Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2024.12). Equivalence Tests Before the End of Follow-up Under Box–Cox Transformation Model. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 18(54), 1-16.
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J. Y. Lee, P. S. Shen (沈葆聖), K. F. Cheng (2023.11). A comparison of bootstrap approaches for homogeneity test based on dichotomous outcome
in meta-analysis. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 52(9), 4218-4229.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Shuo-Chun Weng, Jia-Ren Tsai, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2023.09). The mean residual life model for the right-censored data in the presence of covariate measurement errors. Statistics in Medicine, 42, 2557-2572.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2023.08). A multiple imputation approach for the Cox–Aalen cure
model with interval‑censored data. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 52, 838-857.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2023.05). Equivalence tests before end of follow-up under
the class of log transformation model. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 33(3), 324-334.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2023.03). Equivalence tests for the difference of two survival
functions under the class of Box–Cox transformation model. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 52, 223-233.
Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), and Ting-Hsuan Lee (2022.10). A gamma-frailty model for interval-censored data with dependent examination times: a computationally efficient approach. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS - SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION, 51(10), 6071-6082.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2022.10). The Cox-Aalen model for doubly censored data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51(23), 8075-8092.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2022.09). Equivalence tests under the Cox-Aalen model and the partly Aalen model. JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS, 32(5), 789-801.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2022.06). Nonparametric analysis of doubly truncated and interval-censored data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(6), 1157-1170.
Ishien Li*, Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Mei-Liang Wu and Wenchun Wang (2022.06). The relationship between preschoolers’ sensory regulation and temperament: implications for parents and early childhood caregivers. EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE, 192(8), 1190-1200.
Ishien Li*, Pao‑Sheng Shen (沈葆聖) and Suh‑Sing Kang (2022.06). Teacher‑Derived Emotional Socialization Predicts the Development of Emotion Regulation and Knowledge in Preschool Children. Child And Youth Care Forum, 51, 561-578.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2022.03). Nonparametric estimation for competing risks survival data subject to left truncation and interval censoring. Computational Statistics, 37, 29-42.
Jen-Yu Lee*, Pao-Sheng Shen(沈葆聖) and Kuang-Fu Cheng (2022.01). A robust association test with multiple genetic variants and covariates. STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS IN GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 21(1), 20210029.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Yingwei Peng, Hsin-Jen Chen, Chyong-Mei Chen* (2022.01). Maximum likelihood estimation for length-biased and
interval-censored data with a nonsusceptible fraction. Lifetime Data Analysis, 28, 68-88.
Chun-Lung Su (蘇俊隆) and Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) (2021.07). On consistency of themonotone NPMLE of survival function
under the mixed case interval-censored model with left
truncation. Computational Statistics, 36, 1871-1883.
Jui-Chun Chang, Yu-Chiao Yi, Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖), Hwa-Fen Guu,
Ya-Fang Chen, Hsiao-Fan Kung, Li-Yu Chen, Ming-Jer Chen (2021.07). Cost-effectiveness of freeze-all policy e A retrospective study based
upon the outcome of cumulative live births. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 60, 125-131.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) and Yi Liu (2021.06). On semiparametric transformationmodel with LTRC data:
pseudo likelihood approach. Statistical Papers, 62, 3-30.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2021.06). Tests for equivalence of two survival functions:
alternatives to the PH and PO models. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 31(1), 79-90.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2021.06). Regression analysis of doubly truncated data based
on pseudo‑observations. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 50, 1197-1218.
Pao-Sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) and Yi Liu (2021.05). Marginal regression of recurrent gap times based
on semiparametric transformation cure model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50(5), 1383-1397.
Yu-Mei Chang (張玉媚), Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), and Yu-Hsin Tang (2021.03). Confidence interval for the difference between two median survival times with semiparametric transformation models. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50(3), 633-649.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖), Chih-Ching Lin,and Chih-Cheng Wu (2020.09). Semiparametric mixture cure model analysis with
competing risks data: Application to vascular access
thrombosis data. Statistics in Medicine, 39, 4086-4099.
Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖), Chih-Ching Lin, Chih-Cheng Wu (2020.07). Semiparametric mixture cure model analysis with
competing risks data: Application to vascular access
thrombosis data. Statistics in Medicine, (39), 4086-4099.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖), Huichen Hsu (2020.05). Conditional maximum likelihood estimation for
semiparametric transformation models with doubly
truncated data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (144), 106862-106862.
Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖)* (2020.05). Quantile regression for doubly truncated data. Statistics, 54(4), 649-666.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖), Huichen Hsu (2020.03). Conditional maximum likelihood estimation for
semiparametric transformation models with doubly
truncated data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 144(106862), 1-15.
Ching-Pei Tsai, Hui-Fen Kao, Chih-Ku Liu, Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖), Ming-Jer Chen, Man-Jung Hung* (2020.03). One-year outcomes of a suture-less laparoscopic
sacral hysteropexy using polypropylene Y-mesh
grafts and fibrin sealant spray: A prospective
comparative study. Journal of Chinese Medical Association, (83), 484-490.
Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖)* (2020.02). Empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals
in terms of cumulative hazard function for lefttruncated
and right-censored data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49(18), 4571-4586.
Pao-sheng Shen*(沈葆聖) and Yu-Hsing Lai (2020.02). Nonparametric analysis of recurrent gap time data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49(13), 3298-3312.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2020.01). Nonparametric estimators of survival function under the
mixed case interval-censored model with left truncation. Lifetime Data Analysis, (26), 624-637.
Yu-Mei Chang(張玉媚)* , Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖) & Ken-Ning Hsu (2019.10). Two-Arm Comparisons in Two-Stage Designs for
Stratified Randomized Phase II Trials. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 11, 348-359.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) and Yi Liu (2019.09). Pseudo maximum likelihood estimation for the Cox
model with doubly truncated data. Statistical Papers, 60, 1207-1224.
Man-Jung Hung*, Ching-Pei Tsai, Yi-Hao Lin, Wen-Chu Huang, Gin-Den Chen, Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2019.08). Hyaluronic acid improves pain symptoms more than bladder storage
symptoms in women with interstitial cystitis. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 58, 417-422.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2019.07). Estimation of the joint survival function for
three successive duration times under double
truncation and right censoring. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89, 576-590.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Hsin-Jen Chen, Wen-Harn Pan, Chyong-Mei Chen* (2019.06). Semiparametric regression analysis for left-truncated and
interval-censored data without or with a cure fraction. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 140, 74-87.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2019.06). The IPW estimator for the joint distribution function of the gap
times from recurrent event data. Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 48, 957-967.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) and Yi Liu (2019.06). Pseudo MLE for semiparametric transformation model with
doubly truncated data. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 48, 384-395.
Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)and Wei-Lun Huang (2019.06). Semiparametric transformation models for interval-censored
data in the presence of a cure fraction. Biometrical Journal, 61, 203-215.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)and Li Ning Weng (2019.05). The Cox-Aalen model for left-truncated and mixed
interval-censored data. Statistics, 53, 1152-1167.
Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen(沈葆聖), Yi-Kuan Tseng (2018.10). Semiparametric transformation joint models for longitudinal covariates
and interval censored failure time. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 128, 116-127.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2018.07). Nonparametric analysis of gap times for bivariate recurrent event data
with cure fraction. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 47(1), 181-195.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖*), Li Ning Weng (2018.06). The Cox-Aalen model for left-truncated and right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 47(21), 5357-5368.
Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖*), Chyong-Mei Chen (2018.06). Aalen's linear model for doubly censored data. Statistics, 52(6), 1328-1343.
Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Pei Tsai, Chih-Ku Liu, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖),
Yao-Ching Hung, Man-Jung Hung* (2018.03). Factors that affect outcomes of prolapse repair using single-incision
vaginal mesh procedures. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, 298-306.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) (2018.03). Conditional maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric transformation
model with LTRC data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 24, 250-272.
Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Pei Tsai, Chih-Ku Liu, Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Yao-Ching Hung, Man-Jung Hung (2018.01). Factors that affect outcomes of prolapse repair using singleincision
vaginal mesh procedures. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37, 298-306.
Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2017.09). Semiparametric regression analysis of failure time data with dependent interval censoring. Statistics in Medicine, 36(21), 3398-3411.
Yu-Mei Chang (張玉媚) , Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖) , Yu-Ru Jiang (2017.09). Estimation of the simultaneous confidence regions for the ratios of quantile residual lifetimes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 87(13), 2581-2596.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2017.07). Estimation of the joint survival function for successive duration times. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 46, 6672-6684.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2017.06). A semiparametric regression cure model for interval-censored and left-truncated data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 46(5), 3690-3700.
Yu-Mei Chang (張玉媚), Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Chun-Shu Chen (2017.05). Adaptive-Cox model averaging for right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(19), 9364-9376.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2017.05). Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with dependently left-truncated and rightcensored data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 46(3), 2474-2487.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Pao-Sheng Shen*(沈葆聖) , James Cheng-Chung Wei, Lichi Lin (2017.03). A semiparametric mixture cure survival model for left-truncated and right-censored data. Biometrical Journal, 59(2), 270-290.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Yi Liu, Der-Pyng Maa (馬德平), Yeunjyr Ju (朱允執) (2017.03). Analysis of transformation models with right-truncated data. Statistics, 51(2), 404-418.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2017.03). Linear transformation models for survival analysis with tumor growth information in cancer screening study. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(4), 1916-1926.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2016.05). Analysis of transformation models with doubly truncated data. Statistical Methodology, 30, 15-30.
Yu Cheng*, Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖), Zhumin Zhang and HuiChuan J. Lai (2016.05). Nonparametric association analysis of bivariate left-truncated competing risks data. Biometrical Journal, 58(3), 635-651.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2016.04). Estimation of association parameters in copula models for bivariate left-truncated and right-censored data. Journal of Applied Statsitics, 43(6), 996-1010.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2016.04). Estimation of the joint survival function for successive duration times under double-truncation and right-censoring. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(13), 2673-2683.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2016.03). Estimation of Kendall's tau for bivariate doubly truncated data. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 45(1), 89-100.
Pao-sheng Shen (2016.02). On goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive model based on left-truncated right-censored or doubly censored data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 45(16), 4812-4823.
Yu-Mei Chang* (張玉媚), Pao-Sheng Shen (沈葆聖) and Guan-Wei Liu (2016.02). Confidence intervals for the difference between two median survival times for clustered survival data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43(12), 2325-2345.
Chyong-Mei Chen, Pao-sheng Shen* (沈葆聖) and Ya-Wen Chuang (2016.01). The partly Aalen's model for recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event. Statistics in Medicine, 35(2), 268-281.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.10). Parameter estimation in regression for long-term survival
rate from left-truncated and right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 44, 958-978.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.10). The inverse probability weighted
estimators for distribution functions of the bivariate recurrent events. Statistics and Probability Letters, 106, 91-99.
Chen, C.-M., Chuang, Y.-W. and Shen, P.-S. (沈葆聖) (2015.09). Two-stage estimation for multivariate recurrent event data with
a dependent terminal event. Biometrical Journal, 57, 215-233.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.09). Estimation of multiple linear regression model with twice censored data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 44(21), 4631-4640.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.09). On fitting transformation model to survey data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 44(18), 3796-3811.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.08). Conditional MLE for the proportional hazards
model with left-truncated and interval-censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 100, 164-171.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.08). Median Regression Model with Doubly Truncated Data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 42, 360-370.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.08). Additive Transformation Models
for Multivariate Interval-Censored Data. Communications in
Statistics-Theory and Methods, 44, 1065-1079.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.08). Additive transformation models for clustered doubly-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 44(8), 1988-2002.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.06). A self-consistent estimator of survival function with interval-censored and left-truncated data. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 44(2), 211-220.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.05). Nonparametric tests for left-truncated and interval-censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(8), 1544-1553.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.05). Semiparametric transformation models with random effects for clustered doubly-censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(8), 1554-1566.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖) (2015.05). Full likelihood inference in the Cox model with LTRC data when covariates are discrete. Statistics, 49(3), 602-613.
Liu, C. K., Tsai, P. C., M. M. Chou, Shen, P. S., Chen, G. D., Hung,
Y. C. and Hung, M. J. (2014.12). A comparative study of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy and total vaginal mesh procedure using lightweight polypropylene meshes for prolapse repair. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 53, 552-558.
Tsai, P. C., Hung, M. J., Shen, P. S., Chen, G. D., Su, T. H. and
Chou, M. M. (2014.11). Factors that affect early recurrence after
prolapse repair by a non-anchored vaginal mesh procedure. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 53, 337-342.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.11). Analysing truncated data with semiparametric transformation models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84(11), 2474-2485.
Hung, M.J., Su, T.H., Lin, Y. H., Huang, W. C.,
Lin, T. Y., Hsu, C. S., Chuang, F. C., Tsai, C. P., Shen, P. S.,
Chen, G.D. (2014.11). Changes in sexual function of women with refractory interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome after intravesical therapy with a hyaluronic acid solution. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11, 2256-2263.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.08). Semiparametric Regression analysis for clustered doubly-censored
data. Computational Statistics, 29, 813-828.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.07). Simple nonparametric estimators of the bivariate survival function
under random left truncation and right censoring. Computational Statistics, 29, 641-659.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.06). A weighted quantile regression for left-truncated and
right-censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and
Simulation, 84(3), 596-604.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.05). Nonparametric estimation with left-truncated and
right-censored data when the sample size before truncation is
known. Statistics, 48(2), 315-326.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.04). Aalen's additive risk model for left-truncated and
right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation
and Computation, 43, 1006-1019.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.03). A generalization of Turnbull's estimator for interval censored and
doubly truncated data. Communications in Statistics-Theory
and Methods, 43, 2958-2972.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.03). Proportional hazards regression with interval-censored and
left-truncated data.. Journal of Statistical Computation and
Simulation, 84(2), 264-272.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.02). Aalen's additive risk model for left-truncated and
right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation
and Computation, 43, 1006-1019.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.02). Aalen's additive risk model for left-truncated and right-censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 43, 1006-1019.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.02). A Weighted Quantile Regression for Left-truncated and
Right-censored Data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, 596-604.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.01). Nonparametric estimation with left-truncated and right-censored data
when the sample size before truncation is known. Statistics, 48, 315-326.
Pao-sheng Shen (2014.01). Proportional hazards regression with interval-censored and
left-truncated data.. Journal of Statistical Computation and
Simulation, 84, 264-272.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.12). Additive Mixed Effect Model for Clustered Doubly Censored Data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation
and Computation, 42, 2295-2307.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.12). The size of risk set under random truncation. Journal of Statistics and Computing, 15, 47-55.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.09). Additive hazards model with truncated and doubly censored data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 40, 1520-1532.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.09). Median regression model with
left truncated and interval-censored Data. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 42, 469-479.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.08). Additive mixed effect model for clustered doubly censored
data.. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and
Computation, 42, 2295-2307.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.08). Regression M-estimators
with one modified form of doubly censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 42, 603-612.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.07). A class of rank-based test for doubly truncated Data.. Test, 22, 83-102.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.07). Regression analysis of interval
censored and doubly truncated data with linear transformation
models. Computational Statistics, 28, 581-596.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.06). Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate distribution
function with doubly truncated data.. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 42, 3805-3818.
Pao-sheng Shen (2013.03). Estimation of the association for bivariate doubly
censored data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferences, 143, 630-636.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.10). Nonparametric analysis of interval censored and doubly truncated data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 82(12), 1845-1854.
Sean J. Blamires, Cheng-Hui Lai, Ren-Chung Cheng, Chen-Pan Liao,
Pao-sheng Shen and I-Min Tso(卓逸民) (2012.09). Body spot coloration of a nocturnal sit-and-wait
predator visually lures prey. Behavioral Ecology, 23, 69-74.
Yu-Mei Chang(張玉媚), Chun-Shu Chen and Pao-sheng Shen (2012.08). A jackknife-based versatile test for two-sample problems
with right-censored data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 39, 267-277.
Pao-sheng Shen(2012.07)。Analysis of left-truncated and right-censored or doubly censored data with linear transformation models。Test,21,584-603。
Pao-sheng Shen(2012.07)。Nonparametric estimators of the distribution function for one
modified model of current status data。Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods,,-。
Pao-sheng Shen(2012.05)。A generalized time-dependent conditional linear model with left-truncated and right-censored data。Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods,41,128-137。
Pao-sheng Shen(2012.05)。Semiparametric mixed-effect models for clustered doubly censored data。Journal of Applied Statistics,39(9),1881-1892。
Pao-sheng Shen(2012.04)。Estimation in multiple linear regression model with doubly censored data。Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,82(4),503-514。
Man-Jung Hung, Yi-Ting Chen, Pao-sheng Shen,
Shih-Tien Hsu, Gin-Den Chen, Esther Shih-Chu, Ho(2012.04)。Risk factors that affect the treatment of intersitial cystitis
using intravesical therapy with a dimethyl sulfoxide cocktail。International Urogynecol Journal,23,1533-1539。
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.03). Estimation in Multiple Linear Regression Model with Doubly Censored Data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 82, 503-514.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.03). Modified self-consistent estimators of the survival
function with twice censored data.. Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inferences, 142, 1549-1556.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.03). Median regression model with left-truncated and
right-censored data. Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inferences, , -.
P. S. Shen (2012.03). A Generalized time-dependent conditional linear model with left-truncated and right-censored data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41, 128-137.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.02). Empirical likelihood ratio for linear transformation models with doubly censored data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 41, 531-543.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.02). Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate distribution function with doubly censored data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41, 195-211.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.02). Estimation of the bivariate cause-specific distribution function with left-truncated competing risks data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 41, 99-110.
Pao-sheng Shen (2012.01). Regression analysis for cumulative incidence probability under competing risks and left-truncated sampling. Lifetime Data Analysis, 18, 1-18.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.12). Nonparametric estimators of the survival function with twice censored data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 63(6), 1207-1219.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.11). Estimation in the Cox proportional hazards model with doubly censored and truncated data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1717-1725.
S. H. Hsieh, S. M. Lee, Pao-sheng Shen, M. F. Liu (2011.10). Conditional likelihood estimation and efficiency comparisons in proportional odds model with missing covariates. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 63(5), 887-921.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.10). Empirical likelihood ratio with doubly truncated data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38(10), 2345-2353.
Pao-sheng Shen, J.-C. Kang (2011.09). Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate survival function for one modified form of current-status data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(9), 1199-1209.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.09). Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with left-truncated and right-censored data. Computational Statistics, 26(3), 521-537.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.08). Estimation of the bivariate cause-specific distribution function with doubly censored competing risks data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(8), 2614-2621.
Pao-sheng Shen(2011.07)。Proportional subdistribution hazards regression for left-truncated and competing risks data。Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,23(4),885-895。
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.07). The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator for middle-censored data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(7), 2494-2499.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.05). Testing quasi-independence for doubly truncated data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 23(3), 753-761.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.04). Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with doubly censored data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38(4), 675-682.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.03). Nonparametric estimation with doubly censored and truncated data. Computational Statistics, 26(1), 145-157.
Pao-sheng Shen (2011.03). Proportional hazards regression for cancer screening data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(3), 367-377.
P. S. Shen (2010.11). Jackknife methods for left-truncated data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 3468-3475.
P. S. Shen (2010.11). Interval estimation of the joint survival function for successive duration times under left truncation and right censoring. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 80(11), 1265-1277.
Pao-sheng Shen (沈葆聖)* (2010.10). Nonparametric analysis of doubly truncated data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 62, 835-853.
P. S. Shen (2010.10). Nonparametric analysis of doubly truncated data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 62(5), 835-853.
P. S. Shen (2010.09). A class of semiparametric rank-based tests for right-truncated data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 1459-1466.
P. S. Shen (2010.08). Semiparametric analysis of doubly truncated data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 39, 3178-3190.
P. S. Shen, Y. C. Yang (2010.07). Semiparametric estimation of the cumulative incidence function under competing risks and left-truncated sampling. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 1863-1873.
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P. S. Shen (2010.02). Semiparametric estimation of survival function when data are subject to dependent censoring and left truncation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 161-168.
S. H. Hsieh, S. M. Lee, P. S. Shen (2009.06). Semiparametric analysis of randomized response data with missing covariates in logistic regression. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 2673-2692.
P. S. Shen (2009.06). A simulation study for a class of central composite designs with nested sub-experiment. Computational Statistics, 24(3), 481-495.
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M. H. Hsieh, S. L. Jeng, P. S. Shen (2009.06). Assessing device reliability based on scheduled discrete degradation measurements. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 24, 151-158.
P. S. Shen (2009.06). An inverse-probability-weighted approach to the estimation of distribution function with doubly censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 79, 1269-1276.
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J.R. Hseu, P.S. Shen, W.B. Huang, P.P. Hwang (2007.04). Logistic regression analysis applied to cannibalism in the giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus fry. Fisheries Science, 73, 472-474.
J.S. Huang, P.S. Shen (2007.02). More maximum likelihood oddities. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2151-2155.
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I.C.Chang, J.Y. Wu, H.I.Lu, H.W. Ko, J.L. Kuo,C.Y. Wang, P.S. Shen, S.M. Hwang (2006.07). High-potentiality preliminary selection criteria and transformation time-dependent factors analysis for establishing Epstein-Barr virus trnasformed human lymphoblastoid cell lines. Cell Proliferation, 39(6), 457-469.