Hawley, J. D. & Chiang, S.-C.(江淑真) (2016.07). Does Developmental Education Help? Findings from the Academic Performance of Adult Undergraduate Students in Community College. Community College Journal of Research and Practices, 41(7), 387-404.
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(江淑真)* (2016.11). Match Matters: Higher Education Specificity and College Graduates’ Job Stability
Shu-Chen Chiang, Institution of Education, Tunghai University. Paper presented at 2016 ASHE Conference, COLUMBUS, OH.: American Association for the Study for Higher Education.
(江淑真)* (2015.10). The pattern of School-to-work transition for vocational vs. general college graduates in Taiwan. Paper presented at Society for Longitudinal and Life-course Study, 都柏林,愛爾蘭: Society for Longitudinal and Life-course Study.