental Attitude on Willingness to Pay for NG food。論文發表於The 15th ApacCHRIE,Bali, Indonesia:STPBI-The International Bali Tourism Institute.。
Yevvon Yi-Ci Chang(張亦騏)*, Yi-Hao Chen(陳一豪) and Kuan-Ying Chen(陳冠穎)(2017.06)。Believing Negatives or Ignoring Positives_Effects of the Credibility of Two-Way Review Mechanisms on Risk Perception and Reuse Intention。論文發表於The 15th ApacCHRIE,Bali, Indonesia:STPBI-The International Bali Tourism Institute.。
(張亦騏)* (2017.05). Leave Me Alone Or Give Me Space:The Effect Of Consumer Negative Emotions On Table Type And Solitary Dining Behavior. Paper presented at 15th APacCHRIE Conference "Future of Hospitality and Tourism:Opportunities&Challenges", Nusa Dua,Bali,Indonesia: STPBI-The International Bali Tourism Institute..
Chang* Y.Y., Lin Jo-Chen, Lee Pin-I, Tsai Hsin-Lin, Hsu Chi-Jung, Shih Wan-Ting
and Xiao Kai-Jun(2016.05)。Dramaturgy、Perceived Value and Re-purchase intention: Another viewpoint of Table cooking presentation。論文發表於The 14th APacCHRIE conference,Dusit Thani Bangkok, Thailand:APACCHRIE。
Yevvon Yi-chi Chang (2014.05). Do We Tip People for Just Doing Their Job? The Effect of Showing Gratitude on Tipping Behavior. Paper presented at 2014 International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Kyoto Japan: Higher Education Forum.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang*and Yu-Ching Wang (2014.05). Time does matter? The study of wedding planning involvement and consumption well-being. Paper presented at The 12th ApacCHRIE Conference (Breaking Barriers Shifting Gears), Sunway Resort Hotel,Malaysia: Taylor's University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang*, Yu-Tsen Ko, Chiao-Yun Lo, Su-Ying Hsu, Po-Hsiang Liao and Yao Wei Chan (2014.05). Gay tourism in Taiwan: The effect of place attachment and revisit intention from a marketing perspective. Paper presented at The 12th ApacCHRIE Conference (Breaking Barriers Shifting Gears), Sunway Resort Hotel,Malaysia: Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang,Shine-En Yuand Yung-Hsu Yang (2014.05). An exploration of place attachment and the return of rural youth to their home-town from an agritourism aspect. Paper presented at The 12th ApacCHRIE Conference (Breaking Barriers Shifting Gears), Sunway Resort Hotel,Malaysia: Taylor's University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang and Ting-Yu Kuo* (2014.05). Give and take:A perspective on motivations towards customer tipping behavior in Jiudian culture. Paper presented at The 12th ApacCHRIE Conference (Breaking Barriers Shifting Gears), Sunway Resort Hotel,Malaysia: Taylor's University.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang*、Ting-Yu Kuo、 Yu-Shun Tsai、Yen-Yu Lin and David Chang (2013.05). Factors Associated with the In-Flight Service Quality: An Assessment of the Integrating SERVQUAL Dimensions. Paper presented at The 11th ApacCHRIE Conference (Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education), Four Season Hotel, Macao: Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang*, Ting-Yu Kuo, Ya-Huei Jan, Yueh-Tzu Lee,
Yu-Ju Yen, Bai-Jun Jain, and Nian-Cih Syu (2013.05). EXPLORATION OF EMBARRASSMENT ON FOOD TASTING TOWARD PURCHASING INTENTION. Paper presented at The 11th ApacCHRIE Conference (Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education), Four Season Hotel, Macao: Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.
Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang、I-Hao Tseng* 、Wen-Bin Chiou (2013.05). Life Scarcity Influences Red Wine Consumption. Paper presented at The 11th ApacCHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education), Four Season Hotel, Macao: Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.
Milly Meng-Tzu,Hsu,Yevvon Yi-Chi,Chang (2012.06). Beyond the Experiential Marketing: A Study of Railway Tourism in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2012 APACCHRIE, Philippine: APACCHRIE.
H. Chi, Y. Chen and Y. Chang(2009.05)。Marketing Analysis of the Pet Bed and Breakfast-A Case Study of the 5 Km Villa。論文發表於The 1st Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality,Taichung, TW:TungHai University。
Y. Chiou, W. Du, U. Kao and Y. Chang*(2009.05)。Feasibility Analysis of Regimen Leisure Bed and Breakfast Development in Hualien - A case study of Sakulalove, Hualien。論文發表於The 1st Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality,,Taichung, TW:TaungHai Unversity。
Y. Chang, P. Jones and L. Hwang (2006.06). Flight Catering Operations: A Systems Analysis. Paper presented at The 4th APacCHRIE conference, Hualien, TW: APacCHRIE.
Y. Chang, P. Jones and L. Hwang (2005.11). Investigation of Mass Customization Mode in Flight Catering Operations. Paper presented at The 23rd EuroCHRIE conference, Paris, France: EuroCHRIE.
(2013.03). Let's dine out
English for the Food and Beverage Industry. 9F-1, No. 87,Cheng Chou Road, Taipei 10349: CENGAGE learning. (ISBN:139789865840006)
(2007.06). Implementation of Mass Customised Manufacturing in the Flight Catering Industry. In John Tribe and David Airey (Ed.), Developments in Tourism Research (pp. 33-47). UK: Elsevier Ltd.(ISBN:978-0-080-45328-6)