James Sims幸雅各,Steven Chen陳順龍 (2019.03). Court ruling on the English benchmark requirement for graduation in Taiwan.. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 16, 345-348.
10筆資料 more...
James Sims*, Kunnan Antony John (2016.01). Developing evidence for a validity argument for an English placement exam from multi-year test performance data. Language Testing in Asia, 6(1), 1-14.
(James Sims)* (2015.12). A Valid and Reliable English Proficiency Exam: A Model from a University Language Program in Taiwan. English as a Global Language Education (Eagle) Journal, 1(2), 91-125.
James M. Sims(幸雅各)*, Jeng Liu(劉正) (2013.12). Two decades of changes in the English ability of freshmen at a university in Taiwan.. Hwa Kang English Journal, 19, 23-51.
James Sims(2012.07)。Perceived Changes in the English Language Ability of Freshmen at a University in Taiwan。Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,16(1),33-54。
Muchun Yin, James Sims(幸雅各)and Daniel Cothran(柯思義)(2012.03)。Scratching Where They Itch: Evaluation of Feedback on a Diagnostic English Grammar Test for Taiwanese University(2) Students。language assessment quarterly,9(1),78-104。
Sims,James (2010.11). Paper-and Computer-Delivered Reading Exams in Taiwan.. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, , 145-157.
James M. Sims (2010.08). Paper-and Computer-Delivered Reading Exams in Taiwan. Studies in English Language and Literature, (26), 145-157.
Sims, James (2008.07). Tunghai Freshman English For Non-Major Program. Tunghai Journal of Humanities, , 353-374.
James Sims (2006.07). The Creation of a Valid and Reliable University Proficiency Exam.. Journal of Humanities, 47, 323-342.
20筆資料 more...
(James Sims)* (2019.06). English benchmark requirement: The ramifications of a recent court ruling in Taiwan. Paper presented at The 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference, Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand.: The language institute, Thammasat University.
(James Sims)* (2015.12). A Model of a Valid and Reliable English Proficiency Exam for University Language Programs. Paper presented at The 20th Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL) Conference, Korea University: Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.
James Sims(幸雅各)*, Antony John KUNNAN (2014.10). Developing evidence for a validity argument for an English placement exam from multi-year test performance data. Paper presented at the First Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment, Hangzhou, China: the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Zhejiang University, and Asian Association of Language Assessment (AALA).
Sims, J.(幸雅各)*, Luo, C. & Manno, M. (2014.03). Extensive reading at Tunghai University. Paper presented at The theory and practice of extensive reading: the bridge to fluency conference, 逢甲大學: 逢甲大學.
James Sims(幸雅各)* (2014.03). The English Exit Requirement and the Teaching Excellence Project at Tunghai University. Paper presented at Symposium on English Language Exit Requirements in Taiwan, 暨南大學: 暨南大學.
James Sims (2010.11). Improvement and Decline in the English Language Ability of University Freshmen in Taiwan.. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Hanyang Women's University,Seoul,Korea.: Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.
Sims, James and Hsieh, Y. H. (2010.11). Perceived Changes in the English Language Ability of Freshmen at a University in Taiwan.. Paper presented at Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Multimedia Language Education., National Kaohsiung Normal University: ROCMELIA.
Sims,James(2009.10)。Comparison between Paper and Computer Delivered Reading Assessment in Taiwanp451-464.。論文發表於National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung.Taiwan. Proceedings of ROCMELIA 2009 Glocalization and Language Instruction,Kaohsiung.Taiwan:National Kaohsiung Normal University。
James Sims (2007.03). Results of Moving Toward a Communicative Approach. Paper presented at TESOL 2007 Convention, Seattle, Washington: TESOL 2007 Convention.
James Sims (2007.01). Teaching English for Global Communication: An Example from Taiwan. Paper presented at Annual 27th Thailand TESOL, Bangkok, Thailand: Pan-Asian Consortium International Conference 2007.
James Sims (2006.11). A Language Program in Theory, Practice, and Success. Paper presented at 15th International Symposium English Teachers’ Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: ETA 2006.
James Sims (2006.08). Successful Freshman English for Non-majors Program. Paper presented at 2006 Taiwan TESOL Conference, Yun-lin Taiwan: National Formosa University.
James Sims (2006.08). Meeting TEFL Challenges: The Results of a Decade of Changes.. Paper presented at The 2006 Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan,: Seinan Gakuin University.
James Sims (2006.06). A Task-Based, Student-Centered University EFL Program in Taiwan.. Paper presented at Korea Association of Teachers of English KATE 2006 Intentional Conference, Seoul, Korea: Korea Association of Teachers.
James Sims (2006.04). A Decade of Changes in Listening Comprehension for Freshmen. Paper presented at International Conference on English Language Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: International Conference on English Language Education, Fortune Institute of Technology.
James Sims (2006.04). Language Assessment in a Foreign Language Context.. Paper presented at International Conference on English Language Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: International Conference on English Language Education, Fortune Institute of Technology.
James Sims (2006.03). A Model for Creating a Reliable and Valid University Proficiency Exam. Paper presented at The 23rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Wenzao Uruline College.
James Sims (2005.04). A New Dimension in Assessing Oral Communication in a Foreign Language Context. Paper presented at New Dimensions in the Teaching of Oral Communication, 40th RELC International Seminar,, Singapore: 40th RELC International Seminar.
James Sims (2004.11). Analysis of Incoming Freshmen: Listening Improving, Grammar and Reading Declining. Paper presented at Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Symposium English Teaching, English Teachers' Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: English Teachers' Association Conference.
James Sims (2004.08). Changes in the Language Ability of Incoming Freshmen in Taiwan. Paper presented at The Proceedings of the 9th Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL) Conference, Namseoul University, Korea,: Namseoul University.