Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)*, Bing-Yen Tsai and Ding-Sou Chen (2023.05). Deep reinforcement learning based controller with dynamic feature extraction for an industrial Claus process. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 146, 104779.
16筆資料 more...
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)*, David Shan-Hill Wong, Ding-Sou Chen (2022.01). Energy-saving performance of the process modifications for carbon capture by diluted aqueous ammonia. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 130, 103966.
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)*, David Shan Hill Wong, Ding-Sou Chen (2020.08). Energy-Saving Performance of Advanced Stripper Configurations for CO2 Capture by Ammonia-Based Solvents. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 113, 273-284.
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)* (2020.03). Investigation into an Energy-Saving Mechanism for Advanced Stripper Configurations in Post-Combustion Carbon Capture. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 108, 43-54.
Jiain Liu (劉佳霖)* (2018.11). Investigation of Energy-saving Designs for an Aqueous Ammonia-based Carbon Capture Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(45), 15460-15472.
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)* (2017.09). Process design of aqueous ammonia-based post-combustion CO2 capture. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 78, 240-246.
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, David Shan-Hill Wong, Shi-Shang Jang, Yu-Ting Shen (2017.04). Energy-saving design for regeneration process in large-scale CO2 capture using aqueous ammonia. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 73, 12-19.
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)* (2016.06). Developing a soft sensor with online variable reselection for unobserved multi-mode operations. Journal of Process Control, 42, 90-103.
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖), Han-Ci Gao, Chao-Chin Peng, David Shan-Hill Wong*, Shi-Shang Jang, Jui-Fu Shen (2015.03). ASPEN PLUS RATE-BASED MODELLING FOR RECONCILING LABORATORY SCALE AND PILOT SCALE CO2 ABSORPTION USING AQUEOUS AMMONIA. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 34, 117-128.
Kai Sun, Jialin Liu, Jia-Lin Kang, Shi-Shang Jang,David Shan-Hill Wongc, Ding-Sou Chen (2014.07). Development of a variable selection method for soft sensor usingartificial neural network and nonnegative garrote. Journal of Process Control, 24, 1068-1075.
Jialin Liu (2014.07). Developing a soft sensor based on sparse partial least squares withvariable selection. Journal of Process Control, 24, 1046-1056.
Jialin Liu, David Shan Hill Wong, Ding-Sou Chen (2014.03). Bayesian Filtering of the Smearing Effect: Fault Isolation in Chemical Process Monitoring. Journal of Process Control, 24, 1-21.
Jialin Liu, Ding-Sou Chen (2014.02). Fault Isolation Using Modified Contribution Plots. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 61, 9-19.
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)* (2012.10). Fault diagnosis using contribution plots without smearing effect on non-faulty variables. J. Proc. Cont., 22, 1609-1623.
27筆資料 more...
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖),* Hao-Che Chien, David Shan-Hill Wong, Chun-Cheng Chang (2024.06). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Modified Claus Process. Paper presented at the 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering / 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (ESCAPE34/PSE24), Florence, Italy: The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering.
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)*, Bo-Ting Liu, Ding-Sou Chen(2024.05)。Energy-Saving Design for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture in an Integrated Iron and Steel Plant。論文發表於2024熱力學暨程序工程研討會,南投日月潭教師會館:臺灣大學化學工程學系。
(劉佳霖)*(2024.05)。Carbon Capture Technology and Implementation。論文發表於2024熱力學暨程序工程研討會,南投日月潭教師會館:臺灣大學化學工程學系。
劉佳霖*、劉柏廷、陳丁碩、吳調原(2023.12)。煉鋼廠碳補獲製程實驗工廠的節能設計。論文發表於2023 TwIChE 台灣化學工程學會70週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會,國立台灣大學:國立台灣大學。
簡浩哲、劉佳霖*、汪上曉、張鈞程(2023.12)。利用非線性模型預測控制改良型克勞斯程序。論文發表於2023 TwIChE 台灣化學工程學會70週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會,國立台灣大學:國立台灣大學。
Jialin Liu(劉佳霖)*, Yoong Kit Leong(梁勇杰), Jo-Shu Chang(張嘉修) (2023.06). Post-Combustion Carbon Capture and Utilization by Sodium Hydroxide Aqueous Solution for Bicarbonate Microalgae Cultivation. Paper presented at The 33rd European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-33), Athens: National Technical University of Athens School of Chemical Engineering, Greece.
Jialin Liu, Zhan-Feng Zhang, Yen-Chun Liu, Meng-Chih Yeh, Wei-Chen Shen, Zong-Yu Zhuang, Ming-Wei Yang (2022.12). Energy Saving Evaluation by Pilot Plant Study of Post-Combustion Capture at Taichung Power Station of Taiwan. Paper presented at 10th Asian Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE Asia 2022), Chennai: Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, Bing-Yen Tsai, Ding-Sou Chen (2022.06). Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Controller for Modified Claus Process. Paper presented at The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+), Kyoto: Kyoto University.
張展逢、劉佳霖*(2022.01)。工業氨氮廢水捕獲揮發有機物燃燒後之二氧化碳。論文發表於2021 TwlChE台灣化學工程學會68週年年會,高雄展覽館三樓:國立高雄科技大學 化材系暨籌備委員會。
蔡秉諺、劉佳霖*、陳丁碩(2022.01)。應用深度強化學習於硫回收製程的模型預測控制。論文發表於2021 TwlChE台灣化學工程學會68週年年會,高雄展覽館三樓:國立高雄科技大學 化材系暨籌備委員會。
劉佳霖*(2022.01)。Bridge the Gap between the Undergraduate Process Control Education and the Control Rooms of Chemical Processes。論文發表於2021 TwlChE台灣化學工程學會68週年年會,高雄展覽館三樓:國立高雄科技大學 化材系暨籌備委員會。
劉佳霖*(2021.08)。橋接大學部程控教育與化工廠控制室之間的鴻溝 -- (II) 全廠製程控制專題。論文發表於109年度「教育部教學實踐研究計畫成果交流會」工程學門,國立宜蘭大學:國立宜蘭大學 教學發展中心。
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, David Shan-Hill Wong and Ding-Sou Chen (2020.11). Energy-Saving Performance of Advanced Stripper Configurations for CO2 Capture by Ammonia-Based Solvents. Paper presented at PSE Asia Symposiums – PSE Asia 2020, 台北: National Taiwan University.
劉佳霖*(2020.05)。化工單元操作(三):分離程序之電腦輔助學習。論文發表於2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering,溪頭:台大化工系。
Jiain Liu (劉佳霖)*, Ding-Sou Chen (2019.09). Advance Stripper Configuration for Energy-Saving Designs Using Standard Monoethanolamine Absorbent for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture. Paper presented at 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), 札幌: The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ).
(劉佳霖)* (2018.11). Investigation of Energy-saving Configurations for CO2 Stripper in an Aqueous Ammonia-based Carbon Capture Process. Paper presented at 6th International Workshop on Process Intensification (IWPI 2018), 台大鄭江樓: 台大化工系.
Jialin Liu*, Ding-Sou Chen (2018.07). Computer-Aided Design for Energy Saving in an Ammonia-based Post-combustion CO2 Capture Process. Paper presented at International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, 聖地牙哥: Rutgers University.
Zheng-Sheng Lu (盧正笙), Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*(2017.11)。Investigation of Minimum Energy Requirement for Ammonia-based Post-combustion CO2 Capture。論文發表於2017 64th TwICHE Annual Conference,台北科技大學:台北科技大學化工系。
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, Ding-Sou Chen (2017.05). Process Design of Aqueous Ammonia-based Post-combustion CO2 Capture. Paper presented at The International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP 2017), 台北: Taiwan University.
Chung-An Lee (李仲安), Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, Ding-Sou Chen (陳丁碩) (2016.11). Absorber Sizing for CO2 Capture Base on Aqueous Ammonia. Paper presented at 2016台灣化學工程學會63週年慶祝大會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 中央大學: 台灣化學工程學會.
Zheng-Sheng Lu (盧正笙), Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, Ding-Sou Chen (陳丁碩) (2016.11). Minimization of Heat Requirement for Regenerating Aqueous Ammonia and Washing Water in CO2 Capture. Paper presented at 2016台灣化學工程學會63週年慶祝大會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 中央大學: 台灣化學工程學會.
Jialin Liu (劉佳霖)*, Ding-Sou Chen (2015.11). Online variable selection for developing an industrial soft sensor. Paper presented at 台灣化學工程學會62週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會
台韓日三國化工會議, 義守大學: 台灣化學工程學會.
劉佳霖*、張鈞程、康嘉麟、陳丁碩 (2014.12). On-line Scheduling and Monitoring for Reducing Energy Consumption of Compressed Air Systems. Paper presented at 2014台灣化學工程學會61週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 元智大學: 台灣化學工程學會.
Jialin Liu, Ding-Sou Chen (2014.06). Developing a Soft Sensor for an Air Separation Process Based on Variable Selection in Dynamic Partial Least Squares. Paper presented at 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 24), 匈牙利、布達佩斯: Hungarian Chemical Society.