27筆資料 more...
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2016.12). Culture or Oppression? An anti-oppressive perspective on women with mental health problems who survived their male partners' violence. Socialno Delo Journal, 55(5-6), 269-280.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)*, Faye Mishna (2015.07). Older Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in the Taiwanese Cultural Context. The Open Family Studies Journal, 00(7), 77-85.
Liu,Chu-Li (劉珠利)* (2014.11). Mental health problems in Taiwan from a gender and anti-oppressive perspective: a human rights issue. Socialno delo, 53(3), 207-216.
Liu,Chu-Li (劉珠利)*, Mishna,F. (2014.03). Resilience in a Cultural Context: Taiwanese Female Earthquake Survivors.. Qualitative Social Work, 13(2), 288-303.
Liu, Chu-Li, Mishna, F. (2011.12). Female High School Dropouts: A Relational View. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Development, 21(2), 46-61.
劉珠利 賴碧怡(2010.12)。社會工作與法律之協同合作模式探討—以協助家庭
Liu, Chu-Li & Regehr, C. (2009.01). Power and Control as a Framework for Practice —the Case of Intimate Partner Violence Work in Taiwan. (Oxford Journal). Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention., , 1-9.
Liu, Chu-Li, & Regehr, C. (2006.01). Cross-Cultural Application of Self-in-Relation Theory—The case of Taiwanese Young Women.. International Social Work, 49(4), 459-470.
劉珠利(2005.09)。性別 (女性) 與資訊化—對社會工作資訊化的啟示。社區發展季刊,(111),148-157。
劉珠利(2003.03)。台灣年輕女性的兩性關係—從 “關係中的自我” 理論的觀點來探討。社區發展季刊,(101),56-69。
32筆資料 more...
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2023.02). Social work and clean energy: When sustainability meets Buddhist culture(presented by audio-visual powerpoints). Paper presented at Society for Cross-Cultural Research 2023 Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Society for Cross-Cultural Research.
Liu, Chu-Li(劉珠利)* (2020.04). The Interplay of Insecure Attachment and Ambiguity of
Cohabitation: The Case of Female Survivors Survived by their Male Cohabitants’ Violence and their relationships with social service systems.(canceled due to Covid-19 ). Paper presented at 2020 European Conference for Social Work Research., Buchrast, Romania.: European Association of Social Work and Research.
Liu, Chu-Li(劉珠利)* (2020.02). The Interplay of Insecure Attachment and Ambiguity of
Cohabitation: The Case of Female Survivors Survived by their Male (cancelled due to Covid-19 ). Paper presented at 2020 Annual Meeting of Cross-Cultural Research (canceled due to Covid-19 ), Seattle, U.S.A.: Society for Cross-Cultural Research.
(劉珠利)*Liu, Chu-Li (2019.04). Helping or Exclusion? The Case of Intimate Partner Violence Female Survivors with Mental Health Problems: The Gaps among Female Survivors and Social Workers.. Paper presented at European Conference for Social Work Research 2019, Leuven: European Association of Social Work Research.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2019.02). Trapping in Socio-Economic, Legal and Legal Marginalization: The Case of Females Survived by their Intimate Partners’ Violence Occurred in Cohabitation Unions. Paper presented at 2019 Annual Meeting of Cross-Cultural Research, Jacksonville, Florida: Society for Cross Cultural Research.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2018.06). Helping or Re-victimization? The Case of Intimate Partner Violence Female Survivors with Mental Health Problems: Female Survivors' Relationships with Services.. Paper presented at The 16th International Symposium of the World Society of the Victimology 2018, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2018.02). Helping or Exclusion? The Case of Intimate Partner Violence Female Survivors with Mental Health Problems: Social Workers. Paper presented at 47th Annual Meeting of the Soceity for Cross-Cultural Research, Las Vegas: Society for Cross-Cultural Research.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2017.04). A world that is flipped over: The case of female survivors who suffered both from intimate partner violence and mental health problems in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2017 European Conference for Social Work Research, Aalborg: Aalborg University, European Association of Social Work Research.
Chu-Li Liu(劉珠利)* (2017.04). Researching the discourses of intimate partner violence prevention systems from an anti-oppressive perspective: the case of female survivors with mental health problems in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2017 European Conference for Social Work Research, Aalborg: Aalborg University, European Association of Social Work Research.
Liu, Chu-Li(劉珠利)* (2016.10). The Domestic Violence Prevention System in Taiwan. Paper presented at 6 KONGRES SOCIALNEGA DELA, Moravske Toplice, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana.
Liu, Chu-Li* (2016.03). Females suffering both from mental health problems and intimate partner violence: an anti-oppressive perspective. Paper presented at 6th European Conference for Social Work Research, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal: European Association of Social Work Research.
Chu-Li Liu (劉珠利)* (2015.04). Mental Health Problems in Taiwan from a Gender and Anti-Oppressive Perspective: A human rights issues.. Paper presented at 5th European Conference for Social Work Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia: European Social Work Research Association, University of Ljubljana.
Liu, Chu-Li (2015.02). The Paradox of Culture. Paper presented at 44th Annual Conference for Society for Cross Cultural Research, Albuquerque: Society for Cross Cultural Research.
Chu-Li Liu (2014.02). Promoting Human Rights: The Case of Intimate Partner Practice with Female Elder Survivors. Paper presented at 43rd Annual Conference of Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Charleston,South Carolina: Soceity for Cross-Cultural Research.
Liu, Chu-Li, Mishna,F. (2013.03). Transforming Intimate Partner Violence Practice for the Elder Female Survivors: The Case of Taiwan.. Paper presented at The 3rd European Conference for Social Work Research., Jyv?skyl?, Finland.: University of Jyv?skyl?.
Liu, Chu-Li (2012.03). Collaboration between Social Work and Law as a Framework for Intimate Partner Violence Work –The Case of Intimate Partner Violence Work in Taiwan.. Paper presented at The Second European Conference for Social Work Research, Basel, Switzerland: University of Basel, Switzerland.
Liu, Chu-Li (2011.03). Positive Reconstruction Strategies Adopted by Natural Disaster Female Survivors: The Case of Taiwanese Women.. Paper presented at The First European Conference for Social Work Research, Oxford, England.: York University.
Liu, Chu-Li
Mishna, F. (2011.02). Female Earthequake Survivors' Reconstructin Strategies: A Culturally-Sensitive Perspective. Paper presented at 40th Annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A.: Society for Cross-Cultural Research.
Liu, Chu-Li (2010.02). Power and Control as a Framework for Practice—The Case of Intimate Partner Violence Work in Taiwan.. Paper presented at 39th annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research., Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S. A.: University of New Mexico.
Liu, Chu-Li (2009.04). Female High School Dropouts: A Relational View.. Paper presented at Fourth International Social Work in School Conference., Auckland, New Zealand: Massey University.
劉珠利(2008.10)。一個性別平等在就業上的實踐的想像. 發表於。論文發表於婦女就業與經濟安全研討會.,東海大學, 台灣 台中.:中華救助總會 東海大學社會工作學系 主辦.。
Liu, Chu-Li (2008.05). Culturally Sensitive Domestic violence Practice.. Paper presented at Canada2008 Canadian National Social Work Conference, Toronto, Ontario,: Canadian Association of Social Workers.
Liu, Chu-Li (2007.01). Gender-Sensitive Disaster Work—Lessons Learned from
Taiwan’s Female Earthquake Survivors.. Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, U.S.A.: Society for Social Work and Research.
Liu, Chu-Li (2006.06). A Shifted Lens of Risk Factors of School Dropout-Lessons from Taiwan.. Paper presented at Canadian National Social Work Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.: Canadian Association of Social Workers.
Liu, Chu-Li (2005.06). Locating Powers!—The gender identity characteristics of working-class young women and its challenges to school systems.. Paper presented at OASW Biennial Conference, Ottawa, Canada.: Ontario Association of Social Workers.
Liu, Chu-Li (2005.01). Locating Powers!—The gender identity characteristics of working-class young women.. Paper presented at 9th Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, U.S.A.: Society for Social Work and Research.
Liu, Chu-Li (2005.01). The Culturally Specific Meanings of Silence—the case of Taiwanese young women.. Paper presented at 9th Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, U.S.A.: Society for Social Work and Research.
Liu, Chu-Li (2003.01). Cross-cultural application of Self-in-Relation theory: the case of young Taiwanese women. Paper presented at 7th Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC., U.S.A.: Society for Social Work and Research.
8筆資料 more...
劉珠利*(2024.08)。婦女社會工作。載於古允文(主編),社會工作概論 (八版)(7-1-7-32頁)。台中市西區公益路130號7樓:華格那企業有限公司。(ISBN:978-626-381-057-0)
劉珠利*(2021.09)。婦女社會工作。載於古允文(主編),社會工作概論(六版)(7-1-7-28頁)。403024 台中市西區公益路 130 號7 樓:華格那企業有限公司。(ISBN:978-986-362-771-5)
Chu-Li Liu*, Charles Tong-lit Leung,Wing Hong Chui, Linda Johannsen,Peter O\'Connor,Christine Bibby, James Raine (2013.10). School Dropouts and the Role of School Social Work in Taiwan. In E. Wing Hong Chui (Ed.), School Social work: Current Practice and Research (pp. 39-53). New York: Nova Science Publishers.(ISBN:978-62808-334-7)
(2011.09)。婦女社會工作。載於古允文 主編(主編),社會工作概論(1-24頁)。台中:華格那出版有限公司。
(2007.09)。第五章協助不同的人口群.。載於曾華源 高迪理主編(主編),社會工作概論—成為一位改變者(128-153頁)。台灣:洪葉化事業有限公司.。(ISBN:978-986-6775-13-0)
第十章不同家庭與文化範疇的家庭功能評估。載於曾華源,李自強 主編(主編),社會工作直接服務 理論與技巧 (第六版)(221-279頁)。:台北:洪葉文化事業有限公司。(ISBN:986-7497-29-5)
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(MOST 106-2410-H-029-040 MY2)。科技部專題研究計畫期末報告。
劉珠利*(2016.10)。建構協助台灣女性精神障礙婚姻暴力受害者社會工作實務—一個反壓迫概念的研究。科技部補助專題研究計畫期末報告(計畫編號:103-2410-H-029-030 MY2)。
(2010.04)。台灣受創傷女性復原經驗與協同合作協助模式之研究:社會工作與宗教之合作研究成果報告。台灣受創傷女性復原經驗與協同合作協助模式之研究:社會工作與宗教之合作研究成果報告 編號:NSC96-2412-H-029-006 MY2。
(2006.10)。國科會 編號:NSC94-2412-H-029-013。台灣天然災害受災女性經驗之探討研究成果報告。
(2005.10)。國科會 編號:NSC93-2412-H-029-013。台灣學業中輟女性性別角色特質研究成果報告。
(2004.10)。國科會 編號:NSC92-2412-H-029-013。未受大學教育的台灣年輕女性性別角色特質之研究成果報告。