何姵萱 ,廖敏旬,何萬順*(2023.10)。大學英檢畢業門檻的現況與檢討。課程與教學季刊,26(4),157-188。
16筆資料 more...
(廖敏旬)* (2020.03). Exploring the Effects of Digital Storytelling: A Case Study of Adult
L2 Writers in Taiwan. IAFOR Journal of Education: Language Learning in Education, 8(1), 65-82.
Min-Hsun Chiang(廖敏旬)* (2019.12). Effects of Electronic-Book Reading on Adult English Learners’ Higher-Order Thinking and Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Language and Linguistics (IJLL), 6(4), 109-119.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2018.09). Literature Circles with the Seventh-Grade Reluctant Second Language Readers. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 5(3), 175-184.
Ciampi, C*., Doyon Lacasse, K., Priego, S., Chiang, M.-H., & Liaw, M. L. (2018.08). Promoting pre- and in-service teachers’ co-construction of knowledge through an intercultural telecollaboration project. Médiations & Médiatisations, 1(1), 34-49.
Min-Hsun Chiang(廖敏旬)* (2016.11). Effects of Varying Text Difficulty Levels on Second Language(L2) Reading Attitudes and Reading Comprehension. Journal of Research in Reading, 39(4), 448-468.
(廖敏旬)* (2016.04). Utilizing Electronic Reading Device (Kindle) in English as Foreign Language Reading Class. Sino-US English Teaching, 13(4), 233-244.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2014.04). Impacts of Globalization: Hegemonic Threats of English in Taiwan. Sino-US English Teaching, 11(4), 238-247.
廖敏旬* (2012.07). Net Generation Readers Navigate through Electronic Reading Device (Kindle) in EFL Context.. Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2012), GSTF,2012, 87-92.
Min-hsun Liao (2009.07). Cultivating Critical Thinking through Literature Circles in EFL Context. Spectrum: Studies in Language, 5, 89-116.
Min-hsun Liao(2009.06)。Cultivating Critical Thinking through Literature Circles in EFL Context (透過文學討論圈以提升大一英文學生的批判思考)。Spectrum: Studies in Languages, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation,5,89-116。
Min-Hsun Chiang (2009.05). Social Construction of Knowledge via Web-Based Discussion in Graduate TEFL Program. Vienna English Working Papers, 18(3), 25-28.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2007.09). 教學上的夥伴:四年級英文課的跨文化協同教學
Partners in Pedagogy: Intercultural Team Teaching in Fourth-Grade English Classes. 東吳外語學報, (25), 31-58.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2007.09). A Novel Idea: English as Foreign Language Reading via Virtual Literature Circles. English Teaching & Learning, , 1-37.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2007.06). Effects of fieldwork experience on empowering prospective foreign language teachers.. Teaching and Teacher Education, , -.
14筆資料 more...
(廖敏旬)* (2023.06). Developing L2 Speaking, Intercultural Communication Competence, and L2 Speaking Efficacy via Virtual Language Exchange. Paper presented at The Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2023) Conference, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT): Taiwan Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning Association.
(廖敏旬)* (2020.09). Effects of Online Collaborative Writing on Paragraph Writing and Writing Motivation among adult EFL students. Paper presented at The 3rd Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, 臺灣師範大學公館校區綜合館: NTNU.
(廖敏旬)* (2018.06). Effects of Self and Peer Assessment on Learner Autonomy and Speaking Proficiency among Adult EFL Learners.. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), June 13-14, Singapore Technology University , Singapore ., Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.
(廖敏旬)* (2018.05). Telecollaboration in ELT at the tertiary level: Taiwan experience: Knowledge Construction via Tele-collaboration among Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, National Tsing Hua University: National Tsing Hua University.
(廖敏旬)* (2017.05). Tele-collaborative Communities of Inquiry among Pre- Service Foreign Language Teachers. Paper presented at The Asia Conference on Language Learning 2017, Kobe, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
Min-Hsun Chiang (2015.07). Cultivating Intercultural Communication Competence among Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers. Paper presented at Edulearn 15: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona: The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Min-Hsun Chiang (2014.04). Evaluating Digital Storytelling (DST) Social Networks and the Empowering Effects
of DST. Paper presented at The Asia Conference on Language Learning 2014, Osaka, Japan: International Academic Forums.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2013.07). Cultivating Digital Literacy via Digital Storytelling among University English as an International Language (EIL) Students. Paper presented at WorldCALL 2013 Conference Sustainability and CALL, Glasgow, Scotland: WorldCALL.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2013.03). Empowering English as an International Language College Students via Digital Storytelling. Paper presented at The American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2013Conference, Dallas, Texas: American Association of Applied Linguistics.
Min-Hsun Chiang(2012.07)。Net Generation Readers Navigate through Electronic Reading Device (Kindle) in EFL Context。論文發表於Annual International Conference on L3 2012,Singapore:Global Science and Technology Forum。
Min-Hsun Chiang (2012.05). Effects of Reading via Kindle on EFL Readers’Engagement with the Text and Reading Motivation. Paper presented at Fifteenth International Computer-Assisted Language Learning Conference, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan: Providence University.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2011.10). Chinese Language Program and Recruitment of Foreign Students. Paper presented at The Executive Conference on International Affairs, Taichung, Taiwan: 財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2011.08). Using Electronic Books in English as Foreign Language Reading Class: Exploring Its Effects on Reading Behaviors and Reading Motivation. Paper presented at 2nd Annual TESOL Asia Convention, Cebu, Philippine: TESOL Asia.
Min-Hsun Chiang (2010.04). What Constitutes Optional Challenge Level for Extensive Reading in EFL Context?. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Denver, CO: Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association.
(廖敏旬)* (2023.08). Building a Telecollaborative Community of Practice Among Pre-service English Teachers, In-Service Teachers, and International-School Teachers .. In Yueh-Min Huang, Tânia Rocha (Ed.), Innovative Technologies and Learning: 6th International Conference, ICITL 2023, Porto, Portugal, August 28–30, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 250-259). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.(ISBN:978-3-031-40112-1)