王凱立, 周莉欣, 林于喬 吳安琪, 王美智(2022.12)。時變偏態資訊傳導之研究:以美國債券期限利差與亞洲金融市場為例。證券市場發展季刊,34(4),119-174。
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龔珊瑩(Shan-Ying Kung)、王凱立(Kai-Li Wang)、吳安琪(An-Chi Wu)*、王美智(Mei-Chih Wang)(2021.03)。債券利差與期限利差對於匯率動態影響之研究。證券市場發展季刊,33(1),1-51。
Jiao-Hui Yang, Wei Wang*, Kai-Li Wang(王凱立), Chung-Ying Yeh (2018.05). Capital intensity, natural resources, and institutional risk preferences in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment. International Review of Economics and Finance, 53(3), 1-41.
王偉, 楊嬌輝, 王凱立(2018.03)。風險敞口、國家異質性與合意外匯儲備規則。世界經濟,41(3),101-126。
王曦*、朱立挺、王凱立(2017.11)。我國貨幣政策是否關注資產價格?——基于馬爾科夫區制轉換 BEKK 多元 GARCH 模型。金融研究,449(11),1-17。
Yi-Heng Tseng,Chia-Ling Chang,Kai-Li Wang(王凱立) (2017.06). Order Choices, Order Performances and Price Discovery during the Closing Call Auction: An Empirical Study of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Journal of Financial Studies, 25(2), 105-156.
Li-Kai Connie Liao,Peihwang Wei,Kai-Li Wang(王凱立) (2017.06). A Comparison of Overreactions of REITs and non-REITs Using Option Data. Journal of Financial Studies, 25(2), 51-73.
Xi Wang, Jiao-Hui Yang*, Kai-Li Wang(王凱立), Christopher Fawsond (2017.03). Dynamic information spillovers in intraregionally-focused spot and forward currency markets. Journal of International Money and Finance, 71, 78-110.
楊嬌輝、王曦、王凱立(2015.05)。人民幣境內外遠期外匯市場有效性之動態比較分析。中山大學學報(社會科學版) (經濟學報CSSCI轉載),4,184-197。
Chung-Ying Yeh*, Junming Hsu, Kai-Li Wang (王凱立), Che-Hui Lin (2015.01). Explaining the default risk anomaly by the two factor beta model. Journal of Empirical Finance, 30, 16-33.
Kai-Li Wang(王凱立), Christopher Fawson*, Mei-Ling Chen, and An-Chi Wu (2014.04). Characterizing Information Flows Among Spot, Deliverable Forward and Non-Deliverable Forward Exchange Rate Markets: A Cross-Country Comparison. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 27(1), 115-137.
Wen-I Chuang*, Bong-Soo Lee, Kai-Li Wang(王凱立) (2014.03). U.S. and domestic market gains and Asian investors’ overconfident trading behavior. Financial Management, 43(1), 113-148.
陳明麗, 王凱立, 陳品媗(2010.10)。市場盈餘預測誤差會影響美國銀行業之盈餘管理行為嗎?。管理評論-金融機構特刊,29(4),69-88。
王凱立, 李昭蓉, 蕭孟柔(2010.09)。海外存託憑證與標的股:匯率門檻變動下之日內訊息傳遞研究。財務金融學刊,18(3),93-131。
Chang-Chun Lin,Ya-Yu Wang,Kai-Li Wang,Han-Chung Lien,Ming-Tai Liang,Ting-Ting Yen,Jing-Ping Wang,Shi-An Liu,Chen-Chi Wang (2009.08). Association of heartburn and laryngopharyngeal symptoms with endoscopic reflux esophagitis, smoking, and drinking. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 141(2), 264-271.
I-Doun Kuo,Kai-Li Wang (2009.04). Implied Deterministic Volatility Functions: An Empirical Test for Euribor Options. Journal of Futures Markets, 29(4), 319-347.
王凱立,郭一棟, 李昀薇(2008.10)。選擇權市場與現貨、期貨於基差變動下之日內動態資訊傳遞研究。證券市場發展季刊,20(3),141-178。
Kai-Li Wang,Mei-Ling Chen (2007.11). The Dynamics In The Spot, Futures, and Call Options with Basis Asymmetries: An Intraday Analysis in A Generalized Multivariate GARCH-M MSKST Framework. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 29(4), 371-394.
M.L. Chen, K.L.Wang, Y.C. Sung, F.L. Lin, W.J. Young (2007.09). The Dynamic Relationship between the Investment Behavior and the Morgan Stanley Taiwan Index: Foreign Institutional Investors' Decision Process. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 10(3), 389-413.
Kai-Li Wang, and Christopher B. Barrett (2007.08). Estimating the Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Volumes. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 32(2), 225-255.
林卓民, 王凱立, 吳宗保(2005.08)。台灣上市公司購回庫藏股目的決定因素—多元名義分對數模型之應用。台灣管理學刊,5(2),339-360。
Kai-Li Wang, Christopher Fawson, Christopher B. Barrett (2002.09). An Assessment of Empirical Model Performance When Financial Market Transactions are Observed at Different Data Frequencies: An Application to East Asian Exchange Rates. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Journal, 19(1), 111-129.
Kai-Li Wang,Christopher Fawson (2001.09). Modeling Asian Stock Returns with a More General Parametric GARCH Specification. Journal of Financial Studies, 9(3), 21-52.
Kai-Li Wang, Christopher Fawson, Christopher Barrett, James B. McDonald, (2001.08). A Flexible Parametric GARCH Model with an Application to Exchange Rates. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(4), 521-536.