Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Li-Han Kao* (2024.12). Managerial overconfidence and investment efficiency: Perspective of diversifiable risk. Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 36(4), 137-172.
11筆資料 more...
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*, Chao-Chun Chen(陳昭君) (2022.12). Investment under uncertainty: The perspective of earnings quality. Journal of Financial Studies, 30(4), 65-104.
Chao-Chun Chen(陳昭君), Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)* (2022.12). Investment under Uncertainty: The Effect of Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance. Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies, 12(2), 139-184.
Chao-Chun Chen(陳昭君)* and Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉) (2022.08). Violations of put-call parity, index return predictability, and trading performance: Evidence from the Taiwan index options market. Journal of Futures and Options, 15(2), 1-37.
陳珮瀅、陳家偉、張哲嘉*(2022.02)。董事兼任與責任險的相關性研究。當代會計,23 (S),97-133。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉) and Hunghua Pan* (2020.08). How do stock-for-stock acquirers manage earnings? The accruals feature of real earnings management. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16(2), 1-16.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Li-Han Kao*, Hsin-Yu Chen (2018.10). How Does Real Earnings Management Affect the Value of Cash Holdings? Comparisons between Information and Agency Perspectives. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 51, 47-64.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*, Chia-Wei Chen(陳家偉) (2018.01). Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and the Trade-off between Real and Accrual-based Earnings Management. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 25(1-2), 199-217.
Li-Kai Liao*, Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Wei Wang, Jiao-Hui Yang (2017.11). Asymmetric Responses to Cash Flow News: A Comparison of Korean and Taiwan Stock Markets. Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, 8, 119-137.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chia-Wei Chen(陳家偉), Pei-ying Chen(陳珮瀅), Yuwei Wang(王有惟) (2016.12). Directors’ Liability Insurance and the Value of Cash. Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies, 6(2), 81-114.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)* (2016.08). Earnings Quality in Stock-for-stock Mergers: The Perspective of Timely Loss Recognition. Journal of Valuation, 10, 67-91.
18筆資料 more...
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Li-Han Kao*(2024.11)。Managerial overconfidence and investment efficiency: Perspective of diversifiable risk。論文發表於2024 中華會計教育學會年會 - 永續報導新紀元,新北市三峽區:中華會計教育學會、國立臺北大學會計學系、財團法人會計研究發展基金會。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*(2024.11)。Director expertise and fair value accounting。論文發表於2024 中華會計教育學會年會 - 永續報導新紀元,新北市三峽區:中華會計教育學會、國立臺北大學會計學系、財團法人會計研究發展基金會。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*, Ya-Hui Lin, Hunghua Pan(2023.11)。How does fair value accounting affect risk management for directors and officers?。論文發表於交大會計合作論壇暨第五屆學術年會,線上會議:交大會計合作論壇組委會。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)* (2021.11). Investment under uncertainty: The perspective of earnings quality. Paper presented at 2021中華會計教育學會年會—後疫情資訊溝通科技之會計審計變革國際研討會
Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference- Accounting and Auditing in Pandemic and ICT Era, 新北市: 中華會計教育學會、臺北大學會計學系、International Association for Accounting Education & Research.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*, Li-Han Kao (2020.11). The impacts of directors' relationship, background, and busyness on corporate credit rating. Paper presented at 2020 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference, 台北市: 東吳大學會計學系、中華會計教育學會.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)* (2019.12). Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and investment efficiency: The perspective of real options. Paper presented at 2019中華會計教育學會年會, 台北市: 國立臺灣大學會計學系、中華會計教育學會.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Hsin-Yi Huang(黃馨儀), Hunghua Pan(潘虹華)* (2019.05). Investment and volatility: The role of directors’ and officers’ liability insurance. Paper presented at 2019 European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Paphos (帕福斯): European Accounting Association (EAA).
Li-Han Kao*, Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Ying-Chen Chen (2017.12). The Comparisons for the Speed of Capital Structure Adjustments across Time Variance and Leverage Trend. Paper presented at 2017 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference & 2017 Asian Accounting Associations Conference, 台北: 文化大學會計系、中華會計教育學會.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Li-Han Kao*, Hsin-Yu Chen (2017.12). How Does Real Earnings Management Affect the Value of Cash Holdings? Comparisons between Information and Agency Perspectives. Paper presented at 2017 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference & 2017 Asian Accounting Associations Conference, 台北: 文化大學會計系、中華會計教育學會.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉)*, Hunghua Pan(潘虹華) (2016.08). Earnings Quality in Stockforstock
Mergers. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, New York, NY: the American Accounting Association.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Hunghua Pan(潘虹華) (2015.12). Earnings Quality in Stock-for-stock Mergers. Paper presented at 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 國立成功大學: 中華會計教育學會、國立成功大學.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chan-Jane Lin (2015.04). Corporate Diversification and Real Activities Manipulation. Paper presented at 2015 European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Glasgow: European Accounting Association.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chan-Jane Lin(2014.10)。Corporate Diversification and Real Activities Manipulation。論文發表於2014 ACCOUNTING THEORY AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE,台北:中華會計教育學會等。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chia-Wei Chen(陳家偉)(2014.10)。Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and the Trade-Off between Real Earnings Management and Accrual-Based Earnings Management。論文發表於2014 ACCOUNTING THEORY AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE,台北:中華會計教育學會等。
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chan-Jane Lin (2012.08). Inefficient Cross-subsidization and Conditional Conservatism. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, WASHINGTON, DC, USA: the American Accounting Association.
Che-Chia Chang(張哲嘉), Chan-Jane Lin(2011.12)。Inefficient Cross-subsidization and Conditional Conservatism。論文發表於2011會計理論與實務研討會,國立政治大學:中華會計教育學會、國立政治大學會計學系。