Hsiang-I Teng(鄧湘漪)* (2024.06). The response of the Indigenous political violence trauma in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2024 North American Taiwan Studies Association International Conference, CUNY, New York: North American Taiwan Studies Association, NATSA.
Hsiang-I Teng (鄧湘漪)* (2023.06). Resilience Towards Singular Person and Collective Community: A Case Study of Indigenous Community Development in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2023 World Community Development Conference "From the Edge", Darwin: IACD.
Hsiang-I Teng (鄧湘漪)* (2023.04). Breaking borders: The trajectory of Tibetans' migration from Tibet to Taiwan. Paper presented at The International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic Conference on Islands in Relations: Conflicts, Sustainability, and Peace, Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka, Japan: IGU.
Hsiang-I Teng(鄧湘漪)*(2019.08)。形塑公民社會:台灣原住民族青年的返鄉與集體行動
How does Civil Society Work? Returning Home and Collective Actions among Indigenous youth in Taiwan。論文發表於2019 5th International Indigenous Voices in Social Work (IIVSWC),Hualien:Council of Indigenous Peoples。
(鄧湘漪)* (2018.11). The Thinking of Social Work Education between Taiwan and Aotearoa. Paper presented at International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC), Auckland, Aorearoa, New Zealand: The University of Auckland.