Leng-Cheng Hwang (黃連成)* (2024.12). Asymptotically pointwise optimal allocation rules for continuous-time processes in Bayes sequential estimation. Sequential Analysis, 43(4), 497-512.
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Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2023.03). Asymptotic optimality of a robust two-stage procedure in multivariate Bayes sequential estimation. Sequential Analysis, 42(1), 43-55.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2020.12). Second-order approximations of a robust sequential procedure in Bayes sequential estimation. Sequential Analysis, 39(4), 467-483.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2020.08). A robust two-stage procedure for the Poisson process under the linear exponential loss function. Statistics and Probability Letters, 163, *-**.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2018.06). Second order optimal approximation in a particular exponential family under asymmetric LINEX loss . Statistics and Probability Letters , 137, 283-291.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2017.12). Asymptotically optimal procedures in multivariate Bayesian sequential estimation. Sequential Analysis, 36(4), 481-489.
Chia-Chen Yang, Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2015.05). Optimal, nearly optimal and robust procedures for the exponential distribution with relative linear exponential loss. Statistics, 49(3), 549-563.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)*, Chia-Chen Yang (2015.02). A robust two-stage procedure in Bayes sequential estimation of a particular exponential family. Metrika, 78(2), 145-159.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)* (2014.06). Asymptotic non-deficiency of some procedures for a particular exponential family under relative LINEX loss. Sequential Analysis, 33(3), 345-359.
Leng-Cheng Hwang* and Cheng-Hung Lee (2013.08). Bayes sequential estimation for a Poisson process under a LINEX loss function. Statistics, 47(4), 672-687.
Hwang, L.-C. and Lee, C.-H. (2012.02). Bayes sequential estimation for one-parameter exponential family under asymmetric LINEX loss function.. Sequential Analysis, 31(1), 3-21.
Lee, C.-H. and Hwang, L.-C. (2011.11). Asymptotic optimal estimation of Poisson mean under LINEX loss function.. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, , -.
Hwang, L.-C. (2011.07). A robust asymptotically optimal sequential estimation procedure for the Poisson process.. Metrika, 74(1), 121-133.
Hwang, L.-C. and Liu, J.-F. (2009.06). Asymptotic optimality of a two-stage procedure in Bayes sequential estimation.. Statistical Papers, 50(3), 623-631.
Hwang, L.-C. (2009.02). A simple proof of the binomial theorem using differential calculus. The American Statistician, 63(1), 43-44.
Hwang, L.-C. and Karunamuni, R. J. (2008.02). Asymptotically pointwise optimal allocation rules in Bayes sequential estimation.. Statistics & Probability Letters, 78(15), 2490-2495.
Hwang, L.-C. and Yang, C.-C. (2001.05). An interval estimation procedure with deterministic stopping rule in Bayes sequential interval estimation.. Statistics & Probability Letters, 52, 243-248.
Hwang, L.-C. (2001.05). Asymptotically pointwise optimal rules in the Poisson process.. Sequential Analysis, 20(1&2), 13-23.
Hwang, L.-C. (1999.11). Two-stage approach to Bayes sequential estimation in the exponential distribution.. Statistics & Probability Letters, 45, 277-282.
Chang,I-S., Hsiung, C. A. and Hwang, L.-C. (1999.10). Repeated significance tests of a multi-parameter in survival analysis.. Statistica Sinica, 9(4), 913-922.
Hwang, L.-C. (1999.07). A robust asymptotically optimal procedure in Bayes sequential estimation.. Statistica Sinica, 9(3), 893-904.
Leng-Cheng Hwang(黃連成)(1997.10)。A Bayesian approach to sequential estimation without using the prior information.。Sequential Analysis,16(4),319-343。
Hwang, L.-C. (1992.08). Empirical Bayes approach to Bayes sequential estimation: the Poisson and bernoulli cases.. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 21(8), 2293-2308.