吳金山、朱家廣、鄭菲菲*、蔡德謙(2023.08)。O2O 網站服務品質對消費者再購意願影響之研究。電子商務學報,25(2),187-214。
26筆資料 more...
Fei-Fei Cheng, Watcharanan Thongma* & Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山) (2023.04). The Influence of Website Social Cues: A Cross-Culture Comparison. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(2), 351-368.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Po-Cheng Su (2021.09). The Impact of Collaborative Learning and Personality on Satisfaction in Innovative Teaching Context. Frontiers in Psychology, (12), 713497.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chia-Shan Li, Pei-Hsi Liu, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)* (2020.12). Are You Watching Live Stream Shopping? An Investigation of Influential Factors on Audiences’ Trust and Loyalty Intention from Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective. 電子商務學報, 22(2), 159-178.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山), Jamie Y. T. Chang(張伊婷)* (2020.12). Interproject Conflict Management Through Cooperation in an Enterprise System Implementation Program. Project Management Journal, 51(6), 582-598.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Yi-Chieh Chen (2020.06). Creating customer loyalty in online brand communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 105752-105752.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Bianca Leiner (2019.12). The influence of user interface design on consumer perceptions:A cross-cultural comparison. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 101, 394-401.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Arthur Jung-Ting Chang(張榮庭), Chia-Min Lin (2019.06). Stickiness on a Mobile Instant Messaging Service: Perspective of Consumption Value Theory, Flow, and Social Influence Theory. 電子商務學報, 21(1), 1-28.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Yu-Wen Huang, Der-Chian Tsaih, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)* (2019.03). Trend analysis of co-authorship network in Library Hi Tech. Library Hi Tech, 37(1), 43-56.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Yu-Wen Hung, Hsin-Chun Yu(余心淳), and Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)* (2018.12). Mapping knowledge structure by keyword co-occurrence and social network analysis evidence from Library Hi Tech between 2006 and 2017. Library Hi Tech, 36(4), 636-650.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chui-Chen Chiu, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)* and Der-Chian Tsaih (2017.12). The influence of learning style on satisfaction and learning effectiveness in the asynchronous web-based learning system. Library Hi Tech, 35(4), 473-489.
Cheng, Fei-Fei; Wu, Chin-Shan(吳金山)*; Lin, Hsin-Hui (2014.08). Reducing the influence of framing on internet consumers' decisions: The role of elaboration. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 37, 56-63.
Cheng, Fei-Fei, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Yi-Ting Huang (2013.09). A content analysis of online promotion strategies among different types of websites. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 7(3/4), 208-218.
Wu, Chin-Shan, Fei-Fei Cheng, David C. Yen (2012.09). The Role of Internet Buyer’s Product Familiarity and Confidence in Anchoring Effect. Behaviour and Information Technology, 31(9), 829-838.
Wu, Chin-Shan(2011.06)。Online Shoppers’ Decision Biases—the Effect of Response Mode。African Journal of Business Management,5(11),4585-4593。
Wu, Chin-Shan, Fei-Fei Cheng(2011.05)。The Joint Effect of Framing And Anchoring on Internet Buyers’ Decision-Making。Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,10(3),358-368。
Wu, Chin-Shan(2011.03)。Internet Users’ Decision Bias: Order Effect in E-Commerce。African Journal of Business Management,5(6),2370-2377。
Wu, Chin-Shan, Fei-Fei Cheng, David C. Yen, Yu-Wen Huang(2011.01)。User Acceptance of Wireless Technology in Organizations: A Comparison of Alternative Models。Computer Standards and Interfaces,33(1),50-58。
David C.Yen, Chin-Shan Wu, Fei-Fei Cheng, Yu-Wen Huang (2010.09). Determinants of users' intention to adopt wireless technology: an empirical study by integrating TTF with TAM.. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 906-915.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu (2010.06). Debiasing the framing effect: the effect of warning and involvement.. Decision Support Systems, 49, 328-334.
Cheng, Fei-Fei, Chin-Shan Wu, and David C. Yen(2009.07)。The Effect of Online Store Atmosphere on Consumer's Emotional Responses-- An Experimental Study of Music and Color。Behavior and Information Technology,28(4),323-334。
Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山), Fei-Fei Cheng, and David C. Yen (2008.11). The atmospheric factors of online storefront environment design: an empirical experiment in Taiwan. Information & Management, 45(7), 493-498.
Wu, Chin-Shan(吳金山)*, Fei-Fei Cheng and Hsin-Hui Lin (2008.01). Exploring anchoring effect and the moderating role of repeated anchor in electronic commerce. Behavior and Information Technology, 27(1), 31-42.
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許浩峻、吳金山(2020.05)。網路聲量對選舉結果影響因素探討:以Youtube媒體平台為例。論文發表於2020全國商管論文研討會暨論文競賽,桃園市:龍華科技大學 企業管理系。
吳金山、朱家廣(2019.08)。O2O網站服務品質對消費者再購意願影響之研究。論文發表於2019 FSSR服務科學研究論壇,國立中興大學:社團法人台灣服務科學學會、中興大學。
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山), Yuan-Tse Chang (2019.07). Negative influence of advertisement on Instagram: the moderating effect of promotion. Paper presented at Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), Xi’an, China.: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
余梓豪、鄭瑄儒、黎晉瑋、吳金山、林盛程(2019.05)。大學生對於電腦購買行為與購買動機之探討。論文發表於ICIM 2019第30屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,輔仁大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Fei-Fei Cheng and Ching-Hsien Shih (2019.03). The Effect of Knowledge and Source Credibility on Purchase Intention of Skin Care Products. Paper presented at Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference (SIBRC 2019), Sydney: Australian academy of business leadership.
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山) and Hsiao-Chi Huang (2019.03). User Interface Design of Apparel Websites. Paper presented at Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference, Sydney: Australian academy of business leadership.
吳金山、吳沛蓁、黃函甯、江怡臻、肖妮菲(2018.12)。失智症救星-指路戒指。論文發表於IMP 2018第二十四屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,崑山科技大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳金山、邱柔恩、張雅雯、李淅(2018.12)。高齡者行動不便解決方案。論文發表於IMP 2018第二十四屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,崑山科技大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳岳穎、張伊婷、吳金山(2018.06)。通訊軟體使用時間對課堂中學習意向與實際學習行為之影響:以大學生為例。論文發表於ICIM 2018第29屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
朱家廣、吳金山、張伊婷、曾婉婷(2018.06)。網路直播平台的互動性與資訊內容與享樂價值之影響研究。論文發表於ICIM 2018第29屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
朱家廣、鄭建達、李佳鴻、吳昕穎、黃映瑋、吳金山(2018.06)。醫院急診室之服務流程改善。論文發表於ICIM 2018第29屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,東海大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳金山、黃子洋、張智翔、郭大為、黎孟軒(2017.12)。無敵健康小霸王。論文發表於IMP 2017第二十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,國立聯合大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
吳金山、薛茗翔、李冠霆、張家瑜、葉進傑(2017.12)。租屋服務改善APP。論文發表於IMP 2017第二十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,國立聯合大學:中華民國資訊管理學會。
鍾博宇、吳金山(2017.04)。探討知覺公平對網路購物再購之影響。論文發表於2017 兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學:東海大學管理學院。
Wu, Chin-Shan(吳金山)*, Fei-Fei Cheng and Bianca Leiner (2017.04). The Influence of Website Atmosphere and Innovativeness on Consumers Responses. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI 2017), Vancouver: Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).
Cheng, Fei-Fei*, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山) and Chia-Ling Shih (2017.04). The Influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Responses: The Moderating Effect of Stock Restriction. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI 2017), Vancouver: Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).
吳金山、許哲籍(2016.10)。品牌體驗之影響-以SONY公司為例。論文發表於TANET 2016 臺灣網際網路研討會,國立東華大學:國立東華大學。
Fei-Fei Cheng, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山), Yu-Chun Hsu (2015.04). The Fitness Of Product Promotions and Retailer Promotions In Online Environment. Paper presented at Proceedings of the Sydney International Business Research Conference 2015, Sydney: Australian academy of business leadership.
Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Fei-Fei Cheng, Che-Wei Hsu (2015.04). An Exploration of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth Spreading Motivations and Intentions. Paper presented at Proceedings of the Sydney International Business Research Conference 2015, Sydney: Australian academy of business leadership.
吳金山、簡爾廷、楊博名、林盛程(2014.06)。即時通訊軟體中付費貼圖服務購買意願之研究-以LINE APP之貼圖服務為例。論文發表於第九屆國際健康資訊管理研討會,東海大學管理學院M231:台灣健康資訊管理學會。
吳金山、張進皓、陳 蘊、蘇靖淳(2014.06)。Facebook粉絲專業對五星級飯店之影響。論文發表於第九屆國際健康資訊管理研討會,東海大學管理學院M231:台灣健康資訊管理學會、東海大學。
Liang Yun Lin, Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)* and Fei-Fei Cheng (2013.11). The influence of Internet advertisement appeal and product category on emotion and purchase intention. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 23rd International Business Research Conference, Melbourne: World Business Institute.
Yu-Fan Liu, Fei-Fei Cheng*, and Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山) (2013.11). The influence of payment method and advertisement appeal on consumers’ perceived risk in online fortune-telling environment. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 23rd International Business Research Conference, Melbourne: World Business Institute.
Fei-Fei Cheng*, Tien-Yin Liu and Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山) (2013.05). Perceived Risks and Risk Reduction Strategies in Online Group-Buying. Paper presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management, Phuket: Kasetsart University, Thailand.
Chin-Shan Wu(吳金山)*, Yi-Ting Huang and Fei-Fei Cheng (2013.05). Popular Online Promotion Strategies Among Different Industries. Paper presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management, Phuket: Kasetsart University, Thailand.