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吳岳穎 、 張伊婷、 李爵安、 陳鴻基(2023.12)。專案目標、目標承諾與專案績效之探討:大數據分析解決方案。電子商務學報,25(3),241-280。
Judy, Y. H. Huang, Randi, Jiang, & Jamie Y. T. Chang (2023.05). The effects of transformational and adaptive leadership on dynamic capabilities: Digital transfor-mation projects. Project Management Journal, 54(4), 428-446.
Jacob, C. A. Tsai, Randi, Jiang, Jamie, Y. T. Chang, & Tim Y. Y. Wu (2023.05). Interteam Learning in Multiteam New Product Development Programs. Project Management Journal, 54(5), 543-560.
蔡佩珊、余心淳、張伊婷(2022.12)。遊戲開發專案之目標挑戰性與遊戲品質之影響: 探索式創新 vs. 漸進式創新。電子商務學報,24(2),177-208。
吳岳穎, 張伊婷, 戴基峯(2022.12)。系統整合商如何提升企業的大數據分析能力?。臺大管理論叢,32(3),117-154。
Jamie, Y.T.Chang, Xiaosong, Wu, Richard Discenza, and Gary, Klein (2022.05). Creative Software Development with Team Boundary Management. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 62(4), 694-705.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu, Jamie Y. T. Chang (2020.12). Interproject Conflict Management Through Cooperation in an Enterprise System Implementation Program. Project Management Journal, 51(6), 582-598.
Neil C. A. Lee, Jamie Chang(張伊婷)* (2020.03). Adapting ERP Systems in the Post-implementation Stage: Dynamic IT Capabilities for ERP. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 12(1), 28-59.
James Jiang, Gary Klein, Jamie Y.T. Chang* (2019.11). Teamwork behaviors in implementing enterprise systems with multiple projects: Results from Chinese firms. The Journal of Systems and Software, 157, 1-11.
Jing-Wei Liu, Yi-Hsing Wang, Jacob C. A. Tsai, and Jamie Y. T. Chang* (2019.06). Ambidextrous Innovation and Game Market Fit Performance: Feedback from Game Testers. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(3), 233-242.
Jamie, Y.T. Chang, J. Jiang, G. Klein, and E.T.G. Wang (2019.05). Enterprise System Programs: Goal Setting and Cooperation in the Integration Team. Information and Management, 56, 103-137.
Jing-Wei Liu, Chia-Yu Ho, Jamie, Y.T. Chang and Jacob Chia-An Tsai (2019.04). The Role of Sprint Planning and Feedback in Game Development Projects: Implications for Game Quality. Journal of Systems and Software, 154, 79-91.
Jamie Y.T. Chang(張伊婷)* (2017.02). Mutual Monitoring of Resources in an Enterprise System Program. Project Management Journal, 48(1), 100-115.
(張伊婷)* (2015.12). IT program goals formulation and commitment in attaining enabled business functions. International journal of commerce and strategy, 7(4), 301-316.
Liu, J.W., Chang, J.Y.T. (2015.10). Does Perceived Value Mediate the Relationship between Service Traits and Client Satisfaction in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)?. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 159-165.
Houn-Gee Chen , Jamie Chang (2014.12). A Study on Green IT Adoption. Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(8), 315-323.
Jamie Y.T. Chang, James J. Jiang, Gary Klei, Eric T.G. Wang (2014.10). Do too many goals impede a program? A case study of enterprise
system implementation with multiple interdependent projects. Information & Management, 51(4), 465-478.
Jiang, James J, Chang, Jamie Y T (張伊婷)*, Chen, Houn-Gee, Wang, Eric T G, and Klein, Gary (2014.09). Achieving IT Program Goals with Integrative Conflict Management. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(1), 79-106.
Jamie. Y.T. Chang, Eric, T.G. Wang, James, J., Gary Klein (2013.05). Controlling ERP Consultants: Client and Vendor Practices. Journal of System and Software, 86, 1453-1461.
Eric T.G. Wang , Jamie Y.T. Chang, Jiunn-Yih J. Jiang, Gary Klein (2011.08). User advocacy and information system project performance. International Journal of Project Management, 29, 146-154.
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邱鈺馨,張伊婷,余心淳(2022.08)。探討大學生短影音使用行為 與抖音短影音成癮關係之研究。論文發表於第三十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,實踐大學台北校區:中華民國資訊管理學會。
黃妍恆、吳岳穎、張伊婷(2020.12)。觀眾與 YouTuber 的互動及持續觀看意圖之探討:以印象特質為調節變數。論文發表於第三十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,嘉義大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
Neil, C.A.Lee, Jamie. Y.T. Chang (2018.08). Adapting ERP Systems IN the Post-implementation stage: Dynamic Capabilities View. Paper presented at The 24th Cross Strait Conference of Information Management Development and Strategy(CSIM 2018), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU.
Jamie Chang, Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu, James Jiang (2018.06). Inter-Team Task Conflict within Enterprise Systems Implementations. Paper presented at Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 橫濱市: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
朱家廣、吳金山、張伊婷、曾婉婷(2018.06)。網路直播平台的互動性與資訊內容與享樂價值之影響研究。論文發表於第 29 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(The 29th International conference on information and management 2018),東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
陳韻涵、吳岳穎、蔡扉繻、李姲靜、張伊婷(2018.06)。使用資料探勘探討大學生手機成癮之研究:以東海大學學生為例。論文發表於第 29 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(The 29th International conference on information and management 2018),東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳岳穎、張伊婷、吳金山(2018.06)。通訊軟體使用時間對課堂中學習意向與實際學習行為之影響:以大學生為例。論文發表於第 29 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(The 29th International conference on information and management 2018),東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳岳穎、李佳鴻、張伊婷(2018.04)。以手機成癮探討大學生對學習意圖及學習行為之影響。論文發表於2018 永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學:東海大學管理學院。
黃映瑋、余心淳、黃建達、張伊婷(2018.04)。休閒需求、網路使用行為對幸福感影響之研究-以東海大學為例。論文發表於2018 永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學:東海大學管理學院。
劉家伍、張伊婷(2017.04)。企業系統導入衝突管理之研究。論文發表於2017兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會 ,東海大學:東海大學。
蔡佩珊*、張伊婷(2017.04)。遊戲開發專案之目標困難性與遊戲品質之探討。論文發表於2017兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會 ,東海大學:東海大學。
jamie, Y.T. Chang, James, J. Jiang, and Jacob, C.A. Tsai (2015.12). The Impacts of Goal Structure Design among Projects within an IT Program on the Resources. Paper presented at The 10th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM 2015), Pre-ICIS Workshop on IT Project Management, Fort Worth, TX, Dec 12., 美國德洲: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
Jing Wei Liu (劉經緯) and Jamie Yi Ting Chang(張伊婷) (2015.07). How Shared Game Concept Formulation Can Facilitate Teamwork Processes in Computer Game Development Project: An Explorative Case Study Approach. Paper presented at International Conference on Innovation and Management, 札幌: International Conference on Innovation and Management.
James J. Jiang, Jacob C.A. Tsai, Jamie Y.T. Chang, Houn-Gee Chen,Fei Ren (2015.01). The Impacts of Program Goal Ambiguity on Inter-team Integrative Conflict Management during IT Program Implementation: Theory of Controversy. Paper presented at 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 夏威夷: Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Joanne Chen, Houn-Gee Chen, James J. Jiang, Jamie Y.T. Chang (2014.04). The Moderation Effect of Project Performance Appraisal and Project Goal Interdependence on Integrative Conflict Management in IT Program Teams. Paper presented at 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, 日本福岡: 台灣大學.