Chun-Lung Su, Pao-sheng Shen* (2021.09). On consistency of themonotone NPMLE of survival function under the mixed case interval-censored model with left
truncation. Computational Statistics, 36(3), 1871-1883.
Chun-Lung Su* (2021.06). Bayesian multi-way balanced nested MANOVA models with random effects and a large number of the main factor levels. Metrika, 84(5), 663-692.
(蘇俊隆)* (2017.09). Asymptotic posterior distributions for balanced nested
multi-way models with a large number of main effect levels. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS—THEORY AND METHODS, 46(19), 9425-9440.
Chun-Lung Su*, Ian A Gardner, Wesley O Johnson (2007.06). Bayesian estimation of cluster-level test accuracy based on different sampling schemes. Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics, 12(2), 250-271.
Chun-Lung Su*, Wesley O Johnson (2006.06). Large-sample joint posterior approximations when full conditionals are approximately normal: application to generalized linear mixed models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101(474), 795-811.
Chun‐Lung Su, Ian A Gardner*, Wesley O Johnson (2004.07). Diagnostic test accuracy and prevalence inferences based on joint and sequential testing with finite population sampling. Statistics in Medicine, 23(14), 2237-2255.
Wesley O Johnson*, Chun‐Lung Su, Ian A Gardner, Ronald Christensen (2004.03). Sample size calculations for surveys to substantiate freedom of populations from infectious agents. Biometrics, 60(1), 165-171.
Hans-Georg Müller*, Chun-Lung Su, Stephen R. Dueker, Yumei Lin, Andrew Clifford, Bruce A. Buchholz, and John S. Vogel (2002.12). Semiparametric Modeling of Labeled-Cell Kinetics, with Application to Isotope Labeling of Erythrocytes. Biometrics, 58(4), 937-945.
Mark C Thurmond*, Wesley O Johnson, Claudia A Muñoz-Zanzi, Chun-Lung Su, Sharon K Hietala (2002.03). A method of probability diagnostic assignment that applies Bayes theorem for use in serologic diagnostics, using an example of Neospora caninum infection in cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 63(3), 318-325.
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(蘇俊隆)*(2018.06)。Bayesian One-Way Multivariate Variance Components Models With the Large Number of the Main Factor Levels。論文發表於第十一屆海岸兩岸機率與統計學術研討會,國立臺北大學三峽區商學大樓:臺北大學統計學系/中華機率統計學會。
(蘇俊隆)*(2018.04)。Bayesian Multivariate Linear Mixed Models with the Large Number of Main Factor Levels。論文發表於2018永續經營創新變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學管理學院:東海大學管理學院及經濟系所。
蘇俊隆*(2017.04)。Asymptotic Posterior Distributions For Multi-Way Balanced Nested MANOVA Models With a Large Number of the Main Factor Levels。論文發表於2017第十三屆海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會,東海大學:東海大學統計學系。
蘇俊隆*(2016.12)。Two and High-Way Balanced Nested MANOVA Models When the Number of the Main Factor Levels is Large。論文發表於105年統計學術研討會暨政治大學統計學系五十週年學術研討會,政治大學:政治大學統計學系。
蘇俊隆*(2015.12)。Asymptotic posterior distributions for balabced nested multi-way ANOVA models with a large number of main effect levels。論文發表於2015統計學術研討會,台北大學:台北大學統計學系。