17筆資料 more...
Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜)*, Wan-Teng Lin(林万登), Wen-Dee Chiang(江文德) (2017.01). Do demographic characteristics influences the eating competence of elderly Taiwanese?. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 26(1), 175-181.
Wan-Teng Lin(林万登),Kuei- I Lee(李貴宜),Min-Chung Hong(洪敏純),Wen-Dee Chiang(江文德)* (2016.04). Production of Potato Protein Hydrolysates with Lipolysis-stimulating Activity and Study of Their Possible Regulation Mechanism. 臺灣農業化學與食品科學, 54(2), 53-63.
(李貴宜)* (2016.02). Understanding Taiwan Seniors’ Motivation to Consume Food-Away-From-Home. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(1), 22-36.
Wan-Teng Lin(林万登), Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜), Yan-Yin Gin, Ching-yi Chen (2015.04). Development Strategies for the Medical Tourism Industry in Taiwan using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. 東海學報, 55, 1-20.
Wen-Dee Chiang(江文德), Marthandam Asokan Shibu, Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜),Jia-Ping Wu, Fuu-Jen Tsai, Lung-Fa Pan, Chih-Yang Huang, Wan-Teng Lin(林万登) (2014.09). Lipolysis-stimulating peptide_VHVV ameliorates high fat diet induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis. Journal of functional foods, 11, 482-492.
Chun-His Wang, Jan-Yee Kung, Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜), Win-Chin Lin,Chin-Chia Wu, Nae-Sheng Wang (2014.02). A note on minimizing the total loss for two quality characteristics with one-sided specification limit. ADVANCES IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, 3(2), 1-4.
Jan-Yee Kung, Yuan-Po Chao, Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜),Chao-Chung Kang,Win-Chin Lin, (2013.08). Two-agent single-machine scheduling of jobs with time-dependent processing times and ready times. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-14.
Kuei-I Lee (李貴宜)* and Rebecca Gould (2012.08). Predicting congregate meal program participation_Applying the extended theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 828-836.
24筆資料 more...
Kuei-I Lee and Michael Chung-Yang Chang (2024.05). Using the theory of planned behavior to understand the factors affect consumers' intention on dining in Australia and Taiwan sustainable restaurants. Paper presented at The 2024 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure: Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability (2024 ICHTL), 實踐大學: National Science and Technology Council Taiwan, R.O.C.
王運之、李貴宜(2017.12)。消失中的飲食:探究都市阿美族之年長者飲食樣貌-以野菜為例。論文發表於服務設計與品牌創新個案論壇暨跨域交流學術論文研討會,台中 靜宜大學:靜宜大學觀光事業學系。
Chao-Hsiu Chen,Kuei-I Lee(李貴宜), Wan-Jou Lu,Yen-Chien Chen, Mei-Fang Yang* (2014.08). CRUMBLED SOFT DIET IMPROVE THE MEAL SATISFACTION OF ELDERLY PATIENTS. Paper presented at 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics, 臺大醫院會議廳: 中華膳食營養學會.
李貴宜、林紹璾、江文德(2014.05)。The Factors Affect Elderly Dairy Products Consumption。論文發表於13 th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism,高雄:高雄餐旅大學。
Kuei-I, Lee(李貴宜),Wen-Dee, Chiang(江文德), Wan-Teng, Lin(林万登) (2014.05). Older Adults’ Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Dairy Product Consumption. Paper presented at 12th APac CHRIE Conference 2014, Sunway Resort Hotel, Bandar sunway, Selangor, Malaysia: Taylor University.
Kuei-I, Lee(李貴宜), Ching Ting, Chiu (2014.05). Using Health Belief Model to Investigate Factors Influencing Food Safety Behavior among Foodservice Employees. Paper presented at 12 th APac CHRIE 2014, Sunway resort Hotel, Bandar sunway, Selangor, Malaysia: Taylor University.
Toward an Age-friendly Society:Active Ageing, Smart Communities, and Social Sustainability,東海大學波錠廳:東海大學GREEnS總計畫四。
Kuei-I Lee, Wen-Dee Chiang(江文德), Wan-Teng Lin (林万登) (2013.07). Did the older adutls’ physical health affect their behaviors of eating food away from home in Taiwan?. Paper presented at MSNCS 2013, 亞洲大學: 東海大學.
Kuei-I Lee (2013.07). Do hospitality and tourism management students perform food safety behavior well in workplaces-applying the health belief model. Paper presented at THoR 2013, Hotel Fort Canning: Global Science and Technology Forum.
Kuei-I, Lee(李貴宜)& Wen-Dee, Chiang,(江文德) (2013.05). Taiwan seniors’ fruit and vegetable consumption.. Paper presented at 11th APac CHRIE conference, Four season Hotel: University of Macau.
Wu, M., Lee, K.(李貴宜), Wu, S., Luo, M., Huang, I., Tsai, C.(蔡清灇), Lee, S., & Chang, C. (2012.08). An intelligent nutrition monitoring system. Paper presented at The 25th IPPR conference on Computer vision, graphics and image processing, 日月潭雲品酒店: 中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會.
Lee, K. (李貴宜)& Chang, E. (2012.06). Healthy Drinking Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior for the Beverage Store Workers in Taiwan. Paper presented at 10th APac CHRIE conference, Manila: The University of Santo Tomas College of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
李貴宜、張敬佳(2012.06)。建構飲料店從業人員對健康化飲料知識、態度、行為間研究之問卷。論文發表於2012 輔大餐旅、博物館、文化資產與觀光發展研討會,輔大:輔大餐旅系。
Lin, W.(林万登), Lee K.(李貴宜), Gin, Y., & Chen, C. (2011.06). The competitiveness attributes and development strategies of medical tourism industries in Taiwan based on AHP-a case of mainland China tourists. Paper presented at 9th APAC CHRIE conference, Hotel ICON: Hong Kong Poly Tec University.
Lee, K.(李貴宜) & Hung, J. (2011.06). Analysis of senior’s consumption of food away from home. Paper presented at 9th APAC CHRIE conference, Hotel ICON: Hong Kong Poly Tec University.
Kuei-I Lee (2010.08). Establishing an effective web-based nutrition education intervention for food prepared away from home. Paper presented at 8thAPAC CHRIE conference, Phuket: Prince of Songkla University.