4筆資料 more...
Desmet Mieke K.T. (2005.08). De vier dochters van Dr. March. Een klassiek Amerikaans meisjesboek in een Nederlands jasje.. Literatuur Zonder Leeftijd, 19(67), 83-92.
Desmet Mieke K.T. (2005.07). Globalization, English Teaching and Children's Literature - The Case in Taiwan. 兒童文學學刊, (13), 13-38.
Desmet Mieke K.T. (2005.05). De vier dochters van Dr March. Een klassiek Amerikaans meisjesboek in een Nederlands jasje.. Neerlandica Extra Muros, 43(2), 20-27.
Desmet Mieke K.T. (2004.06). De productie van Nederlandstalige en vertaalde meisjesboeken (1946-1995). Neerlandia, Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor taal, cultuur en maatschappij, 108(3), 20-22.
15筆資料 more...
(Mieke Desmet)* (2019.08). Silenced Voices in Translations of "Little Women" into Dutch. Paper presented at IRSCL Silence and Silencing in Children's Literature IRSCL Congress 2019 Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm Sweden: International Research Society of Children's Literature IRSCL.
(Mieke Desmet)* (2018.11). The Checkered History of Little Women in Dutch Translation. Paper presented at Children's and Young Adult Literature in Translation, Soochow University Taipei: Taiwan Children's Literature Research Association (TCLRA) and Soochow University.
(Mieke Desmet)* (2016.11). Ender’s Game: from Philosophical Novel to Action Movie. Paper presented at CHILDREN’S AND YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE AND/IN PERFORMANCE (Animation, Film, TV, Theatre) 兒少文學與表演 (卡通、電影、電視節目、劇場), Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tunghai University: Taiwan Children’s Literature Research Association (TCLRA) /Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tunghai University/Humanities Center/MOST/Fengzikai Book Award 台灣兒童文學研究學會/東海大學外國語文學系/科技部人文社會科學研究中心/ 科技部/豐子愷兒圖畫書獎組委會.
Mieke K.T. Desmet (2015.11). The Fengzikai Picture Book Award: A Question of Balance. Paper presented at International Conference on Childhood and Visual Texts in/of Asia, Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Children's Literature Research Association (TCLRA).
Mieke K.T. Desmet (2015.08). V Is for Violence. Paper presented at The 22nd Biennial Congress of IRSCL (International Research Society of Children's Literature), University of Worcester, Worcester, UK: IRSCL.
 (2007.09). Babysitting the Reader: Translating Narrative Fiction for Girls from English into Dutch (1946-1995). Bern: Peter Lang. (ISBN:978-3-03911-147-3)
6筆資料 more...
Desmet, Mieke K.T. (2008.09). Monkey King Goes Banana: A Traditional Story in a Modern Taiwanese Outfit. Teaching an Old Monkey New Tricks?. In Pat Pinsent and Jennifer Harding (Ed.), What do you see? International Perspectives on Children's Book Illustration (pp. 125-129). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.(ISBN:1-4438-0007-4)
 (2006.09). Translating Picture Books into Chinese: Roadblocks and Broken Bridges. In Pat Pinsent (Ed.), No Child Is an Island: The Case for Children's Literature in Translation (pp. 191-200). Lichfield: Pied Piper Publishing.(ISBN:978-0-9552106-0-0)
 (2006.08). Intertextuality/Intervisuality in Translation: The Jolly Postman's Intercultural Journey from Britain to the Netherlands. In Gillian Lathey (Ed.), The Translation of Children's Literature. A Reader. (pp. 122-133). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.(ISBN:1-85359-906-9)
 (2005.08). Connecting Local and Global Literatures or Driving on a One-Way Street? The Case of the Taiwanese Grimm Press. In Kimberley Reynolds, Emer O'Sullivan, Rolf Romoren (Ed.), Children's Literature Global and Local: Social and Aesthetic Perspectives (pp. 218-226). Oslo: Novus Press.(ISBN:978-82-7099-408-3)
 (2004.11). The Universe of Jimmy: Creating Picture Books for Adults in Taiwan. In Pat Pinsent (Ed.), Books and Boundaries: Writers and Their Audiences (pp. 68-84). Lichfield: Pied Piper Publishing.(ISBN:0-9546384-3-3)







