Louis Chih-hung Liu(劉志宏)* (2022.11). Policy Innovation and Public Organizational Performance: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Taiwan’s Bookstart Program. Public Management Review, 24(11), 1824-1845.
10筆資料 more...
Louis C. Liu(劉志宏) (2021.12). A Study of Learning and Internship Satisfaction on Student’s Intent to
Stay Current Job: A Survey Examination on Students Participating in
Taiwan’s ‘Dual Education System’. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 13(1), 17.
Louis Chih-hung Liu (劉志宏)* (2021.09). The housing business cycle of local public finance:
empirical evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(3), 375-390.
Louis C. Liu* (2017.12). Fiscal Decentralization, Public Governance, and Economic Performance:
Examination on Two PLS-SEM Models. Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 13(2), 55-72.
Louis Chih-hung Liu(劉志宏)* (2013.10). What Drives Performance Budgeting to Perform? A Survey Examination in Taiwan. Public Administration Research, 2(2), 58-72.
Louis Chih-hung Liu(劉志宏)* (2011.12). The Typology of Fiscal Decentralization System: A Cluster Analysis Approach. Public Administration and Development, 31(5), 363-376.
19筆資料 more...
Louis C. Liu, Nai-ling Kuo, and Sadaf Zhara (2023.04). Budget Transparency and Corruption: Empirical Evidence from a Cross-Country Analysis. Paper presented at World Social Science Association Annual Conference, Tempe, Arizona: World Social Science Association.
陳柔安、劉志宏(2021.11)。我國年金制度之評估—以Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index(2018)為研究架構。論文發表於2021臺灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會TASPAA研討會,台灣.桃園:中央警察大學。
Louis C. Liu (劉志宏)* (2019.09). Government Debt and Fiscal Sustainability: A Debt Intolerance Framework of Taiwan. Paper presented at Association for Budgeting & Financial Management 2019 Annual Conference, 華盛頓特區 Marriot Washington Georgetown: Association for Budgeting and Financial Management.
Louis C. Liu (劉志宏)* (2019.04). A Study of Learning and Internship Satisfaction on Student’s Intent to Stay Current Job: A Survey Examination on Students Participating in Taiwan’s “Dual System”. Paper presented at Western Social Science Association 61st Annual Conference, 加州.聖地牙哥: Western Social Science Association.
Louis C. Liu* (2018.10). Does Housing Bubbles Generate Fiscal Bubbles? Empirical Evidence from Taiwan. Paper presented at 86th International Atlantic Economic Conference, New York, USA: International Atlantic Economic Society.
Louis C. Liu* (2018.05). Diffusion of Policy Innovation, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Bookstart Program, Taiwan. Paper presented at Public Management Research Conference (PMRC) 2018, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore: The Public Management Research Association and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
(劉志宏)* (2017.10). A Greater Transparency and Participation for Budgeting in Taiwan:A Systematic Review. Paper presented at The 5th Public Governance Forum in Greater China, 上海.復旦大學: 復旦大學陳樹渠比較政治發展研究中心.
Louis C. Liu* (2017.10). Factors Affecting Elderly People’s Satisfaction on QoL: Empirical Evidence from Taichung City. Paper presented at 8th APRU Population Aging Conference, National University of Singapore: Center for Ageing Research & Education.
Louis Chih-hung Liu (劉志宏)* (2013.06). Fiscal Decentralization, Public Governance, and Economic Performance: Examination with PLS-SEM Modeling. Paper presented at 88th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 美國西雅圖: Western Economic Association International.
(劉志宏)* (2011.12). A Spatial-Temporal Analysis on State Fiscal Distress in America: Does Demographic Change Really Matter?. Paper presented at 公共預算和財政管理:多學科對話和融合學術研討會, 上海: 上海財經大學.