趙星光(2011.06)。評Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience。台灣社會學刊,(21),217-223。
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趙星光 (2006.06). Conversion to conservative Protestantism among urban immigrants in Taiwan. Sociology of Religion: a Quarterly Review, 2(67), 193-204.
Hsing-Kuang Caho(2006.06)。Conversion to Conservative Protestantism among Urban Immigrants in Taiwan。Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Reveiw,67(2),193-204。
57筆資料 more...
Hsing-Kuang Chao(趙星光)* (2018.07). Generations, Faith and Social Engagement: An Analysis of Protestant Clergy in Taiwan. Paper presented at The Inaugural Conference of the East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 2018, Singapore Management University: The East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.
趙星光*(2018.03)。世代差異對傳道人核心信仰的虔信與家庭論理議題的影響。論文發表於基督信仰與台灣社會研討會 Christianity in Taiwan 2017,台北市中華福音神學院:社團法人21世紀智庫協會。
趙星光(2013.11)。基督徒之宗教行為。論文發表於2013 基督信仰與台灣社會研討會,台北:台灣大學:21世紀華人智庫協會。
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2013.10). The Transformation of a Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: the Global Linkage and Local Experiences. Paper presented at Global ReOrient: Chinese Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements in the Global East Symposium, West Lafayette, IN U.S.A: Purdue University.
趙星光(2013.07)。台灣基督徒的性倫理道德意識初探。論文發表於第十屆宗教社會科學研討會,香港:香港中文大學:Purdue University、香港中文大學、華東師範大學。
Hsing-Kuang Chao(趙星光) (2013.06). Becoming Religious? The Relationship between Changes in Religious Affiliation and Religiosity in Taiwan. Paper presented at 32th ISSR conference, Abo Akademi University, Turku: Finland: Interantional Society of Sociology of Religion.
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2012.11). The commonality and uniqueness of Religiosity
among Traditional Chinese Religions in Contemporary Taiwanese Society. Paper presented at Beijing Forum 2012, Peking University, Beijing, China: Peking University, Beijing Municiple Commision of Edu.
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2012.08). Religious Conception, Experience and Life
Attitudes among Believers of Different Religions in Contemporary Taiwan. Paper presented at The 74th (2012) annual meeting of the Association of Sociology of Religion Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver, Co USA: The Association of Sociology of Religion.
Hsing-Kuang Chao, Ping-Yin Kuan (2011.08). Conversion, Religious Experiences and Religiosity in Taiwan. Paper presented at The 73th (2011) annual meeting of the Association of Sociology of Religion, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada USA: The Association of Sociology of Religion.
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2011.08). Taiwanese Christianity and Religious Experiences. Paper presented at The International Symposium of Survey Research on Religion and Society, Purdue Universiyt West Lafayette, IN USA: Center on Religion and Chinese Society, Purdue University.
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2011.08). Education, Religious Change and Religiosity in Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Symposium of Survey Research on Religion and Society, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN USA: Center on the Study of Religion and Chinese Society.
趙星光(2011.07)。海峽兩岸基督徒宗教經驗之比較研究。論文發表於第八屆宗教社會科學研討會論文,中國 福州:Purdue University,中國人民大學,福州大學合辦。
Hsing-Kuang Chao, Ping-Yin Kuan (2011.06). Being Religious: Religious Conversion and Religiosity in Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Conference on the Comparative Study of Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan, 花蓮: 國立政治大學.
趙星光,關秉寅(2011.05)。社會變遷與教育擴張對宗教信仰影響之研究。論文發表於建國百年宗教回顧與展望國際學術研討會論文,台北, 中央研究院:台灣宗教學會主辦。
趙星光, 關秉寅(2011.01)。宗教改宗與虔信之研究初探。論文發表於第二屆華人學者宗教研究論壇-華人的宗教研究方法論文,台北,國立政治大學:國立政治大學。
趙星光, 李怡茹(2010.07)。從「禪宗」到「淨土」:當代佛教新興教團「現
代禪」的轉型研究。。。論文發表於第七屆宗教社會科學研討會,北京:中國人民大學:Purdue University; 中國人民大學。
趙星光,李怡茹(2010.07)。從「禪宗」到「淨土」:當代佛教新興教團「現代禪」的轉型研究。論文發表於第七屆宗教社會科學研討會論文,北京, 中國:Purdue University, 中國人民大學。
Hsing-Kuang Chao(2010.06)。Religious Identity, Conception and Experience-A Comparative Study of Taiwanese Religious Groups。論文發表於Religious Experience Survey in Taiwan (REST)- A Symposium. .,Taipei National Cheng Chi University:National Cheng Chi University。
趙星光,洪膺詮,陳明君(2010.06)。社會資本的產生與宗教資本的替代- 望鄉布農族的宗教變遷經驗。論文發表於2010台灣宗教學會年會暨學術會議,中壢:佛教弘誓學院:台灣宗教研究學會。
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2010.06). “Religious Identity, Conception and
Experience-A Comparative Study of Taiwanese Religious Groups. Paper presented at Religious Experience Survey in Taiwan (REST)- A Symposium, 台北, 政治大學: 國立政治大學.
趙星光、洪膺詮、陳明君(2010.06)。社會資本的產生與宗教資本的替代- 望鄉布農族的宗教變遷經驗。論文發表於2010台灣宗教研究學會年會,中壢:台灣宗教研究學會。
趙星光; 關秉寅(2010.01)。台灣社會宗教市場變遷與宗教世俗化之探討。論文發表於首屆華人宗教研究論壇,香港,中文大學:香港中文大學主辦。
Chao, Hsing-Kuang; Chiu Wei-Chun (2009.08). The Coexistence of Christian Faith and Belief in Reincarnation among Different Chinese Christian Groups in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Paper presented at the 71th annual meeting of Association for the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco, USA.: Association for the Sociology of Religion.
教學術研討會,中國上海華東師範大學:華東師範大學; 中華民國宗教哲學研究社。
趙星光, 王旻臻(2009.07)。宗教組織早期發展的社會網路分析-以臺灣沿海魚村為例。論文發表於第六屆中美歐宗教社會科學研討會,中國無錫江南大學:中國人民大學佛學與宗教理論研究所,江南大學宗教與社會研究中心。
Hsing-Kuang Chao (2008.07). Reincarnation Faith among Contemporary
Taiwanese Christian
Reincarnation Faith among Contemporary Taiwanese Christian. Paper presented at 2009 ASR annual meeting and conference, Boston, MA. USA: The Association of Sociology of Religion.
趙星光(2008.05)。宗教組織發展的動力與阻力-世俗化與制度化的衝擊。論文發表於2008宗教對話研討會-信仰社群的體制與活力省思與展望,台灣 新竹:臺灣信義神學院傳統信仰與新興宗教研究中心。
趙星光(2007.12)。臺灣基督教信徒宗教性中的傳統文化內涵-輪回觀念的探討。論文發表於臺灣的社會變遷1985~2005:臺灣社會變遷調查計畫第十一次研討會,台北市 南港:中央研究院社會學研究所。
趙星光(2007.07)。臺灣靈恩基督教會成員的宗教性初探。論文發表於第四屆中美歐宗教社科學國際研討會,中國 上海:上海大學暨中國人民大學。
趙星光(2007.07)。臺灣靈恩教會的現代性與在地性初探。論文發表於2007年臺灣宗教學年會暨國際學術會議論文,台灣 淡水真理大學:臺灣宗教學會主辦。
趙星光 (2006.08). The man who has, will always be more? – the winner of Protestant market in Taiwan.. Paper presented at a poster presented in the 68th annual meeting of Association for the Sociology of Religion, Montreal, Canada: the 68th annual meeting of Association for the Sociology of Religion.
趙星光(2004.08)。宗教想像與華人基督教發展。論文發表於當代中國和華人宗教現狀北美學術研討會,San Francisco, CA: U.S.A.:未知。
趙星光 (2004.08). Seeking for solutions: conversion to conservative Protestant among urban immigrants in Taiwan.. Paper presented at the 66th annual meeting of Association for Sociology of Religion. San Francisco, San Francisco, CA: U.S.A.: 未知.
趙星光 (2000.10). The seekers of the immediate enlightment:the three dimmensions of conversion. Paper presented at 美國SSSR與RRR 2000年聯合年會, Huston, TX.: U.S.A.: 美國SSSR與RRR 2000年聯合年會.
趙星光 (1997.11). The religious market change and the transformation of a Taiwanese immigrant Christian Church in Los Angeles.. Paper presented at the 1997 annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion., San Diego, California: U.S.A.: the 1997 annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion..
6筆資料 more...
趙星光*(2016.01)。台灣基督徒的性倫理道德意識。載於楊鳳崗、高師寧、李向平(主編),田野歸來 (下) 中國宗教與社會研究:道德與社會(157-176頁)。新北市中和區連城路236號:台灣基督教文藝出版社。(ISBN:978-986-6131-36-3)
趙星光(2014.09)。戰後台灣基督教會發展的經驗與現況分析。載於伊慶春(主編),基督信仰在台灣 - 2012年基督信仰與社會研究調查(99-141頁)。台北市大安區敦化南路一段283號2樓:社團法人中華21世紀智庫協會。(ISBN:978-986-91011-03)
Hsing-Kuang Chao (趙星光) (2013.12). Taiwanese Christianity and Religious Experiences. In Yen-Zen Tsai (Ed.), Religious Experience in Comtemporary Taiwan and China (pp. 105-124). Taipei, Taiwan: Chengchi University Press.(ISBN:978-986-6475-46-7)
Hsing-Kuang Chao(趙星光), Ping-Yin Kuan (2013.12). Beooming Religious? The Relationship between Change in Religious affiliation and Religiosity in Taiwan. In Yen-Zen Tsai (Ed.), Religious Experience in Comtemporary Taiwan and China (pp. 213-232). Taipei. Taiwan: Chengchi University Press.(ISBN:978-986-6475-46-7)
(2010.08)。宗教組織發展的動力: 廿世紀末台灣基督教會增長現象之研究。載於余繼斌(主編),生生不息的信仰(5-38頁)。新竹市:中華信義神學院出版社。(ISBN:978-986-83170-6-2)