18筆資料 more...
Yulan Yuan*, Yujia Gao and Ming-Kuang Chung (2024.02). Tourism Environmental Impact Evaluation Framework (TEIEF): Using VGI Data to Assess the Ecological Impact of Tourism in the Danxiashan UNESCO Global Geopark of China. Geoheritage, 16(29), doi.org/10.1.
Bing Pan, Wayne W. Smith, Stephen W. Litvin, Yulan Yuan, Arch Woodside (2022.04). Ethnic bias and design factors impact response rates of online travel surveys. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 32(2), 129-144.
Chaang-Iuan Ho*, Li-Wei Liu, Yulan Yuan, Han-Hsiung Liao (2020.02). Perceived food souvenir quality as a formative second-order construct: How do tourists evaluate the quality of food souvenirs?. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(4), 479-502.
Yulan Yuan*, Yuen-Hsien Tseng and Chaang-Iuan Ho (2019.03). Tourism information technology research trends: 1990-2016. Tourism Review, 74(1), 5-19.
Judith Chen-Hsuan Cheng, Ai-Hsuan Chiang, Yulan Yuan, and Ming-Yuan Huang* (2018.06). Exploring Antecedents of Green Tourism Behaviors: A Case Study in Suburban Areas of Taipei, Taiwan. Sustainability, 10(6), 1-17.
原友蘭*、曾元顯、何昶鴛 、陳茗芷(2017.12)。解析觀光領域之跨領域的知識流動狀況:期刊書目對分析法之應用。觀光與休閒管理期刊,5(2),134-147。
Yulan, Y., & Ho, C.I. (2017.12). Needs analysis of national parks for applying big data solutions in tourism management. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(4), 33-40.
Chaang-Iuan Ho (何昶鳶)*, Ming-Chih Chen (陳芷銘), Yu-Lan Yuan (原友蘭) (2017.09). A Structural Equation Model for Consumers’ Mobile-based Information Search: A Case of Outbound Chinese Tourists. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 6(3), 212-217.
何昶鴛*、 黃緒瀚、原友蘭、陳銘芷(2016.12)。行動商務消費者之購買決策過程探討:以選擇餐廳為例。戶外遊憩研究,29(4),103-133。
Chaang-Iuan Ho*, Lin, Y.C., Yuan, Y., and Chen, M.C. (2016.01). Pre-trip tourism information search by smartphones and use of alternative information channels: A conceptual model. Cogent Social Sciences, 2, 1-19.
原友蘭、 劉吉川、 何昶鴛,(2015.08)。民眾問什麼?解析玉山國家公園「首長信箱」內容。中華林學季刊,48(3),231-250。
Yulan Yuan*, Ulrike Gretzel, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng* (2015.03). Revealing the Nature of Contemporary Tourism Research: Extracting Common Subject Areas through Bibliographic Coupling. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17, 417-431.
Yulan Y. Yuan, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Chun-Yen Chang (2014.06). Tourism subfield identification via journal clustering. Annals of Tourism Research, 47, 77-95.
13筆資料 more...
Yulan Yuan(原友蘭)*, Sumin Chiang and M.K. Chung (2024.07). Evaluating The Tourism Environmental Impact in Siraya National Scenic Area: A Land Use Scenario Analysis. Paper presented at APTA2024, 澳門: Asia Pacific Tourism Association.
張仲德*、江智民、卓逸民、林宜靜、原友蘭(2024.05)。蓮華池森林集水區氣候及水文動態:現況及未來氣候變遷分析。論文發表於TCCIP 2023 AR6新資料說明會暨氣候變遷資料應用研討會,臺灣大學、臺北:國科會臺灣氣候變遷推估資訊與調適知識平台計畫(TCCIP)。
Lin, Chien-Pang*, Wu, Chi-Mei, Yuan, Yu-Lan (2024.05). Managing Island Overtourism: Collaborations among Interactive Stakeholders. Paper presented at APacCHRIE 2024, Seoul, Korean: Yonsei University, Korean.
Yulan YUAN (原友蘭)*, Sumin CHIANG (江素敏), Mingkuang CHUNG (鍾明光) (2023.07). Using volunteered geographic information for visitor monitoring for the recreation management of protected areas: yangmingshan national park case. Paper presented at APTA2023, 清邁: Asia Pacific Tourism Association.
Yulan Yuan (2021.04). Landscape quality assessment of coastal area. Paper presented at Landscape Conservation and Geopark, Future Earth, National Taiwan University: Taiwan Geopark Network.
Yulan Yuan & Ming-Kuang Chung (2021.01). Incorporating social media data to evaluate environmental impact of tourism. Paper presented at ENTER2021 eConference, 線上: International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT).
Devi R. Kausar, Nungky Puspita, and Yulan Yuan (2019.11). Analysis of Information Search Behavior Based on The Age of Indonesian Overseas Tourists. Paper presented at the InCOGITE 2019, Karawaci: Universitas Pelita Harapan.
Yulan Yuan*, Shirley, V. G. and Ching Li (2019.07). Perceived Influence and Availability of Internet-Based Information Channels. Paper presented at APTA2019, Da Nang, Vietnam: Asia Pacific Tourism Association.
Yulan Yuan(原友蘭)* (2017.09). The data maturity model for Geotourism management. Paper presented at Inaugural Conference of Taiwan International Geopark Symposium 2017, Taipei: Taiwan Geoparks Network.
Yulan Yan*, Chia-Lei Fu, Chang-Iuan Ho, and Chia-Rong Lin (2017.05). Evaluation of Taiwan hotel websites providing Halal tourism information. Paper presented at 2017 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, New Taipei City: Jinwen University of Science and Technology.
Yuan, Y., Tseng, Y. H., & Li, C. (2022.09). e-Tourism Research: A Review. In Zheng Xiang, Matthias Fuchs, Ulrike Gretzel, Wolfram Höpken (Ed.), Handbook of e-Tourism (pp. 75-93). Switzerland: Springer.(ISBN:978-3-030-48651-8)
Yulan Yuan and Ming-Kuang Chung (2022.08). Volunteered Geographic Information. In Dimitrios Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 714-717). Cheltenham and Camberley, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.(ISBN:9781800377479)