Shun-Lung Chen (陳順龍)* (2015.07). On Li-young Lee’s Poems: Memory Woven with Garden Imagery, Child Motif, and Chinese Food. Spectrum 《國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊》(13-2), 2(13), 105-120.
Shun-lung, Chen (2014.07). Performance as Well as Discourse: On the Metaphysics of Music Allusions in Shakespeare. Spectrum 《國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊》(12-2). July 2014., 2(12), 91-120.
Shun-Lung Chen(陳順龍) (2014.01). (Mis)interpreting Latin: Mercantilism, Anti-intellectualism, Schizophrenia, and Homosexuality in A Chaste Maid in Cheapside/ 拉丁文的翻譯與誤譯:談《市場貞潔女》一劇中的重商主義、反智主義、 人格分裂、以及同性戀議題. Spectrum《國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊》(12). Jan. 2014., 12(1), 59-70.
Shun-lung Chen (2013.07). “And This Goes to That—On Shi-qiu Liang’s Chinese Translation of Robert Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’/挖東牆補西牆:談梁實秋中譯「補牆」一詩中,原意的佚失.”. Spectrum《國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊》(11). July. 2013., 11(1), 149-158.
Steven Chen 陳順龍 (2003.07). From Reading to Hear-say—Hemingway’s Marketing Strategy in Allying the Readers against the Critics. Tunghai Journal, College of Arts (44), 44, 309-337.
Steven Chen 陳順龍 (2002.07). Encountering the Child in Theodore Roethke. Tunghai Journal, College of Arts (43), 43, 143-154.
Steven Chen 陳順龍 (1996.07). Robinson Crusoe Revisited—A Dialogic as Well as Dialectic Imagination. Tunghai Journal, College of Arts (37), 37, 173-182.
Steven Chen 陳順龍 (1995.07). On the Carnivalistic Nature of Ben Jonson’s Volpone. Tunghai Journal, College of Arts (36), 36, 29-37.
Steven Chen 陳順龍 (1994.07). You Are What You Eat—An Anatomy of Ben Jonson’s Food-coated Didacticism in Volpone. Tunghai Journal, College of Arts (35), 35(35), 165-182.
4筆資料 more...
Shun-lung Chen (2013.10). Nostalgia as a Moving Orchard: On Food Imagery in Li-Young Lee's Poems. Paper presented at 2013年遷徙與記憶 國際研討會, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 國立中山大學人文研究中心.
Shun-lung Chen (2013.10). On a Pilgrimage He and She Went: The Knight and the
Prioress As a Declining Symbol of Courtly and Religious Control. Paper presented at The 7th Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association
of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 彰化教育大學: 台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興協會.
Shun-lung Chen (2013.04). Americanism and Japanese Post-Colonial Influence on Taiwan:On Zhenho Wang’s Portraits of Beauties/Americana (Mei Ren-tu). Paper presented at ACAH Conference 2013, Osaka, Japan: IAFOR.
Steven Chen 陳順龍(2007.03)。2007,3/23 亞洲大學研討會發表論文--徘徊在詩與歌之間 : 以英語流行歌曲激發學生對英美詩的學習動力。論文發表於2007 International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching,台中霧峰:亞洲大學應用外語系。
(2002.07). 中、英文雙語版詩集,「春天染坊-Spring, the Fuller
Shop」. 台北: 台北書林書局. (ISBN:9575869613)