(Henk Vynckier)* (2024.01). The Britain in Pictures Series, 1941-1950: Propaganda, Intermodernism, and the Representation of Space. Paper presented at International Conference on Literary and Film Tourism, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona and University of Algarve (Portugal).
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(Henk Vynckier)* (2023.10). “The Britain in Pictures Series, 1941-1950: an Island Studies Perspective”. Paper presented at UGM 2023 Conference on Critical Island Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University.
(Henk Vynckier)* (2023.09). “Writing the Collection: Collecting Testimonies from Charles Lamb to Edmund de Waal”. Paper presented at The 5th International AutoBiography Association Asia-Pacific Conference, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia: The International AutoBiography Association.
(Henk Vynckier)* (2022.10). “Utopian Curatorship: Collections and Museums in Utopian Fiction”. Paper presented at The 30thAnnual Conference of the English and American Literature Association, Kaohsiung: English and American Literature Association and National Kaohsiung Normal University.
(Henk Vynckier)* (2021.10). "'Scraps of Beautiful Rubbish': Antiquarianism in Dystopian Fiction". Paper presented at The 29th EALA International Conference, Taipei, National Taiwan Normal University: The English and American Literature Association.
(Henk Vynckier)* (2019.10). “The Misplaced Telescreen: On Winston Smith’s Living Room and Other Spaces of Resistance in Nineteen Eighty-four”. Paper presented at “Technically Yours”: Technicity, Mediality, and the Stakes of Experience”, Taipei: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University.
Henk Vynckier* (2017.05). "'Niches to cower in': London and New York in George Orwell and Claude Lévi-Strauss". Paper presented at Contested Modernity: Place, Space and Culture, National Taiwan Normal University: The English Department, National Taiwan Normal University; and Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies; National Taiwan Normal University.
(Henk Vynckier)* (2016.11). The Picture of Winston Smith: Orwell's Post-Romantic Legacy in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Paper presented at Romantic Legacies: the 13th Annual International Wenshan Conference, Taipei: English Department, National Chengchi University, Taipei)..
(Henk Vynckier)* (2016.10). Transcultural Collecting and Life Writing: The Examples of Friedrich Hirth and Fredrik Schjoth. Paper presented at Life Writing and Film Biography in the Trans-Cultural Context, Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Center for Life Writing and the Center for Biographical Research, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Henk Vynckier (2015.04). “Orwell à rebours: Bohemianism, Purple Passages, and the Fin de Siècle Legacy in George Orwell”. Paper presented at “Aestheticism and Decadence in the Age of Modernism: 1895-1945”, London: University of London.
Henk Vynckier (2014.10). “Orwell’s Image of China from Burmese Days to Nineteen Eighty-four”. Paper presented at The Fourth International Symposium on Foreign Language and Literature Teaching at Feng Chia University; Taichung; Oct. 18, 2014., Taichung: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature.
Henk Vynckier (2014.07). “‘They won’t hurt you’: Ancestral Portrait Galleries in European Literature from the Gothic Novel to The Leopard”. Paper presented at “Picturing the Family: Media, Narrative, Memory”; Birkbeck College, University of London; 10-11 July 2014, London, UK: Birkbeck College.
Henk Vynckier (2013.11). “Mont Blanc Albert vs. the Ulsterman: Robert Hart’s Encounter with Albert Smith in Canton, Sept. 1858". Paper presented at "Foreign Officers of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and the Sino-Foreign Relations, 1854-1949” (“海关洋员与近代中外关系), Guangzhou: Sun Yat Sen University.
Henk Vynckier (2013.10). "Burning only with the passion for gathering books: Richard de Bury’s Philobiblon (1345) and its Modern Reception". Paper presented at The 7th Annual Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference, Changhua: National Changhua Normal University and TACMRS.
Henk Vynckier and Chih-yun Chang (2012.11). “Touring China: Robert Hart’s Travels and Spatial Imagination”. Paper presented at “Landscape, Seascape, and the Spatial Imagination”: the 2012 International Conference of the Center for the Humanities; National Sun Yat Sen University., Kaohsiung: The Center for the Humanities; National Sun Yat Sen University..
Henk Vynckier (2012.11). "'But Who Can Resist It?’ Tracing Orwell’s Collecting Project from Burma to Oceania”. Paper presented at The 20th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association, Taipei Nov. 24, 2012).: Fu Jen University and the English/American Literature Association.
Henk Vynckier (2012.10). “Walpole’s Portraits: Collecting the Gothic in The Castle of Otranto”. Paper presented at The 6th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Taichung: Tunghai University and TACMRS.
Henk Vynckier and Chih-yun Chang. (2012.07). “A ‘fly on the wheel’ of evolution: Robert Hart’s (Self)-Representations”. Paper presented at Framing Lives: 8th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association [IABA]) Conference:, Australian National University; Canberra, Australia: International Auto/Biography Association.
Henk Vynckier (2012.05). “Big Brother Is Coming to an iPad Near You: Teaching Orwell in a Paperless Classroom”. Paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on English Teaching: Corpora, E-Learning and ESP; Tainan U. of Technology, Tainan: Tainan University of Technology.
Henk Vynckier (2011.12). “From Telescreens to eReaders: Teaching Orwell in a Paperless Classroom”. Paper presented at The Ninth Joint Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning and the Multimedia English Learning and Instruction Association in Taiwan on Multimedia Language Education with Digital Content, Kaohsiung: National Kaohsiung Normal University.
Henk Vynckier and Chihyun Chang (Academia Sinica) (2011.11). “Robert Hart's Diaries: Life Writing by an Old China Hand". Paper presented at "The Journey and Its Portrayals: Explorers, Sailors, (Im)migrants" (International Conference of the Center for the Humanities), Kaohsiung: Sun Yat Sen University.
Henk Vynckier (2018.05). BURNING ONLY WITH THE PASSION FOR GATHERING BOOKS: RICHARD DE BURY’S PHILOBIBLON AND ITS MODERN RECEPTION. In Hui-zung Perng (Ed.), CULTURE OF LEARNING: Papers on Passions for Learning from the Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Culture and Literature (pp. 118-131). 彰化: 國立彰化師範⼤學.(ISBN:9789860559118)
Henk Vynckier (2013.01). “Veiled Autobiography: George Orwell, Winston Smith and Nineteen Eighty-four”. In John Rodden (Ed.), George Orwell: Critical Insights (pp. 240-257). Ipswich, Massachusetts (USA): Salem Press / A Division of EBSCO Publishing.(ISBN:978-1-4298-3728-6)
(2012.07). A Compromising Possession: Some Material Culture Themes in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four. In Pengxiang Chen, Terence Russell (Ed.), Divergence and Convergence in Global Cultural Production (pp. 139-150). Taipei: Taiwan ELT Publishing.(ISBN:978-986-6760-10-5)