Kay H. Chu Yi-In Lee Yu-Ming Huang I-An Wang (2024.12). Applying The Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Consumers’Behavioral Intention Toward a Vegetarian Diet. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 12(2), 170-179.
18筆資料 more...
Mei-Ying Lai, Lou-Hon Sun, Hei-Lin Chu (2020.06). Emotional Labor and Service Sabotage in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(1), 120-132.
Kay H,Melissa A. Baker, Suzanne K. Murrmann (2012.05). When we are on stage we smile: The effects of emotional labor on employee work outcomes.. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 906-915.
Kay Hei-lin Chu(2008.09)。The impact of service orientation on emotional labor among hospitality employees。Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research,,-。
Chu, K. H. (2008.08). The effects of service orientation on emotional labor. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(2), 56-61.
Chu, K. H(2008.04)。A factorial validation of work value structure: Second-order confirmatory factor analysis and its implications.。Tourism Management,29(2),320-330。
Chu, K. H(2007.06)。The factorial structure of career commitment among restaurant employees。Journal of Hospitality and Home Economics,4(2),169-186。
Chu, K. H. & Murrmann, S. K.(2006.12)。Development and validation of hospitality emotional labor scale。Tourism Management,27,1181-1191。
朱惠玲, 康書函, 謝文輝(2006.10)。餐旅管理學系學生生活壓力與社會支持之研究。東海學報,47,167-176。
朱惠玲, 杜政蓉, 林昭儀(2005.10)。連鎖咖啡店消費者顧客利益認知與購買行為之研究。東海學報,46,185-193。
Weaver, P., Chu, K. H., and Clemenz, C.(2002.09)。Do Hospitality Programs Provide Restaurant Experiences Commensurate with Local Dining Options?。Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Educator,13(3/4),34-40。
Chen, J. S., Chu, K. H., and Wu, W. C.(2000.06)。Tourism Students' Perceptions of Work Values: A Case of Taiwanese Universities.。International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,12(6),360-365。
吳武忠, 朱惠玲(1998.10)。我國觀光系所學生個人背景因素對其職業價值觀與職業選擇傾向影響之研究。高雄餐旅學報,1,9-21。
39筆資料 more...
朱惠玲*(2019.08)。餐旅人員服務力up up~ 以Goffman劇場理論融入工作設計提升餐旅基層人員服務力。論文發表於107年民生學門計畫成果交流會,靜宜大學:教育部。
Kay H. Chu(朱惠玲)* , Chi-Yu Lin (2018.06). THE LEADERSHIP IN THE KITCHEN:AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIP, MENTORING, WORKING STRESS AND WORKPLACE BULLY. Paper presented at 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference, Bangkok, Thailand at Emerald Hotel: Washington State University, University of Thai Chamber of Commerce and Chiang Mai University..
Kay H. Chu(朱惠玲)* , Yijing Chen (2018.06). Relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction- from the perspective of first-line employee in Taiwan restaurant. Paper presented at 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management conference, Bangkok,Thailand at Emerald Hotel: Washington State University, University of Thai Chamber of Commerce and Chiang Mai University..
Alice Chang (2018.05). The influence of service orientation on counterproductive work behavior: Through the mediating effect of emotional labor. Paper presented at The 17th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Student Research in Tourism, 夏威夷,美國: University of Hawaii.
Dai-Rong Li, Yi-Chen Chen,Yi-Syuan Luo, and Kay H. Chu* (2017.05). Customer complaints: rational or irrational? The influence of customer complaints on employee negative emotions. Paper presented at International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure2017, 台北景文科技大學: 景文科技大學.
林岱容、羅翊萱、陳以甄 (2017.05). Hospitality workplace bully. Paper presented at International conference on hospitality, tourism and leisure, 景文科技大學、台北: 台北.
(朱惠玲)* (2016.05). The negative emotion on service sabotage. Paper presented at 4th International Conference of Hospitality and Tourism Management 2016, 泰國曼谷: Middlesex University.
Kay Hei-Lin Chu, Ching-Wen Chang (2015.05). The influence of culture on hospitality employee emotion presentation. Paper presented at 2015 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Liesure-Sustainable development, LOHAS, and innovation education, Taipei, Shih-Chien University: Shih Chien University.
Kay H. Chu & William C. Chung (2014.05). The importance-performance analysis of Taiwan Food Attributes. Paper presented at 13 Asia Pacific Forum., Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Hospitality College.
Kay H. Chu & William C. Chung (2014.05). The analysis of Taiwan food tourism competitive strength. Paper presented at 2014 APacCHRIE Conference, 吉隆坡: Taylor University.
Chu,K.H., Chen,J.C., Wu,P.L. & Huang,T.C. (2013.10). Tourist Street-food consumption behavior-An implication of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture, Yunnnan: chinese Food Culture.
Chu,K.H, Yen,A., Murrmann,S., & Cheng,W. (2012.06). Cross-culture comparison of the hospitality employees’ emotional labor strategies. Paper presented at The 3rd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Taipei: Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management.
Fu,W.C,& Chu,K.H (2011.06). The Effects of Emotional Labor and Person-Job Fit on Hotel Employee’s Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement. Paper presented at The Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management, Turkey: Bogazici University and Washington State University.
朱惠玲,傅為瑄(2009.05)。餐廳員工之工作倦怠與工作參與研究。論文發表於第一屆餐旅管理論文研討會,東海大學:東海大學 餐旅管理學系。
Lee, J., Tasi, V., & Chu, Kay H. (2009.05). A study of emotional labor and organizational identification for restaurant front-line employees.. Paper presented at APacCHRIE Conference, Singapore: APacCHRIE.
朱惠玲,黃瑜旻(2009.05)。探討餐旅產業人員組織承諾與生涯承諾知相關研究。。論文發表於第一屆餐旅管理論文研討會,東海大學:東海大學 餐旅管理學系。
Chu, K. H. & C. F. Kuo (2007.10). The impact of career commitment on employee work outcomes.. Paper presented at EuroCHRIE Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.: EuroCHRIE.
Chu, K. H. & C. F. Kuo(2007.05)。The career commitment of restaurant employees in Taiwan.。論文發表於APacCHRIE Conference,Beijing, China:APacCHRIE。
Chu, K. H. (2006.10). The impact of service orientation on emotional labor among hospitality employees.【國科會審查通過,全額補助前往發表】. Paper presented at EuroCHRIE Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.: EuroCHRIE.
Chu, K. H., Hsu, Y. H., & Lin, H. L. (2005.10). Career commitment and promotion intention among restaurant employees. 國科會審查通過,全額補助前往發表】. Paper presented at EuroCHRIE Conference, Paris, France.: EuroCHRIE.
Chu, K. H. & Murrmann, S. K (2004.10). Development and Validation of the Hospitality Emotional Labor Scale.【榮獲Best Paper Award & 國科會審查通過,全額補助前往發表】. Paper presented at Second Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference & the Sixth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, Phuket, Thailand: APacCHRIE.
Chu, K. H. (2003.10). Act to Smile: An Emotional Labor Study.【國科會審查通過,全額補助前往發表】. Paper presented at Annual Conference of Europe Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Bad Honnef/Bonn, Germany.: EuroCHRIE.
Chu, K. H. and Murrmann, S. K. (2002.10). Emotional Labor in the Service Industry, Research Presentation,. Paper presented at Annual Conference of Internal Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Orlando, Florida.: Annual Conference of Internal Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education.
Chu, K. H. and Murrmann, S. K. (2002.10). The Effects of Emotional Labor. Paper presented at Research Presentation 17th Annual Research Symposium, Blacksburg, Virginia.: Virginia Tech.
Chu, K. H., Weaver, P., and Clemenz, C. (2001.10). A Survey of Overall Dining Perceptions at the Old Guard Restaurant: Do Hospitality Programs Provide Restaurant Experiences Commensurate with Local Dining Options?. Paper presented at Research Presentation, Fourth Annual Graduate Research Sympoism, College of Human Resources and Education, Blacksburg, Virginia.: Virginia Tech.